Chapter 13: A New Member

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Mindi and Milly arrived at school. Milly went to class and Mindi went to her office. Mindi was still paranoid from that man breaking into their house last night, she wondered if he would come back. She also wondered if she would be prepared if he did come back.

   She just sat there thinking about what would happen if he came back tonight. "No sexy glasses today?" Tess said walking into Mindi's office. Mindi didn't answer. "Hello? Mindi?" Tess tried getting her attention. "Oh sorry I'm just not myself today" Mindi said.

    "What's wrong?" Tess asked her. "You know that guy I've been telling you guys about that has been standing in my yard staring into our windows?" Mindi said. "Yeah is he still doing that what, a creep" Tess replied. "Yes well last night he broke into our house and attempted to shoot Daniel but missed thankfully" said Mindi.

     "Omg are the kids okay, are you okay?" Tess panicked. "Yes the kids are okay, I'm just really scared that he could come back and especially when it's just me and Milly at the house for a couple of days" said Mindi.

"You and Milly could come stay with us just until Daniel and the kids get back" said Tess. "That's really nice of you but I have to stay at my house incase he comes back and tries to steal stuff" Mindi said. "Oh yeah that is true" said Tess. "What if you came to stay at my house and you could bring Jonah too so he and Milly can spend time together" said Mindi.

"That would be awesome, I'd love to, that actually works because Ivan left town for work and won't be back until Saturday" said Tess. "But no funny business because if Milly or Jonah find out we're screwed" said Mindi. "Literally screwed" Tess joked. "I'm serious" Mindi laughed. "Yeah okay" Tess laughed.

Everyone went on with their days. It was now lunch time and Mindi realized she forgot her lunch on her kitchen counter at home so she decided she would just go out and get Wendy's. She asked Lindsey if she wanted anything. "No thanks, I had Taco Bell earlier" said Lindsey. "Okay" Mindi replied. She then walked up Tess's room.

"Hey I'm going to Wendy's I forgot my lunch, do you want anything?" Mindi asked her. "Sure, get me a number.." Tess started to say. "6 with a coke" Mindi finished Tess's sentence. "How did you know what I was gonna say?" Tess asked with a surprised look on her face. "You order that every time you get Wendy's" Mindi said with a smile.

   "I can't believe you remembered that" said Tess. "Of course I did" Mindi smiled and walked out to her car and drove to Wendy's. She ordered her food, frosty's for Milly and Jonah then Tess's food. She drove back to the school and walked in. "Here you two go, I forgot my lunchbox at home so I went to get Wendy's for my lunch" Mindi said handing them their frosty's.

   "Thanks mom" said Milly. "Yeah thanks Mrs.Spencer-Romano" said Jonah. "You guys are welcome, also Jonah and Tess are gonna stay with us until your father and siblings come back since Jonah's father is also out of town and incase that guy comes back again" Mindi said to them both then went to eat her lunch with Tess. "Thank you" Tess said with a smile. "You're welcome, I got Milly and Jonah frosty's too" said Mindi. "That was nice of you" said Tess. They ate their lunch and talked about anything.

Next thing they know there is an announcement being made saying that there will be an assembly after lunch and for everyone to go to the auditorium after lunch. "Oh great how I love assemblies" Tess said sarcastically. "My first assembly yay" Mindi also said sarcastically. They finished up eating, met the others and headed down to the auditorium.

      They all walked into the auditorium and sat down where all the other teachers were sitting. "Hello everyone, I would like to introduce Ms. Monica Milton, our new assistant principal" said the main principal Mrs. Lana Becket. "Hello everyone, thank you for welcoming me into you're school, I hope to get to know some of you" said Monica. She then started to talk about herself like where's she's from and etc.

"What do we think?" Joni whispered. "She seems nice" Tess whispered. "I love her hair" whispered Mindi. "I wish she'd turn around" Lydia whispered. "Why?" Mindi asked. "So I can see if she has a nice ass or not" Lydia joked. Lindsey playfully smacked Lydia's arm and gave her a look while the others quietly laughed at Lydia's joke.

The assembly then ended and everyone started leaving the auditorium to go to their classes. The 5 were walking out of the auditorium when Mindi realized she left her phone in the auditorium. "Oh crap I must have left my phone in there, I'll be right back" said Mindi. She grabbed her phone and was going to walk back out when Mrs.Becket(Lana) called her name.

"Mindi" Lana called. "Yes?" Mindi replied. "This is Ms. Monica Milton, Monica this is Mrs. Mindi Spencer-Romano she's one of our counselors" said Lana introducing them. "Hi Ms. Milton, nice to meet you, welcome" Mindi said to her shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you too as well, call me Monica or Mon if you will" said Monica as she smiled at Mindi.

"Monica's new office is next to yours so maybe you could help her out a little and show her around, maybe introduce her to some of the other staff" Lana said to Mindi. "Of course, I'd love to" Mindi replied with a smile. "Great thanks" said Monica. "No problem, follow me" said Mindi.

They walked out of the auditorium to where the others were waiting. "Hey guys, Monica, this is Lindsey, Lydia, Joni, and Tess" Mindi said pointing to each of them as she said their name. "Nice to meet you all" Monica smiled. "Well it was nice meeting you Monica but I have a class I have to get to" said Tess.

"So do I, nice meeting you Monica" said Joni. "I also have a class" said Lydia. They all three left and went to their classrooms. "Well it's just us then" Lindsey laughed. "I guess so" Monica laughed. "I can show you you're new office around the school if you want" Mindi said to Monica. "Sure" Monica replied.

They walked to the office. "This is Lindsey's office, this is my office and here is your office" Mindi said showing her. "It's pretty big" Monica said. "And you can paint it and decorate however you want" said Mindi. "Awesome" Monica said. "For now you can just hangout in my office if you want" Mindi said. "Okay thanks" Monica replied.

"I like your office, I love the color" Monica said. "Thank you" Mindi replied. "Are these your children?" Monica asked her as she held up a family picture. "Yes, all 6 of them haha. This is my husband Daniel, this is my oldest Milly she's a freshman here, this is Jaini she's 12, this is Archer he's 10, this is Addison she's 9, this is Gideon he's 7 and this is little Vada she's 3 and very sassy" Mindi told her.

"They are all very adorable" Monica smiled. "Thank you" Mindi smiled back. "What about you, are you married, have any children?" Mindi asked her. "I'm actually divorced, but I have 2 kids, twins ages 9, Rory my son and Reese my daughter" Monica replied.

"Oh I'm sorry to here about the divorce" Mindi said. "Thanks" said Monica. Mindi just nodded "We should get our kids together for a playdate sometime" said Mindi. "Yes that would be fun" Monica replied. They both smiled. Monica knew that she would fit in just fine.

That's it for chapter 13!!!!! Thanks for reading this far. I did take a little bit of a break from writing so that's why it took so long for this chapter to be done. I already have some ideas for the next couple of chapters so keep reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🙃

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