Chapter 23: A Good Thing or A Bad Thing?

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   It had been weeks since Lydia's party, everyone had a great time even Mindi minus the whole thing with Lou. But Mindi never did find out how Lydia knew Lou...

Mindi was sitting in her office at her desk doing some work when she got a call from the adoption agency. This was weird she thought, she hadn't heard from them since when her and Lou were going through adoption. She answered the phone anyways. "Hello" Mindi answered. "Hello can I speak with Mindi Spencer please" the agency women said. "This is her" Mindi replied.

"Hello, this is Mallory from the New York Adoption Agency, I understand you were interested in adoption years ago and you are still on our list, would you still open for adopting at this time? we have this beautiful African American baby girl who needs a loving family and home" said Mallory.

"Woah uhm that was years ago and now I have children of my own, is there anyway I can maybe talk to my husband and think this over and get back to you?" Mindi said. "Of course ma'am, we just need to know by the end of the week" Mallory said.

"Okay thank you so much, have a nice day" Mindi said. "You too bye" said Mallory. Mindi hung up the phone and just froze. A baby, a new born baby, starting all over Mindi thought to herself. She needed to talk to Joni about it because she knew that Joni adopted one of her daughters. She called Joni to come down to her office.

"Hey" said Mindi. "Hi, what's up" said Joni. "I wanna talk to you about something" Mindi said. "Oh uhm okay, if I did something wrong I'm sorry" said Joni. "No no you didn't do anything, I want to talk to you about something else" said Mindi.

"Oh okay good, go ahead" said Joni. "Well you know the whole adoption thing that me and Lou went through a long time ago?" Mindi asked. "Yeah" Joni said. "Well apparently I never took my name off of the list and one of the workers called me earlier and told me about this baby and asked if I wanted to adopt her, I told her that I would have to talk to my husband about it and think it over" said Mindi.

"Woah uhm that's crazy, amazing but crazy, what do you wanna do?" Joni said. "I want to adopt her but I don't know if Daniel wants to yet" said Mindi. "That's true, and I know that you would love that little girl like she is your own" said Joni. "I absolutely would, when you adopted Gracie how did you talk to Paul about it?" Mindi asked.

"Well I first got the call from the agency and then I got sent pictures of her and instantly fell in love with her so then later that night at dinner I talked to him about it over dinner and I showed him pictures and talked about how amazing it would be to add to our family" said Joni.

"That sounds like a good way to talk to him about" said Mindi. "Let me know how it goes, see you later" Joni said before hugging Mindi then leaving.

Later that night, everyone was sitting at dinner. "So I uhm got this call today at work" said Mindi. "From who?" Daniel asked. "The New York adoption agency, they asked me if I wanted to adopt a beautiful African American newborn baby girl" said Mindi. Daniel didn't say anything he just froze. "A new baby?!" the kids shouted in excitement. "I told them that I would have to think it over and talk to my husband about it but we have to let them know by the end of the week" said Mindi.

"Honey, please say something" Mindi said to Daniel. "Uhm wow this is a lot to think about, I think we should definitely take some time to think about this" said Daniel. "Okay" said Mindi. "What do you want to do?" Daniel asked her. "I want to adopt her" Mindi said. The kids were so excited at the fact that they may be getting a new sibling. They hoped and hoped that their dad said yes.

They finished eating dinner and cleaned up. Mindi was getting the little kids ready for bed. After getting the little kids tucked in she went to lay down herself. A little after she laid down Milly came in and got in the bed and laid down with her. "Mom" Milly said.

"Yes Mil?" Mindi said. "Can I see pictures of the baby?" Milly asked. Mindi got her phone and pulled up the pictures and showed her. "She's so adorable mom, I really hope dad says yes" Milly said. "I hope he does too, if we do get to adopt her what would we name her?" Mindi asked.

"What about Penelope?" Milly said. "That's a cute name" Mindi said. "Ooo what about Monica?" Milly said. "That's also a cute name" said Mindi. "Oh I got the perfect name, Reese" said Milly. "Reese Cup" Mindi joked. They both started laughing out loud.

They were laughing so loud that Jaini and the little kids came in and got in bed with them. "What are you guys laughing about?" Jaini asked. "Well we are thinking of names for the baby if we get to adopt her and Milly said a funny name" said Mindi. "What was the name?" Gideon asked. "Reese, then I said Reese Cup and we laughed" said Mindi. All of them started to laugh and say other funny names.

Daniel then came upstairs to see why everyone was being loud when it was bed time. "What's everyone laughing about?" Daniel asked. "The baby's name" said Addison. "The baby's name huh" Daniel said. "Okay kids time for bed, hugs and kisses" said Mindi. She gave all the kids hugs and kisses and they went to bed.

"Did you tell them we were adopting that baby?" Daniel said. "No, I told them that if we did adopt the baby what would her name be" Mindi said. "Oh, well you know I still have to think about it before you guys make all of these decisions right?" said Daniel. "Yeah I know, it's just exciting to talk about it even if you decide you don't want to adopt her" said Mindi.

"Goodnight honey I love you" said Daniel kissing Mindi then going to sleep. "I love you too" Mindi said then she went to sleep.

It was early in the morning and Mindi was out on the patio drinking her coffee before getting ready for work. Milly came out and sat down at the table with her. "Good morning mom" said Milly. "Good morning Mil" said Mindi. "Do you think Dad will say yes to adopting the baby?" Milly asked. "I don't know but I really really hope he says yes" said Mindi. "Me too, I really want her to be apart of our family" said Milly. "Me too Mil" said Mindi.

Later on they arrived at school. Mindi was sitting in her office staring into space. Lindsey and all the rest walked into her office. "Hey Mindi" said Lydia. "Mindi?" said Joni. "Hello?" said Tess. Lindsey walked over and tapped her shoulder. "Mindi are you okay?" Lindsey asked her. "Oh hey guys" Mindi said.

"What's wrong, you seem upset" said Lydia. "Not really" said Mindi. "Tell us what's wrong" said Lindsey. "Well you know the whole adoption thing that me and Lou went through a long time ago, well apparently I never took my name off of the list and one of the workers called me earlier and told me about this baby and asked if I wanted to adopt her, I told her that I would have to talk to my husband about it and think it over" said Mindi.

"Omg Mindi that's huge" said Lindsey. "What are you going to do?" Lydia asked. "Well I want to adopt her really bad but Daniel still hasn't given me an answer and he keeps changing the subject every time I try to talk to him about it and we have to let the agency know by tomorrow" said Mindi.

"Want me to threaten him into saying yes?" Tess joked. "I wish that would work" Mindi laughed. "He better say yes or I just may or may not beat him up" said Joni. Everyone started laughing. "Have you told the kids about her yet? Lindsey asked. "Yeah and they really want to adopt her too" said Mindi. "You could always use the kids to make Daniel say yes, like guilt trip him into saying yes" said Lydia.

Everyone started laughing again. Then Mindi's phone rang. "Hey can you pass me my phone please" Mindi said to Lydia standing by her desk. "Yeah" said Lydia. Lydia handed her, her phone. "It's Daniel" Mindi said. Everyone got excited but also nervous because he could either say yes or no.

"Hello" Mindi said. "Hey honey, so I've been thinking about this whole adopting a baby thing and it's just a lot to think about and handle" said Daniel. "I know and I believe that we can do it, and how happy it would make the kids and if we ever needed help you know we always have it from your mom, Lydia, Joni, and Tess" said Mindi. "Yes I was thinking about that too and I have made my decision, I think that we......

That's it for Chapter 23!!!! Thanks for reading! And yes I've left you in a cliffhanger hehehe. Also I still need suggestions, ideas or questions!! Thanks 🙃

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