Chapter 1: A New Start

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Welcome to my first ever wattpad story!! Warning now it is a lot and there is smut. Hope you enjoy, please leave comments, ideas and etc. This story is based off of real events(I wish) but they are based off of my thoughts. anyways...Happy Reading!!

😩=smut in the chapter

Mindi is the main character, she's married to Daniel Romano and together they have 6 children: Milly, Jaini, Archer, Addison, Gideon, and Vada. Here's the story of Mindi's adult life...

  Today is the first day of school for the kids and for Mindi starting her new job as a counselor at the high school she went to as a teenager.

"Kids breakfast is ready ! " shouted Mindi. "Coming mom !" her children shouted back. Mindi, Daniel, and their 6 children all have a seat at the table and begin eating their breakfast.

   "Who's s excited for their first day of school?" Daniel asked. Me Me Me! the younger ones shouted, "I'm actually quite nervous for my first day of high school" said the oldest, Milly. "I bet you will do just fine, her dad said with a smile. "

   "Eat up children we have got to get to school on time, we don't want to be late on your first day, Mindi says." The children finished eating, grabbed their bags and headed out to the car, ready to leave for school.

   As Daniel gets ready to leave for work he gives all the children hugs and kisses as they head to their mother's car, and he gives Mindi a goodbye kiss as they all leave for their day. Mindi drove the younger kids to their school and then Milly and her headed off to the high school.

     As Mindi and her daughter, Milly arrive at their first day of school, they get out of the car and walk into the school straight to Mindi's new office. "Good morning and welcome to your first day" said a voice from behind them. Noni Lindsey! shouts Milly as she gave her a big warm and welcome hug.

   "Hello my darling are you excited for your first day?" Lindsey asked her. "I'm actually quite nervous"Milly replied. "I think you will have a great first day of high school" Lindsey said.

   *Bell Rings* "Have a good day I love you" Mindi said to Milly and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Love you too Mom" Milly said. Milly headed upstairs to her homeroom and sat down. "Let me show you your new office" Lindsey said to Mindi.

   "It's very uhm- said Mindi. "You can always paint it if want and hang up some decorations and put up some pictures of the kids like I did in my office" Lindsey said. Anyways make yourself at home and have a great first day Lindsey said as she smiled and went to her own office." Mindi started to rearrange her office to how she liked it.

         -Upstairs in Milly's homeroom-

    "Welcome to your first day of high school says Milly's homeroom teacher. My name is Mrs.Norris and I will be your homeroom and math teacher for the rest of this year. It's very possible that I might have had some of your parents in school said Mrs.Norris. I'm now going to pass out your schedules for this year Mrs.Norris said."

   As Mrs.Norris passed out the schedules she got to Milly, "you look very familiar, who are your parents?" she asked. "Mindi Spencer-Romano and Daniel Romano"Milly replied.

   "Oh yes I had your mom and dad in my class, can't believe they're married and you look just like your mom" she replied. "My mom is actually starting here today as the other counselor" Milly said. "Really? perhaps I'll have to say hello" said Mrs.Norris. "I bet she would love that" Milly smiled. Mrs.Norris smiled back and continued to pass out the rest of the schedules.

   *Bell Rings For First Period* "Everyone have a great first day and ask for help if you need it" Mrs.Norris said. As Milly walks to her first class a girl walked beside her and said, "well if it isn't Millicent Forbes Romano." Milly turned her head to see who it is. Sure enough it was her best friend Anne LeClaire.

   "Anne!" Milly shouted in excitement and hugged her. Anne smiled and asked Milly what her first period is. History, Milly replied. "We have first period together!" shouted Anne. They walk to first period together, sat down beside each other and started to chat about their summer.

              -Later That Same Day-

    Lindsey pops into Mindi's office and asks her if she wants to help her pass out some papers to all of the teachers. "Sure! why not I don't have anything better to do" Mindi replied. The two grabbed the papers from the printer and started up the stairs. They start in the math hall, starting with Mrs.Norris.

   As they walk in she has no class at the time. "Well if it isn't Mindi Spencer or Spencer-Romano as I should say now and Lindsey Romano" said Tess (Mrs.Norris) with a smile on her face. "Nice to see you guys." She gives both Mindi and Lindsey a welcome hug.

   -Mindi's POV:
Wow I hadn't realized how absolutely stunning she is now. That hug was... I-I don't know, it felt like... a different kind of hug. How have you been she asked me, but the only thing I could think about  was why I felt this way about well.... her, a women. It's not like me, at all.

   "I-I've been good, how have you been?" Mindi replied. "I've been great thanks for asking" Tess replied with a smile on her face still looking at Mindi. "These are papers to pass out to your students at the end of the day" Lindsey said handing her a stack of papers. "Thank you" she replied while she looked Mindi up and down then smiled.

After telling Tess bye, they moved to the next classrooms. As they walked out Mindi looked behind her at Tess, still in shock of how she felt when seeing her again after so many years.

   As Mindi and Lindsey kept passing out the papers to the other teachers, Lindsey asks Mindi if she's okay, well of course she says yeah, what else was she supposed to say, oh yes I'm fine just realizing how incredibly attractive my old high school teacher is? NO. "Okay just making sure" Lindsey said with a smile.

                           -Later That Evening-

      As the Romano's sat down at the table to eat their dinner, Daniel asks how everyone's first day was.

   "So how was everyone's first day today?"
"My day was really good, I got to see Anne and we have a lot of our classes together" said Milly. "That's great sweetie" Daniel replied. "My day was awesome we got to play with legos and play outside on the playground" said the little Gideon. "That sounds like lots of fun" said Daniel.

   "My day was horrible" said Jaini with a sad and  pouty face. "What happened" Daniel asked. "These 8th graders were making fun of me and I tried standing up for myself but it only made things worse, I had to sit by myself at lunch because they turned all my friends from last year against me" said Jaini.

Mindi then butted in angerly and asked who the kids were that were making fun of you?! "You know that I don't put up with stuff like that, just ask your sister, plus I had to put up with that when I was your age, It's not right, parents need to teach their children to treat other kids with respect".

"It's just so aggravating to see my children have to go through the same thing I did as a kid and"... "Mindi calm down honey we can go to the school and work out the problem with the the kids parents, teachers, and the principal" said Daniel.

*Thank You for choosing to read my book. It is based off the top of my head. This is the very first book I've written. I do hope to write more chapters if I have the time, motivation, ideas*. 🙃

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