Chapter 19

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Tara POV
After the brunch date Klaus took me to a lake nearby. I was a little nervous but Klaus just smiled and held my hand. Once we were both on the boat Klaus began to row. I looked down at the water to see my face crying in the reflection. I looked more closely to see my normal reflection.

"Are you okay" Klaus asked.
I looked back at Klaus.
I smiled "of course."
"So what's your favorite color?" I asked Klaus.
There was silence for a minute.
"No one's ever asked me that question" Klaus said.
"I don't know".
" Well, I think your favorite color is black."
"I guess it is ."

We both smiled at each other and I looked away. While coming back to shore I saw a baby turtle in the water. I leaned over the boat to pet it when I fell in.
"TARA" Klaus yelled. He jumped off the boat and grabbed me.
I started laughing when I realized I could stand up in the water. " My hero" I said.

I threw water on Klaus. His face changed from worry to mischievous. We played in the water for a while until Klaus grabbed my hips pulling me close to him. I held his shoulders. Klaus looked me in the eyes and than my lips. Klaus leaned in to kiss me but my mind was telling me not to.

I gently pushed against his chest and walked back up shore. Klaus followed me pulling the boat. By the time we got back to the car the sun had set. We got back in the car and drove away in silence.

Klaus POV

I thought we were getting closer. Today had been amazing. I realized that I needed to take things slow. I continued driving until I heard Tara speak.
"Klaus can we stop here," Tara asked.
I looked over at the big yellow "M" sign coming toward us.
"Are you sure? I can take you to any restaurant you want".

She looked at me with puppy eyes. I smiled and pulled into the parking lot. I parked and we both got out. I came around to Tara's side of the car to see her shivering. I walked to the back of the trunk and got out my jacket. I helped Tara put it on. She grabbed my hand and we walked into the building.

I looked at the menu while Tara ordered. After she ordered the lady looked me up and down. Her face looked irritated.
"Klaus just order something. I think you will like the Mchicken meal" Tara said.
I was about to speak to the lady when a man behind me began to yell.
"Hurry up man. Pick something so I can order."
My fist was balled up and I was about to kill this fat guy. Until Tara held my balled-up fist with her tiny soft ones.

"He will have the Mchicken meal."
"That will be $10.55" the cashier lady said.
We walked away with our drinks and sat down at a table.
"Such a rude bastard. I should show him what patients is.
Tara had put her hand on mine. I looked from the man to her.
"Klaus you can't solve all of your issues with fighting.
"Promise me you won't fight anymore."
"For you love anything."

Klaus heard the lady say our order number and grabbed our food. We ate our food while talking. After we left McDonald's Klaus helped me into the car and we drove off. I turned on the radio looking for a channel until I heard my favorite song.

"Hello from the other s ----ide"
I looked at Klaus while I continued singing. Klaus looked at me grinning.
"I must of gone a thousand time----s. To tell you I'm sorry."
I grabbed Klaus's shoulder while looking in his eyes.
"For breaking your heart.And won't matter clearly. They tear you apart".

Once the song ended the car was stopped at a light and Klaus looked over at me. He clapped his hand while smiling.
"Amazing, Amazing" Klaus said.
I faked bowed and started laughing.
"Youre beautiful in every way. Your voice is angelic" Klaus said while holding my hand. My heart began to race and my face became hot.

"Thx" I said sheepishly.
After a while I had let go of Klaus hand. I covered my hand with his over size hoodie sleeve. I put my head of the window seal and drifted off to sleep.

Klaus POV

Tara had let go of my hand and fell asleep. I lowered the music and continued driving to the house. Once we got there I parked the car and went over to Tara side. I slowly opened the door and her head landed in my hands. I gently touched her cheek, holding her face while taking off her seat belt. I carried her bridal style up the stairs and into our room. I removed her shoes and covered her with the blankets.

Her body moved into the soft white pillow. Once I knew she was comfortable . I went to take a shower. I came out and Tara was still sleep. I dried off with my white towel. I grabbed my boxer and quickly put them on. I got into bed and Spooned Tara. I fell asleep feeling the warmth of Tara's body.

So how do we feel about Klaus and Tara's relationship now?
Hello everyone I know you've seen the updates. I've been trying to get better at my editing and grammar. Please continue to read and enjoy my book. Like and comment!

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