💔Entertainment District Pt.2☁

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Requested by Smiley_MMO, i really liked the scar idea :)



Before Anyone could notice, Sabito snuck back to the room and awaited for Giyuu's arrival.

Once Giyuu opened the door and entered, Sabito immediately shut the door behind him.

"So what did you..." Sabito began as he inspected Giyuu. When he did however, he saw hickeys on his neck and his makeup was a bit ruined along with his hair...

"Giyuu... What exactly happened?..." Sabito was really annoyed now. Did someone touch Giyuu in a way he hasn't even done yet?

"Calm down, the client was initially taking me out for that reason but he never actually got far." Giyuu began explaining.

"He started touching me and giving me hickeys and i got really uncomfortable so i knocked him out, and when he woke up i told him that we did it. He believed me since i had messed up my appearance a bit" Sabito looked at Giyuu in awe, His lover was really smart.

Sabito hugged Giyuu and gave him a peck on the lips. "Im glad it didn't go too far... But I'm still upset he had the audacity to do that." Sabito looked at the hickeys.

"The only person who can go far with me is you.." Giyuu said as he snuggled into Sabito.

. . . . .

Sabito blushed for a moment before he smiled and kissed giyuu's forehead.

After a while, they finally broke the hug.

That was when Giyuu had finally noticed that sabito wasn't wearing his disguise. The problem with that was that they could both hear footsteps walking towards their door.

"Quickly! Go stuff some cotton in your robe or something-"

Luckily, Sabito had enough time to hide behind a paper screen when there was a knock on their door.

Giyuu fixed himself up a bit and walked towards it as sabito quickly stuffed some cotton down his robe so he could at least look like a woman.

When giyuu opened the door, he was met with a kind looking girl who carried a tray of tea.

"Excuse me... I saw you go out with a client and... This is for you! I'm sorry that this happened to you!" She daid as she offered him the tray and bowed deeply.

Giyuu was touched that she'd even go out of her way to bring some tea to help him calm down.

"T-thank you..." He said in his graceful female voice. As giyuu was about to take the tray, Sabito appeared behind him.

When the kind girl saw him she squealed and dropped the tray. Luckily Giyuu caught it, but some hot tea did spill on his hand causing him to wince at the pain.

"Y-Your face- what happened to it!?-" she said, shocked.

Sabito lifed his hand up to his face before realizing that he didn't have any make up on to hide his scar.

"W-wait!-" Sabito said, but she girl ran off without looking back.

Some curious girls, who heard the squeal, walked up to the door and stood in shockas they all saw sabito's face...

They gasped and began to mumble...

Sabito tried his best to hide his scar qith his hand as he looked down to the floor...

Giyuu put the tray to the side before quickly closing the door and running over to sabito.

Sabito was in shock. It wasn't that they saw, he didn't really care about that. It was the fact that they looked so horrified and mumbled to each other...

"Sabi. Sabi. Look at me..." Giyuu said in a soft tone as he cupped sabito's face with his hands.

Sabito hesitantly looked into Giyuu's beautiful eyes... He felt calmer just looking at his lover's face.

However, it was like sabito couldn't hear him... The mumbles of the other women began to repeat loudly in his head, making him screw his eyes shut.

"Sabi!" Giyuu kept on repeating his name, but it never worked...

Suddenly, Sabito felt a soft touch on his scar. He'd felt this touch many times before, but this braught him back to his senses. He could feel the love and how worrid his dearest was as giyuu kept on planting kisses on sabito's scar.

"Giyuu..." Sabito mumbled.

"I'm here..." Giyuu said in reply as he gave sabito one final kiss on the lips. "And i always will be." He gave sabito a smile. One that made him feel safe, Loved, and protected.

Suddenly, the door slid open causing them to jump and back away from eachother slightly. When they both looked at the door, they saw the married possibly turned lesbian looking at them with the same girl that braught tea.

Instead of saying anything she bowed, causing sabito and giyuu to look at her in shock.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that" she said as she bowed lower.

Sabito looked at her and smiled slightly.

"It's fine.. Everyone gets surprised when they see my face..." Sabito says in his female voice, making giyuu blush.

The girl bows once more before excusing herself.

However, the boss lady closes the door and leaves without a noise.




The next day however, all the girls avoided Sabito, not that they talked to him much before...

The good thing was that Tengen had come to take them out for a bit.... Aka thirdwheel as sabito and giyuu had fun on their date.

When they left, they got quite a few stares. It's not every day that you see a handsome man with two women by his side after all!... At least it's not wvery day that you see a man as handsome as tengen.

After about 30 minutes, uzui got tired of the two basically flirting even though they were just talking qbout what life was like. Boomers.

"You two go somewhere and meet back here in an 2 hours, I'm going to go check up on some things" Uzui said, clearly not wanting to 3rd wheel anymore.

Giyuu nods as sabito smiles.

"Cya!" Sabito says, before running off to somewhere private with giyuu. Giyuu waving at uzui as he waves back, glad to get rid of them for 2 hours.

Sabito was now speed walking towards soemwhere.

"Where are we-"

"You'll see" sabito cuts giyuu off, making giyuu sigh.

When they got to an an empty alleyway, giyuu sat on a sturdy box as Sabito stood close infront of him.

"Now we're somewhere private~" Sabito coos as he wraps his arms around Giyuu's waist.

"So we can discuss the demon..." Giyuu says.

Sabito stayed silent while he looks at giyuu with a.. Suggestive face.



Hope you liked it😇✨

although ngl, i feel like it's a bit lacking...

Then again, I'm just getting back into writing after a long break..

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