Chapter 27: A New Peep

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   It was Monday which meant that Lou's wife and oldest daughter were starting at the high school today. Lydia was nervous because she had promised Lou to not tell Mindi. If Mindi reacted that way to seeing Lou then how would she react when seeing her wife and daughter here everyday.

      Mindi has stopped bringing Tessie into work with her everyday and had Kate keep her like the others. Lydia walked into Lindsey's office to tell her about the whole Lou thing.

     "Hey" Lydia said. "Hey, what's up" said Lindsey. "So uhm this whole Lou thing" said Lydia. "What about it?" Lindsey said. "I can tell you're bothered by it and I want you to know that her and I are just friends, we've remained friends ever since" said Lydia. "Im glad you're still friends and it doesn't even bother me so" said Lindsey.

    "Well I can tell it does so let's just move on" said Lydia. "Am not" Lindsey said. "Anyways, there is something else and it has to do with Mindi" said Lydia. "Oh great first Lou now Mindi" Lindsey said. "No no no no no no, there's a new math teacher starting today and it's Lou's wife and their oldest daughter is also starting and she's in Milly's grade" Lydia said.

     "What!" Lindsey was in shock. "And Lou made me promise to not tell Mindi" said Lydia. "Omg, what are we going to do?" Lindsey asked. "I don't know but Mindi is going to find out somehow" said Lydia. "Mindi is going to find out what?" Mindi said as she walked into Lindsey's office.

  Lydia and Lindsey both jumped. "Nothing" they both said at the same time. "What's going on guys?" Mindi asked them. "We can't tell you" said Lindsey. "Why not?" Mindi asked. "I promised the person to not tell you" said Lydia. "Guys come on tell me" said Mindi.

"Hey guys there's a new teacher and her daughter" Joni said walking into Lindsey's office. Lydia and Lindsey looked with an oh no expression. Mindi just looked at them confused then they all walked out into the main office to meet her. Lindsey pulled the back of Joni's shirt so Mindi was in front.

"Hey!" Joni yelled. "Shh, that women is Lou's wife and their daughter" said Lindsey. "She's who?!" Joni shouted. "Shhh! Keep your voice down" said Lindsey. "This is not good" Joni whispered.

Mindi walked out of Lindsey's office and straight past Lou's wife and daughter. Joni, Lindsey and Lydia all looked at each other confused. "Wait what just happened" Joni said. "Maybe she doesn't know her?" Lydia said. "Yeah but there's only a matter of time until she does" said Lindsey. "You're right" said Lydia.

The three introduced themselves. "Hi I'm Joni, I'm Lindsey, and I'm Lydia" the three said. "Hi I'm Megara and this is my daughter Clara, I'm starting as the new math teacher and Clara will be starting as a freshman" said Megara. "Welcome, you'll love it here" said Joni. "Thank you" said Megara.

Milly walked into the main office. "Have you guys seen my mom?" Milly asked. "She just walked out of the office" said Lindsey. "Okay" Milly said. "Oh Milly, this is Clara she'll be starting in your grade today" said Lindsey. "Hi I'm Milly, nice to meet you" said Milly. "Hi Milly, nice to meet you too" said Clara.

  "Milly's mom also works here, she's one of the counselors, I'm other counselor" said Lindsey. "That's cool, see you could be friends with Milly" said Megara. "Yes, Milly is a very kind and nice person and I'm sure she would love to be your friend" said Lydia. "Of course I'd love to" said Milly.

A few minutes later Tess walked into the main office and over to the others. "What's this a party?" Tess joked. "Tess this is the new math teacher" said Joni. "Hi I'm Tess and I'm also a math teacher, nice to meet you" said Tess. "I'm Megara nice to meet you too, this is my daughter Clara" said Megara. "Oh yes I believe I have her in my homeroom, I'm Mrs. Norris" said Tess. "Yes you do" said Megara.

    "Hey if you want I can show you around the school" Milly said to Clara. "Okay sure" said Clara. Those two left to tour the school. "I can show you to your classroom" Lindsey said to Megara. "Okay thanks" said Megara. Those two also left to go to Megs classroom.

    "Why are you guys just standing there?" Mindi asked making them jump. "Where did you come from?!" Tess said. "I just walked in" Mindi laughed then went to her office.

   Later on in the day Mindi was going to Tess's room and bumped into Megara. "Oops I'm so sorry" said Mindi. "No I'm sorry" said Megara. "You must be the new math teacher" said Mindi. "Yes I am, Megara nice to meet you" said Megara. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Mindi" said Mindi. "What do you teach?" Meg asked.

    "Oh I'm not a teacher, I'm one of the counselors" said Mindi. "Oh you must be Milly's mom" said Meg. "Yes I am, how did you know?" Mindi asked. "I met her earlier, my daughter is in her grade and Milly offered to be her friend and give her a tour of the school" said Meg. "Sounds like my Milly" Mindi smiled.

    "Well have a good rest of your day and see you later, nice meeting you" said Meg. "You too" said Mindi. Meg went to her room and and Mindi went to Tess's. "I just met the new math teacher" said Mindi. "You did?!" Tess shouted. "Yes..." Mindi said confused.

    "So what are you gonna do?" Tess asked her. "About what?" Mindi asked. "Wait what all do you know about her?" Tess asked. "Just that she's the new math teacher and her daughter is now friends with Milly, why?" Mindi said. "Oh, okay" said Tess. "You're acting weird, what's going on?" Mindi asked. "Nothing" Tess said. Mindi just looked at her weird. "Anyways... don't forget we have that stupid meeting after school" said Mind. "Ugh" said Tess.

    It's at the end of the day and it's time for the meeting. Tess, Lydia, Joni and Lindsey got there before Mindi. "Mindi met Megara but the only thing she knows is that she's the new math teacher and her daughter is new friends with Milly" said Tess.

    "That's crazy" said Lindsey. "I'm just counting down until she finds out" Joni joked. They kept talking while Lydia was quiet and staring into space. "Lydia are you okay?" Joni asked her. "Yeah" Lydia said. Lindsey noticed that Lydia wasn't just staring into space, she was staring at Megara.

Mindi then walked in and sat by them. "Hey guys" said Mindi. They all just looked at her then looked at each other. "Why are you all acting so weird today" Mindi said. The meeting started shortly after Mindi got there.

"Alright let's get started, hello everyone I would like to welcome our new math teacher Mrs. Megara Alston" said Lana. "Alston?!" Mindi shouted. "Mrs. Spencer-Romano do you have something you'd like to share?" Lana said. "No, sorry" said Mindi still in shock.

This couldn't be Mindi thought to herself. She looked at Lydia but Lydia quickly looked away. The meeting continued but Mindi was still confused as to why this women had the same last name as Lou.

At the end of the meeting everyone tried to hurry and leave so Mindi didn't try to ask them about why Meg had the same last name as Lou. "Lydia!" Mindi yelled. Dang it Lydia thought to herself. "Don't you think that was weird?" Mindi asked her.

"Oh Megara's last name being the same as Lou's?" Lydia asked. "Yes, you don't think that's her wife do you?" Mindi asked her. "It can't be, there's no way" said Lydia. "I hope not because that would mean Lou would be here visiting her during work and I can't have her here" said Mindi. "Neither can I" Lydia said.

They both were walking down the hallway together to leave when they ran into......

That's it for Chapter 27!!!!!! Thanks for reading and I'll try to publish the next chapter asap! I still need ideas! Thanks for reading! 🙃

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