Chapter 20: A Birthday P.T 1😩

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*smut warning*😩

     It was two days before Lydia's birthday, every year her friends do something big and special for her birthday. This year Mindi gets to join in and help them plan something special for her big day.

"Ooo what about a surprise party?" said Mindi. "We did that 2 years ago but she loved it" said Lindsey. "What about a trip" said Joni. "To where?" Lindsey asked. "I didn't think that far" Joni said. "What if we go to her house when she isn't home and decorate it then invite her other friends over for a surprise birthday party at her house?" said Tess.

"That sounds great!" said Lindsey. "Let's do it!" said Joni. "And now Mindi gets to be apart of this hectic fun" said Tess. "Can't wait" said Mindi. "Who's going to be in charge of what?" Joni asked.

"Good question, hmm.. okay I'll buy the food, Mindi you can buy the decorations, Tess you invite the people in Lydia's phone book, and Joni you can distract Lydia from finding out about all this and bring her to the party" said Lindsey.

It was a Thursday which meant they had a short amount of time to get everyone ready for Lydia's party. After school Tess, Lindsey, Mindi and Joni went to the store to get stuff for the party. "What exactly is the theme?" Mindi asked. "That's a good question" said Joni. "What are her favorite colors?" Mindi asked.

Neither Tess or Mindi knew so they all three looked at Lindsey waiting for her to answer. "Seriously" Lindsey laughed. "Well you're the one who knows her best so" said Mindi. "I'm not the only one who knows a lot about her" said Lindsey. "Tess?!" Mindi asked. "What! no! wait if it's not me then it has to be... Joni?!" said Tess. "You'd be correct" said Lindsey.

"No way!" said Mindi. "Woah, and you think you know someone" said Tess smh. "Oh come on, that was so long ago" said Joni. "How long?" Tess asked her. "Maybe about a year I think" Joni replied. "Sounds pretty serious, was it?" Tess kept bugging her about it in a funny friend way. "Can we just stop talking about it" said Joni. "But was it serious?" Tess asked again.

Mindi bumped Tess's arm. "Ow" said Tess. "Leave her alone, and that didn't even hurt" Mindi whispered. "Fine" Tess laughed. They kept walking and adding stuff in the cart. "So did we ever find out Lydia's favorite colors?" Mindi asked. "Purple and Green" Lindsey and Joni both said at the same time.

Tess bursted out laughing, Mindi tried to get her to stop laughing but then couldn't help also laughing. Then Lindsey started laughing then Joni. They all laughed so hard that they were in tears. Finally they stopped laughing long enough to finish shopping for Lydia's party.

It was Friday which meant the party was tomorrow and time was running out. "Look what I got" Lindsey said as she held up Lydia's phone book in her hand. "How did you get that?" Mindi asked her. "She left it sitting out on her desk after she was looking for something in her purse then when she was looking I just, swiped it" Lindsey replied. "Nice, I'll give it to Tess" said Mindi. "Great" said Lindsey.

Mindi went up to Tess's room to give her Lydia's phone book. "Look what Lindsey got" Mindi said walking into the room holding up the phone book. "Sweet, thanks" said Tess. "All Lindsey" said Mindi. Joni was also in there before Mindi walked in. "How did she get it?" Joni asked. "You'll never believe how she got it" Mindi said.

The day went on and everyone was in Mindi's office doing last minute things for the party. "Hey guys what's up, it's been such a busy day" Lydia said as she walked in. Lindsey hurried up and closed their party planning folder. "We learned something about you yesterday" said Tess. "Tess..." said Mindi.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Lydia asked. "That you and Joni had quite the serious relationship" said Tess. Everyone just kinda quietly laughed while Lydia and Joni's faces turned red. "You told them?" Lydia said to Joni. "I didn't tell them" Joni said. "Then who did?" Lydia asked. Everyone just looked at Lindsey.

"I didn't tell them directly, I just said I wasn't the only one who knew a lot about you" said Lindsey. "Lovely" Lydia said sarcastically. "Oh I just remembered me Tess and Joni have something to do, see you guys later" said Mindi. "Oh yeah" said Joni. The three walked to Tess's room.

    "That was almost close" said Mindi. "I know right" said Joni. "I actually should call the people in Lydia's phone book" said Tess. "Need help?" Mindi asked. "I think I've got it but thanks" Tess replied with a smile. "Okay well I'll see you later" said Mindi. "See ya later" said Joni. They both walked out of the room and walked down the hallway.

    "Oh did you ever get your drawers organized?" Mindi asked her. "Nope" Joni laughed. Mindi laughed back. "I have no room to talk, my desk needs organized, papers are always getting mixed up" said Mindi. "I'll help you if you help me" Joni laughed. "Deal" Mindi laughed back. They walked to Joni's room to organize her drawers.

    "Oh my gosh, did your drawers get worse?" Mindi joked. "Actually they probably did" Joni laughed. They started cleaning out the drawers and organizing them. "Ooo a subway gift card" said Mindi. "I wonder if it still has money on it" Joni said.

    "Let's see" Mindi said. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number on the back of the card. "Watch this" Mindi whispered. "What are you gonna do?" Joni whispered. "Hello I'm calling to see if there is still monies on me subway geft carwed" Mindi said with an accent. Joni started to laugh.

     "Yees, the code is 638926" Mindi said still using the silly accent and Joni still giggling. "Grewet fanks, have a wondiful day" Mindi said then ended the call. "You have $23 on your subway gift card" Mindi said with using the accent when saying subway gift card. Joni was still laughing, "thanks and nice accent" Joni said. "Thanks haha" Mindi replied.

     They just sat there, looking at each other in silence. "Well I'm gonna go because my butt in numb from sitting on the floor for so long" said Mindi. "Mine too" said Joni. They both got up making close eye contact face to face. "S-Sorry"said Mindi and started to walk away when Joni pulled her back towards her and kissed her.

Mindi started kissing her back. Their kissing became more heated and their breathing more heavier. Mindi took over and pushed Joni against the wall and running her hands all over her body.

That's it for Chapter 20!!!! Yes I left you on a cliffhanger but this is 1 of 3 parts of a chapter. Hope you keep reading and thanks for reading this far!!! 🙃

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