Chapter 16: A Secret Part 2

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*trigger warning*

"Mindi?, Mindi?" Tess was trying to get Mindi's attention to figure out what time do but she just stood there still in shock. Mindi jumped out of shock. "W-What, I'm sorry uhm omg what do we do" Mindi panicked. "We have to call the cops" said Tess.

     "What! No! We can't call the cops, I-I'll go to jail" said Mindi. "Not if we tell them it was self-defense" said Tess. "We can't call the cops Tess!" Mindi shouted. "Okay Okay we won't call them but we have to do something" said Tess.

"I know" Mindi said taking a long pause to think, "Milly you and Jonah go out to the garage, get scrub brushes, a bucket, a tarp and gloves then pop my trunk. While they went outside to get all that stuff, Mindi and Tess got cleaning supplies from the cleaning closet.

They came back with all the stuff Mindi told them to get. "Okay we are going to roll him onto this tarp, and me and Tess are going to carry him into my trunk and I'll dump him somewhere far away from here" Mindi said.

"That's crazy mom!" Milly shouted. "Yeah I agree, Mindi that is absolutely crazy, what if you get caught?" Tess asked. "I know it's crazy but we have no other choice, and I'm not going to get caught" Mindi replied.

"But what if- Tess started. "Tess, stop, I'm not going to get caught it's going to be okay" Mindi cut her off. "Mom she's right, what if you get caught" Milly said. "Okay everyone just calm down!, nobody is getting caught, now come on!" Mindi yelled.

They all put on gloves. "Okay when I roll him over you and Jonah slide the tarp under him" Mindi said to Milly. Mindi rolled him on his side and Milly and Jonah slid the tarp under him. Mindi and Tess then grabbed both sides of the tarp and lifted him over their shoulders.

"Omg how much does this guy weigh" Tess struggled. They carried him outside, put him in Mindi's trunk and close it. "Okay I'm gonna dump him you guys start scrubbing the crap out of that spot and get rid of anything that might be suspicious" Mindi said to Tess.

"Okay, Mindi?" Tess said. "What?" Mindi said back. "Please, please be careful" Tess said before she passionately kissed Mindi on the lips and with a worried look on her face. "I will" Mindi said back to her, kissing her back before she got in her car and left.

Tess went back inside. "Okay your mom went to get rid of him so while she's doing that we are going scrub the crap out of this spot" said Tess. They used all the cleaning supplies they could to get the blood out of Mindi's carpet. While they were cleaning they had been completely silent. Tess's phone rang which made them all jump.

"Hello?" Tess answered her phone. "Hey it's me" Mindi said. "Is everything okay?" Tess asked. "Yeah I'm good" Mindi said. "Okay just be careful" Tess said. "Hey uhm Tess, I'm so so so sorry that I go you into this mess, if I could do anything to fix this you know I would" Mindi said. "I know, and at least we are fixing it together" Tess said, forgetting that Jonah and Milly were right there.

It was quiet before they hung up the phone but Tess could feel Mindi smiling on the other side of the phone. Tess, Milly and Jonah kept scrubbing until the spot was gone. Then they cleaned up everything and got rid of anything that could be evidence from what happened.

After they cleaned up everything Milly and Jonah had went to her room and Tess was in the dinning room, still making sure that everything was cleaned. Milly walked into the dinning room. "Hey Tess, have you heard from my mom?" Milly asked her.

"No I haven't but she had been gone for a while, I'll try calling her" Tess replied. "Okay thanks, tell me if she answers" Milly said before going back to her room. Tess pulls out her phone and calls Mindi but she didn't answer. Tess tried calling her again and again but still no answer.

      Finally Mindi walked in the door. "Mindi omg where have you been?!" Tess said as she went up to Mindi making sure she was okay. "I'm fine, I just went for a drive afterwards to clear my head" Mindi replied.

     "Thank gosh you're okay, I thought" said Tess. "Tess, I'm fine, it's okay" Mindi cut her off. "A-Are you sure?" Tess asked her. "Would I lie to you?" Mindi asked her back. "No" Tess replied. "Okay then" Mindi said before she put her hand on Tess's cheek, smiled at her and went to bed. Tess followed short after.

     The next morning Mindi woke up to see that Tess wasn't in bed. She put on her robe and went downstairs to see Tess sitting out on the patio drinking a cup of coffee. "Hey what are you doing up so early?" Mindi asked Tess before she sat down beside her. "I couldn't sleep, what are you doing up so early?" Tess asked back. "I couldn't sleep either" Mindi replied.

"Daniel and the kids come back tomorrow right?" Tess asked. "Oh yeah they do" Mindi replied. "That didn't sound to happy" said Tess. "I can't wait to see them, it's just that it was so nice having you here" said Mindi. "Awe, I'm gonna miss staying with you" said Tess. They just smiled at each other before Mindi stood up. "Im going to go make myself a cup of coffee, I'll be back" Mindi said.

Tess pulled Mindi's shirt, pulling her onto her lap then started to kiss her. "Ooo outside?" Mindi smirked. Tess just giggled and they kept making out and running their hands all over each others body.

After their little make out session, Mindi went inside to go make her coffee. When she got in the kitchen Milly was also in the kitchen. "Hey Mil, you're up early" Mindi said to her. "Yeah I couldn't sleep" said Milly. "Me either" said Mindi. "Dad and the kids come back tomorrow right?" Milly asked. "Yes, which makes me very nervous" said Mindi.

"Me too, what if he finds out?" Milly asked. "He's not going to find out because we aren't going to tell him or do or say anything suspicious" Mindi replied. "I hope not" Milly said before going back to Jonah in her room.

"What if Daniel did find out?" Mindi thought to herself.

The question is, would he find out about Mindi having an affair with Tess behind his back or that while he was gone Mindi killed their stalker?

That's is for chapter 16!!!!! Thanks for reading, sorry this chapter took so long. And sorry if it's kinda boring. Anyways thanks for reading this far and I hope you continue reading! 🙃

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