🍃Christmas Special🍃

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Sorry for being inactive for a while, my mum had to go to hospital and only returned home a few days ago, I've been taking care of her.
Thank you for having patience! It means a lot💖

Requested by Strawb3rryF0xy, enjoy!

Modern AU

Giyuu pov:

I yawn as i open my eyes slightly, only to screw them shut again. "Sabi... why would you open the curtains..." i whine as i cover myself in our fluffy blanket.

"Because it's Christmas!~" i hear him chuckle as he closes the curtains.

"Is that some kind of drug? I'm not interested" i say glaring at him. This is the first Christmas we'll be spending together as a married couple. My first thoughts are... i hate it.

I hmph in annoyance as Sabito lifts me from my comfortable position and carries me into our lounge room. He then sets me down on the floor, i look at him for a moment before realising that he wants me to take off my precious blanket.

"No." I say as i shake my head in disapproval.

"Fineeee, but at least close your eyes? I have a gift i think you'll really love!" We look at each other for a moment until i give in. I close my eyes as i hear him run off. A moment later, he comes back.

"You can open your eyes my love~" i blush at the nickname before opening my eyes. I'm shocked for a moment, but i then jump out of the blankets and hug the small kitten that WAS in sabito's hands.

"Do you like it?" He asks as the kitten mewls in my arms.

I nodd vigorously as i start to give the kitten small pecks on it's tiny head. Sabito chuckles as he kisses my forehead.

"What do you plan on naming him?" Sabito asks, in his slightly jealous tone.


"Wait- but that's my nickname!-"

"Not anymore" i say as i lift the kitten and kiss it's forehead. In return, it mewls adorably.

"But it's really cute when you moan sabi–" as soon as he finishes that sentence i hit him with a pillow.

"Don't listen to him baby, He's a dumbass" i say to little sabi. I then remember something.

"Oh, i almost forgot about your gift-" i say before getting up.

"Is it the fox in the bathroom wearing the little red sweater?" Sabito asks and i look at him blankly.

"I didn't hide him very well did i?-"

"I heard him scratching the door and there were sounds coming from inside" he explains as the fox comes running in.

"You'd be the first to die in a horror movie." I say bluntly before sitting back down.

"Will it be death by your thighs–" i throw another pillow at him. I then smile slightly before placing little sabi on my lap as the fox trots over to me.

The fox then wraps itself around me as if it were spooning me. It was adorable... I'm adopting both of them as my children.

"What the hell–" i look at Sabito, who's currently making that face he makes when he's lonely and wants attention... Or to fuck-

I ignore him and start petting my precious furry babies..

Suddenly the door slams open and a familiar voice is heard.


I turn to see a short ass mofo and Rengoku. Meanwhile sabi climbs ontop of my shoulder and sits on it.

Badass bug bitch- ahem., i mean Shinobu and rengoku both melt as they see my precious children.

"Kyaa! Tomioka san, when did you get these little cuties?~" Shinobug says as she crouches down and lets the fox.

"I've had them for less than a day and if anything happens to them I'll kill myself."

"Tomioka- i don't think that's the meme-"

"Does it look like i was joking Rengoku?" I stare deep into his soul as he starts to get even more concerned.

"What did i say about making these jokes Giyuu..." Sabito says after sighing.

"You said not to, while i said over my dead body."

"You really depressed as fucc bro" Shinobu says making an odd face.

"I think we need another therapy sessio—"

"WHO SUMMONED ME" Uzui crashes through the door shouting very loud... Sending the door flying.

"Literally no one" Sabito says as he removes my babies from me and places me in his lap.

"Uzui we probably should have kno-"

"SHUT UP GENYA, KNOCKING IS FOR DUMBASSES." Just as Sanemi said that, the door bounced off of the wall and hit him in the face, winking as it completely misses genya.

"Says the dumbass" Muichiro says as he takes genya's hand and steps on sanemi before entering.

I cuddle up to Sabito as Sabi sits back in his box, trying to avoid everyone. Meanwhile muichiro and Genya sit down on our couch.

"Oh, are we trying to make shinobu feel single?" Muichiro asks before moving his position to genya's lap as genya blushes.

"What a nice idea!" Uzui says as he sits in rengoku's lap, causing rengoku to basically suffocate.

"You two ain't even together-" shinobu says, looking at uzui and rengoku.

"Not yet! He's gonna be my 4th wife~"

"Never in a million years!" Rengoku says smiling.

"But you know the veiwers want this~" As soon as Uzui said that, rengoku threw him off of him. In that moment, the door that killed sanemi sprung back up and did an epic somersault before landing flat on uzui's 4th wall breaking pectorals.

"Dumbazz" Muichiro says.

"M-Merry Christmas ~~" were Uzui's final words.


God dammit uzui.

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