Chapter 61

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Klaus POV
I groaned feeling the light come through the room. I looked at Tara sprawled with a sheet half-covering her face away from me. I smirked thinking about last night.

We had sex in almost every room. On the island in the kitchen, the stairs, the floor in our room, and finally the bed. Tara eventually passed out. I realized I would need to make her exercise to keep up with my stamina.

I pulled the sheets off my body stretching. I went to the bathroom to do my business and went downstairs to find my clothes. I got to the kitchen where I picked up my pants slipping them on. I grabbed the keys from out of the living room and headed to the car.

Tara POV
I sat up groaning looking beside me to see an empty body print on the bed. "Klaus" I called out. I rubbed my messy bed hair out of my face gripping the sheet to my body as I got up. Slowly with a limp, I walked to the door.

I continued going down the hallway to the steps. I slid the door to go outside. "KLAUS" I called out looking around.

Klaus POV
While holding our bags I heard Tara yell for me. I quickly jogged to the entrance of the house. "Hey," I said looking at her in a sheet. "Let's go inside," I said while holding our bags. "Let me help you with those" Tara tried taking a bag for me. "I got it" I smiled.

Once we were inside I dropped the bags and closed the door. "I was wondering where you were," Tara said looking up at me. "Just getting the bags," I said grabbing both sides of her face. "Why does it seem like every time I wake up you're gone" she pouted. "So you like waking up to me"I smirked.

"Of course, I want to wake up to my husband" she smiled. I was in awe of this woman. I kissed her lips holding her head. "Klaus" she she pushed my chest back. "Why don't you go put on some clothes while I make us some breakfast". "Alright," she said.

Elijah POV
"Abomination" the words kept replaying in my head as I punched Jackson. Jackson punched me making me stumble back. "Alright," I said waving my hand for a time-out. "What is going with you're head buddy" Jackson questioned.

"Have you ever wanted something so bad but you know you never take it away from that person" I looked up at him drinking my water. Jackson wiped his face with a towel "How do you think I ended up with Hayley". "That's true" I laughed.

"You love her. Don't you" Jackson said to me sitting down. I glanced at him and looked away. "You do," he said. "Well why won't you do anything" he questioned. "My brother is finally happy. She's changed him". "He's happy but is she" he nudged me. "No not truly" I glanced over at him. "Well there you go. You can take her from him. If a woman isn't truly happy with a man it will never work out" Jackson smiled.

Jackson was part of a werewolf pack that was part of the quarter deal. Since meeting with each other over different things that needed to be fixed with the vampires and werewolves. We became friends and Haely his wife. I introduced them at one of those meetings.

From talking to him I realized my brother should be happy but not with the woman I love who is not truly happy with him.

Tara's POV
I got out of the shower and looked through the suitcase Rebekah had packed for me. I took out a pair of blue jean shorts and a green crop tank. Once I was done I looked in the mirror at my I kept hair. Luckily Rebekah prepares all the proper hair stuff.

I grabbed some gel and brushed my hair into a ponytail. I looked into the long floor-length mirror for one last look. I went downstairs taking a deep breath smelling something refreshing.

"Klaus," I said glancing at his back turned towards the stove. He turned around with a pink bunny apron. "Omg," I began laughing. "What" Klaus questioned plating the food. "Nothing. You just look so cute".

"Stop laughing at me and come eat," he said. I sat on one of the stools looking at the food. "You know how to make Thai food," I asked surprised. "I know how to make a lot of things".

"There was curry, steamed fish, and fried rice".
Klaus sat down next to me feeling up a bowl of rice and both our bowls. I took a piece of steamed fish and tasted it. "" I mumbled. "Take your time," he said.

"This is so good," I said covering my mouth. "I'm glad you like it. Here eat some more" Klaus said scooping up some curry onto a spoon.

"It's really hot but this is good too" I smiled. Klaus wiped some curry juice off the corner of my mouth. "After you get done eating I was thinking we could go site seeing". "That sounds great," I said with a mouth full of food.

Sorry, readers I've gotten the flu so there only be one chapter updated today. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! While waiting for more updates please look at some of my other stories like  "The Crazed Man"!Please vote it encourages me to write more.

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