🍃Sick Day pt.1🍃

503 14 18

I'm sick, so i made giyuu sick to make me feel superior.

No one's pov:

"Sabito... It's too late for me... Burn my body"

Giyuu says weakly as he lay in bed. He was pale and the room smelt of sickness.

"No... Giyuu... How could i?"

Sabito's eyes tear up as he holds Giyuu's burning yet cold hand.

Shinobu stood there, a... Calm... Smile on her face as she stared at the two. She doesn't get paid enough for dealing with this.

"He's not dying. Tomioka just has a cold from playing in the water."

"I wasn't playing, i was training."

Giyuu immediately corrects Shinobu, making her sigh. Her sister didn't die for this.

"I see, You have very... Lax... Training sessions"

She smirks as Sabito turns to Shinobu. His eyes seemed as if he were a Chihuahua about to bark up a storm at the harmless butterfly.

"You're not helping Kocho!"

"Dear, I'm not here to help"

Shinobu keeps up her normal smile, hiding how much she hated having to put up with this damn bullshit. That was a doctor for you.

"Then why are you here?"

Cough! Cough!

Giyuu interrupts, sounding like a poor sickly boy... Who had serious issues.

"Just here to give Tomioka some medicine!"

She gives Giyuu a small bag with six little sachets with medicine in them. Along with instructions on how to use, with pictures... She learnt to add them after last time.

"I thought you said you weren't here to help?"

Shinobu smiles, looking down at sabito teasingly.

"Did i say that? Well, i meant i wasn't here to help you. I wouldn't want poor tomioka to become some demon's dinner"

The two rivals glare at each other. Still fighting about who was Giyuu's best friend... As always.

"There should be enough medicine to last you the next two days at least. Take the medicine at breakfast, lunch and dinner. No less than 4 hours between, Okay?"

Giyuu nods, pretending like he was listening as 95% of his attention was on the funny looking wall.

Now, this wasn't just any other wall. This wall was apart of what held up Giyuu's mansion. Such a strong capable wall...

It was textured, but not so textured to make it feel rough to the touch. No, no. It was far more than that! A soothing gentle roughness of the wood and subtle feel. Along with a muted color to soothe the eyes...

Giyuu wanted to thank whoever made this stunning work of art... To the guardian of the wall, he wanted to ask for blessing. This wall had been through thick and thin for giyuu. Giving him shelter from harsh storms but also protecting him from mean dogs...

This wall was such a great listener too... Everything giyuu wanted.


Sabito snapped his fingers, bringing Giyuu back from his ill trance.

"Were you listening Giyuu?"


Giyuu nods, trying to play it off before noticing shinobu was gone. Wait, what?

"Where did-"

"The butterfly left."

Sabito sighs, handing giyuu a spoonful of rice water, with a few rice grains. It was the easiest thing for giyuu to eat right now.

Lucky for sabito, who often had to deal with giyuu refusing medicine, had mixed the medicine into giyuu's food. Shinobu probably also knew this, which is why she gave him a powder.

Sabito was both thankful and annoyed. The rivalry continues.

"Eat up, and get better soon"

Sabito smiles softly as he spoon feeds giyuu like he was a baby.

"I can eat it on my own-"

Giyuu was in the middle of protesting when sabito kindly shoved the spoon into his mouth. But it was fine because he had a pretty smile.

"Just let me feed you, okay?"

He beams, not giving any regard to giyuu's opinion as he continues. Giyuu just looked too adorable with Sabito spoon feeding him! He couldn't help it.

As sabito fed Giyuu, his 7th sense, the Giyuu-needs-something detector, buzzed as Giyuu coughed.

"I'll go make you some hot tea, don't you dare get up!"

Sabito bolted out of the room. If this were a cartoon, there'd be a puff of smoke and a Sabito shaped hole in the wall next to the door.

"I just coughed..."

Giyuu stares at where sabito was sitting five seconds ago before looking at the door where he left.

"I shouldn't trust him near the kitchen..."

He sighs as he eats his food, which wad made by Shinobu before she had left.

'I should pay her back... How much does it cost though?' Giyuu's inner thoughts try to math, but as a result his head begins to ache as he lays back down after finishing his food.

"I'M BA- I'm back..."

Sabito corrects his volume after seeing giyuu laying down. He quietly walked in with some tea... Although Giyuu wouldn't trust it as far as he could throw it right now... Which wasn't very far considering he was so sick he felt too weak to stand.

Giyuu, after hearing Sabito's voice, and the smell of shitty tea... Had pretended to be passed out asleep.

Sabito smiled softly as he sat down by giyuu's bed, admiring his soft black hair as he lay with his back turned to Sabito.


The entire room froze as giyuu's eyes widened.

"Sabito, you...."

There was a long silence.

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