Chapter 18: A Rough Week

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It had been a few weeks since Daniel and the kids were back from visiting his brother and his family. Joni's daughter was still in from college and came to the school to see her.

"Milly let's go we're going to be late" Mindi yelled. "I'm literally ready!" Milly yelled back. "Don't raise your voice at your mother" said Daniel as he kissed Mindi on the cheek and headed out the door for work. Milly just rolled her eyes and went to Mindi's car with the rest of her siblings.

Mindi and Milly got to the high school. When Milly got out of the car she slammed the door. "Please don't slam my door" Mindi shouted at her. Milly rolled her eyes again and stormed into the school. Mindi also stormed into the school and to her office.

"Good morning" said Lindsey. Mindi didn't say anything and kept walking. "Hello? Mindi?" said Lindsey. "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated because Milly was in a mood this morning" Mindi replied. "Ahh the teenage years" said Lindsey. "Yeah they suck, they're always so moody, if it's not Milly it's Jaini" said Mindi.

"I'm glad both of my boys are adults" said Lindsey. "You sure you don't want Daniel back?" Mindi joked. "No way, he's all yours" Lindsey laughed. Mindi laughed then went to her office to start her day.

Mindi was working and realized she forgot her coffee cup sitting on kitchen counter at home. "It seems I have forgotten my coffee cup at home so I'm gonna go upstairs and get some, do you need some?" Mindi asked Lindsey. "I'm good, but thank you" Lindsey replied. Mindi smiled and went upstairs to the teachers lounge to get coffee.

Mindi walked in to see Tess also getting coffee. "Good morning" said Tess. "Good morning" said Mindi. Tess kissed Mindi on the lips which then turned into making out. Joni walked in "Gross, get a room" Joni laughed.

"Real funny Joni, have a good day both of you" said Tess before she left and went to her classroom. They both said thank you. "You forget your coffee on your kitchen counter this morning too?" Mindi joked. "Second time this week" Joni laughed. Mindi laughed. Then that thing happened again, the eye contact thing that happened in the bathroom at iHop.

"Well I should uhm get to my classroom before Lana comes to do rounds, have a good day" said Joni as she bumped into Mindi, spilling her coffee every where. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry Mindi" said Joni. "It's okay, I'll help you clean it up" Mindi said.

  Mindi helped Joni clean up the coffee. "Thank you so much, you really didn't have to help me clean it up" said Joni. "It's okay really, here let me get you a new cup" Mindi said. "Thank you Mindi" Joni smiled and walked out. Mindi smiled back and started to walk out too but then seen that Joni forgot her phone on the table so she decided to take it to her.

   She grabbed the phone and started towards Joni's classroom. Joni realized she forgot her phone and turned around to go back and get it. She bumped into Mindi on the way. "Sorry for bumping into you, again" Joni laughed. "It's okay, here's your phone" Mindi laughed and handed Joni her phone. "Thanks" said Joni.

Joni took her phone and went to her room and Mindi went back to her office and got back to work. Later on Tess, Lindsey then Lydia came to Mindi's office just to chit chat. "Where is Joni?" Mindi asked. "I'm not sure, this is a hard week for her" Tess replied.

"Why?" Mindi asked. "Well 2 years ago today was when her son passed away" Lydia replied. "That's so sad, how did he pass?" Mindi asked. "Car accident, hit head on by a semi truck" said Joni making everyone turn around, startled. Joni then just walked away, Mindi went to see if she was okay.

"Joni wait" Mindi said. Joni just kept walking, not saying anything. Mindi caught up to her and just gave her a big hug. Joni held onto her tight and bursted into tears. "It's okay, I've got you" Mindi said to her. They went into the auditorium so they would have privacy so Joni could let out all her emotions.

Finally Joni let go and looked at Mindi. "T-Thank you, for that I needed that" Joni said to her. "You're welcome, I knew that was exactly what you needed it's my job to sense that kind of stuff, I don't know what it's like but I know how it feels to feel, that emptiness" said Mindi. Joni just looked at her then smiled. They then walked back to Mindi's office and joined the others.

Mindi walked in first. "All good" Mindi whispered to them all. Joni walked in next. They each gave Joni a hug. "Thank you guys for everything you do for me, I appreciate you guys so much" said Joni. Everyone smiled. They all kept talking until the bell rang to go home. "See you next week Mindi" said Joni. "Bye guys" Mindi replied. They all were leaving when they passed Milly going to Mindi's office. "Hi Milly" said Lydia.

    "Hi Lydia" Milly replied. Around them Milly got to call them by their first names since they're all so close with Mindi. Tess noticed that when passing her, Milly gave her a mean look but only her and nobody else, she found that strange but didn't think too much of it. Milly walked into Mindi's office, still in a bad mood towards Mindi.

   "Still in a bad mood I see" Mindi said to her. "And wouldn't you like to know why" Milly said with an attitude. "That's enough with the attitude and yes I would" Mindi replied. Milly took a long pause...
"I know about you and Tess" Milly replied. Mindi's heart sank.

That's it for chapter 18!!!!! Thanks for reading! Sorry this took longer to write. I took a long break from writing. Anyways please leave comments, requests, questions or suggestions! 🙃

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