Chapter 19: A Fun Weekend

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Mindi's heart was still at the bottom of her feet. The car ride home was completely silent. They pulled in the driveway at home, both just sat still not getting out of the car or saying a word.

Mindi just looked over at Milly with tears in her eyes. "How did you find out and how long did you know?" Mindi asked her. "Last week, the morning after the man incident, I went to go use the bathroom and I seen you two on the patio m-making out" Milly replied. "Why didn't you say anything until now?" Mindi asked her. "I was too scared" Milly replied.

It went silent again, neither one moving or getting out of the car, just sitting there. "You can ask questions, I know you want to" Mindi said to her. "How long?" Milly asked her. "3 weeks after we got here" Mindi replied. "Who else knows?" Milly asked. "Lydia, Joni, and Lindsey" Mindi replied. "Noni knows?!" Milly said. "Y-Yes and nobody is who you think they are" said Mindi.

"What do you mean?" Milly asked. "You have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone about this or about what I'm about to tell you" Mindi said. "Okay I promise" Milly replied. "Lindsey is secretly with Lydia" said Mindi. "I-I can't believe this" Milly said. "I'm so sorry Mil I really am" Mindi said. And again it went silent.

"Do you love her?" Milly asked. Mindi took a pause. "Y-Yes" Mindi replied. "What about dad, do you still love him?" Milly asked. "Of course I do, I love him the most, it's just Tess is... she's different is all, I could never stop loving your dad" Mindi replied.

"Are you going to tell him?" Milly asked. "I don't know yet, I don't even know how I would tell him, I'm having an affair with my co-worker/friend oh and btw I killed our stalker in our house and dumped his body while my secret lover, her son oh and our daughter witnessed it all and helped clean it up, that sounds absolutely crazy" Mindi said.

"You're right that does sound crazy" Milly said. "Does Jonah know too?" Mindi asked her. "I don't think so" Milly replied. "Okay, let's go inside now, thank you for letting me explain and it's okay if you see me different or are mad at me I totally understand" said Mindi. "Thank you for explaining, as long as you're happy, I love you Mom" said Milly. "I love you too Mil" Mindi said. They went inside acting like that talk hadn't even happened.

Daniel already had dinner started. "Hey Mils how was your day?" Daniel asked Milly. "It was okay" Milky replied then went to her room. "And how was your day honey?" Daniel asked Mindi. "It was also okay, it was a sad day for Joni so we were all trying to comfort her" Mindi replied. "Thats sweet of you guys" Daniel said. Mindi smiled and Daniel hugged her and kissed her head.

Mindi went upstairs to change out of her work clothes. Mindi's phone buzzed, it was Monica Milton. How did she get my number Mindi wondered.


MM- Hey it's Monica, Lindsey gave me your number. This weekend me and Gale are taking the kids to the arcade and to see a movie if you would like to bring your kids it would be so much fun :)

M- Hey, sounds so fun! We will definitely come, thanks for the invite! :)

Everyone was sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. "So I thought about taking you guys to the mall this weekend to play in the arcade and watch a movie" Mindi said. "Yay!!" all the kids shouted. "Good, we got a new assistant principal and she has twins the same age as Addison and Archer and she thought it would be fun for you guys to hang out" said Mindi.

"That's nice of her, I bet they will have fun" said Daniel. "I can't wait!" said Addison. They continued eating dinner then finished up. Mindi started washing the dishes then Daniel walked in. "I can do those honey" Daniel said. "I've got it honey, you made dinner so I'll wash the dishes" Mindi said. "Okay then" Daniel said then kissed her and went to watch tv.

Later that night Mindi texted Tess and asked her if she and Jonah wanted to go with her to the mall with the kids and Monica and hers. Of course she said yes and of course Jonah said yes when he heard that Milly was going.

It was the weekend and almost time to meet Monica at the mall. Tess drove over to Mindi's house and rode with her because Mindi's car held more people. "Gideon come on buddy, everyone is waiting on you" Mindi yelled downstairs. Finally he came upstairs and his shoes were on the wrong feet. "Here I'll help him" Tess laughed.

    "What do you say Giddy?" Mindi said. "Thank you Tess for fixing my shoes" Gideon said to Tess. "You're welcome bud" Tess said back. Now that everyone was ready they all got in the car and drove to the mall.

They arrived at the mall and met Monica, her kids and Gale in the food court first. "Hey you guys made it, this is my gf Gale and my kids Rory and Reese, Gale this is Mindi, her kids and Tess and her son" Monica said. "Hi nice to meet you guys" said Gale.

"Hi nice to meet you too" said Mindi then Tess. "So I was thinking we could go to the arcade first" said Monica. "Sure that sounds good" said Mindi. They went to the arcade and started playing games. The kids thought it would be fun to play laser tag.

"Hey mom can we play laser tag?" Archer asked. "Yes mom please, can we?" Addison asked. "I guess so, if the other kids want to play too" Mindi replied. While all the kids played rounds of laser tag, the moms went to the food court but could still see the arcade from their table.

They ate and talked about random stuff. After the kids finished playing laser tag they ate then they went to see what movies were playing. They ended up choosing Clifford the big Red Dog live action, mostly for the kids. They bought popcorn, candy and drinks and got seated in their seats.

All the kids sat in one row and the adults sat in the row behind them. The movie started and everyone was eating their snacks.

Closer towards the middle of the movie, Mindi needed a refill on her blue icee. "Does anyone need a refill on anything I'm gonna get a refill on my icee?" Mindi whispered. "I'll take some more popcorn" Monica whispered. "I'll take another box of gummy lifesavers" said Tess. "I'll go with you" Gale whispered.

Mindi and Gale went to go get refills. "So how long have you and Monica been together?" Mindi asked her. "Close to 5 months" Gale replied. "Wow that's a long time" Mindi said. "Yeah, so how long have you and Tess been together?" Gale asked her.

"Oh me and Tess aren't, together" Mindi replied. "Oh my bad, I just assumed you were together because you have such a connection" Gale said. "You think so?" Mindi asked. "Yeah, I see it" Gale replied.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom before we go back" said Mindi. "Do you want me to wait for you?" Gale asked. "Oh you don't have to if you don't want to" Mindi replied. "That's okay I'll wait for you" Gale said. "Okay thanks" Mindi said.

Mindi used the bathroom then came back out. "Ready?" Gale asked. "Yup" Mindi replied. They went back to their seats and handed Monica her popcorn and Tess her candy then finished watching the movie.

"That was such a cute movie" said Mindi. "Yeah it was, I would so watch that again" said Gale. "We should definitely all do this again sometime" said Monica. "Yes we should" said Mindi. "Hey mom can Rory, Reese and Zara stay the night at our house?" Addison asked. "Sure but you have to ask Monica and Gale" Mindi replied.

"Of course, sure" said Monica and Gale. "Why don't you all come over to my house, we can start a fire outside and just relax while the kids play" said Mindi. "That sounds great" said Gale. "Where did Tess go?" Mindi asked. "Oh she was talking to someone on the phone" said Gale. "Oh okay, we'll you guys can go ahead, I'm gonna wait for Tess" said Mindi.

That's it for chapter 19!!!!!! Thanks for reading! Sorry if this chapter was boring, I didn't know what else to write about. Anyways keep reading! 🙃
Please give me suggestions and ideas!

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