🥀Arranged marriage Pt. 2🥀

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Royal AU


Why were they doing this... Why to her... Why to me? I don't want to do this anymore...

It hurts. It hurts a lot. We don't deserve this. Why are we the ones who have to go through this?

Please stop... No more. I feel dizzy and sick... She says I'm ill.

She also said it will be alright, I'll get better. I trust her. She would never lie to me.

The boy sat up from the cold stone floor. He crawled over to his sister and nudged her softly.

"What are you doing up?" She whispers, patting his head.

"It's cold..." The young boy replied. His sister smiled in response before sitting up and hugging him. The warmth from his sister brought both comfort and reassurance as she softly hummed a tune. A tune in which made the young boy fall asleep immediately.

It was soon interrupted by footsteps approaching.

The door had opened, revealing two men, the taller one had long platinum hair, while the smaller one had unique pink hair.

"My, my, aren't you two adorable?" The taller one says as he crouches infront of them. The girl doesn't give a response. Instead she softly wakes her brother up.

"Hurry up..." The pink haired one says, seemingly uncomfortable.

Both the children stand up and follow them, holding each others hands tightly, bare feet walking on the cold, rough stone. Their clothes were decent, and they always were fed on time, but they never got a blanket. They were forced to sleep on the cold stone.

Sometimes one of them would secretly give them a blanket, but they would have to take it back before they get checked up on by someone else. They were presumably doing it in secret, although it was somewhat funny seeing as 3 different people would do it. The pink haired guy, a celery haired woman and a man with long hair that was tinted red.

They were the only somewhat nice people...

Again... Didn't we already do this a few hours ago? Or was that yesterday... She's been telling me to rest a lot so i can't remember.

The children sat on the two chairs as both of the men began to prepare. The goal was uncertain to everyone but the one conducting the experiments.

So far, they were failing terribly... A few of their lab rats had already died and others were sick. Most of these cases were in different locations, seeing as their current location was in a cellar underneath an old abandoned house.

"I'll go get him... You get the other stuff needed" the pink man says before leaving, the blonde soon after.

That was the moment of truth. The girl grabbed her brothers hand before bolting out of the room, not stopping for anything. They ran fast. Avoiding anyone and everyone until they were at the front door.

Are we... Free?

Suddenly, there were a mass amount of footsteps. The girl thought fast as she stuffed her little brother into a cabinet in a table, hushing him as she smiled warmly and put a finger to her mouth.

"Be free, i love you Giyuu" She said, kissing him on the cheek and closing the door.

Knowing full well that she wouldn't make it... She opened the front door, making it seem like her brother had escaped before looking back.

The moment she did, four people emerged from the dark hallway. One wore a white lab coat, his eyes were a bloody red and his hair was jet black.

The man in the coat walked swiftly over to the girl and grabbed her by the wrist before throwing her against the wall next to where Giyuu was hiding.

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