☁Tired cuddles💔

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Requested by danny_annie!

Thank you for the idea, i loved it!

Modern AU

Giyuu's pov:

I was sitting down on the couch, waiting for Sabi to come home while watching an anime Mitsuri and Uzui recommended to me. It was called 'Yarichin Bitch club' which was an odd name..

Shinobu did advise me not to watch it... But i want to know why Mitsuri and Uzui like this anime. I want to be friends with them, and tanjiro told me that i need to know what they like so we can have a topic of conversation.

Although, he did also say that i was already friends with them... I'm still not entirely sure on how to know if someone is a friend.

I was humming the catchy opening song while the drops of rain poured down outside.

I guess i was kind of worried about Sabito... But i gave him an umbrella and he also has his car.

There was a moment of silence as only the anime and rain could be heard, that was until i heard the front door open.

I quickly turned off the anime as i ran over towards sabito, haopy that he was home. I don't usually come up to him like this, but he's been having some rough days at work and tanjiro said that it's nice to be greeted by someone when you get home.

I immediately hugged Sabiand gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, but instead of hugging me back however, he just pushed me aside.

"I'm not in the mood right now giyuu..." He sighed as put his bag down, leaving his soaking umbrella outside. Sabito then takes his shoes off, placing them messily by the door and walking off.

I stood there for a moment. He never ignores my hugs and he usually calls me cheesy nicknames.

He must be really tired today... Lately he's been having to work late because the team manager is terrible. Or so he says-

I walk after him, but stop at the entrance of the kitchen to watch from afar as he makes himself some 2 minute noodles. I slowly start to walk next to him, but stop midway as i hear a grunt.

"Are you okay!?" I ask as i run up to him, my voice filled with worry. Did he hurt himself?...

"I'm fine, i just burnt myself." Sabito says as he puts down the boiling kettle and lets his noodles sit.

I take his hand and examine the burn. it looks like it hurt quite a bit.... "You should run this under cold wa-"

"JUST SCREW OFF. I'm fine." Sabito snarls as he snatches his hand back, making me flinch...

He's never yelled like that at me... I could tell he was even close to swearing at me. I should just leave him alone...

"I-I'll go.." I say as i quickly bow before running to our room.

Sabito's pov:

I watch as Giyuu runs off. I was stunned.

"I didn't mean to yell..." I mumble as i curse to myself. It also doesn't help that his sister had been in an accident. He's been... Emotional ever since.

I walk after him and go to softly knock on our bedroom door. However, i pause when i hear faint sniffles.

I sigh as i gently open the door.


I see giyuu, sitting in the corner of our room, wrapped in a blanked while... Crying. I slowly and quietly walk up to Giyuu, trying not to startle him.

"Yuyu, I'm sorry for shouting..." I say as i kneel infront of him.

He doesn't respond.. So i sat beside him, wraping my arms around his shoulder and torso.

I heard a sniffle as giyuu looked up at me.

"You're sleeping on the couch."

I look down in defeat.



Sorry it's a bit short😔

But yknow the saying, short and sweet! Or short and bitter... Yea, I'm looking at you obanai.

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