Chapter 35: A Time Away P.T 2

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Mindi and the girls arrived home after school. The little girls went to play then Milly and her friend Arden went to hangout in her room. Soon after Daniel arrived home from work and picking up the other kids.

"Hi honey" Daniel said kissing Mindi on the cheek. "Hi hon, what do you want for dinner tonight?" Mindi asked him. "I'm not sure, why don't you ask Milly" Daniel said. "Oh speaking of Milly she has a friend over" Mindi said. "Oh is it Anne or Carina?" Daniel asked. "No, she hasn't talked to Carina in a while and Anne was over last weekend" said Mindi.

"Oh so it's a new friend" said Daniel. "Yeah her name is Arden, she seems nice" said Mindi. "That's good that Milly is still making friends" said Daniel. "Yes it is" Mindi smiled. Mindi then went to ask them what they wanted for dinner.

*knock knock* Mindi knocked on Milly's bedroom door. "Come in!" Milly shouted. "Just me, I was wondering what you guys wanted for dinner" Mindi said. "I can't think of anything" said Milly. "What about you Arden" Mindi said.

"Oh uhm I eat anything really" said Arden. "Ooo ma can you make your ravioli?" Milly asked. "Yeah if Arden wants that too" said Mindi. "Yeah I'm good with that" said Arden. "Okay I'm gonna go get dinner started" said Mindi.

Mindi went into the kitchen and started fixing dinner. A few minutes later Lindsey walked in the door. "Hey" Mindi said. "Hey, mmm something smells good" Lindsey said. "I'm making homemade ravioli and pasta, wanna stay for dinner?" Mindi asked her. "That's okay, I was gonna take the girls to get something either before or after the movie" Lindsey said.

"This is so nice of you to do Lins, they love spending time with their Noni" said Mindi. "I love spending time with them too" Lindsey smiled. "I'll go see if their ready" Mindi. "Jaini! Addison! Noni is here come on!" Mindi shouted downstairs. They came upstairs ready to go to the movies with Lindsey.

"Alright girls have fun with Noni, I love you" Mindi said hugging and kissing both Janie and Addison. "Thanks again" said Mindi. "You're welcome, we'll be back later" Lindsey said. Lindsey and the girls then got in the car and headed to the movie theaters.

Mindi finished up dinner then called the little ones up to eat. " Hey V go tell Milly and Arden it's time for dinner please" Mindi said to Vada. "Who is Arwden?" Vada asked in her little tiny voice. "Arden is Milly's friend" Mindi said. "Okay I go tell them" said Vada.

She knocked on Milly's door. "Come in" Milly said. "Mama said it time to eat" said Vada. "Okay thanks V" said Milly. "Hi Millay's friend" said Vada. "Hi" Arden smiled. "Okay come eat dinner guys, bye" Vada said then ran away. "Awe she's so cute, is she your only sibling?" Arden asked.

"No, I have 6 siblings but 2 went to the movies with my Noni" said Milly. "Dang, lucky I only have a sister" said Arden. "Yeah I love having a lot of siblings, sometimes" said Milly. They both laughed then went to the dining room to eat dinner.

They sat down at the dinner table and started to eat. "Where's mom?" Milly asked. "She went to use the bathroom real quick" said Daniel. A few seconds later Mindi came in and sat down at the table next to Arden and Vada. "So, how is it everyone?" Mindi asked. "It reallay good mama" said Vada. "Yeah it's so good mama" said Archer. "Thanks guys, Arden what about you?" Mindi said.

Arden didn't answer. "Arden?" Mindi asked again. "What?" Arden said. "I asked if you liked dinner" Mindi said. "Oh yeah, it's really good thank you" said Arden. Mindi smiled at her. They all finished up eating and Mindi was finishing up the dishes as Arden walked through to use the bathroom.

    "Hi Arden" said Mindi. "Hi Mrs. Spencer-Romano" said Arden. "You don't have to call me that when we're not at school because I bet that feels awkward" Mindi joked. "Yeah kinda" Arden laughed. Mindi smiled and kept washing the dishes. "Is everything okay Arden?" Mindi asked her. "Actually I was wondering if I could talk to you about something" Arden asked her. "Of course, give me like 2 minutes and I'll meet you outside on the patio" Mindi said.

Mindi finished up the dishes and met Arden out on the patio. She went out and sat down beside her. "You can go ahead whenever you're ready" Mindi said to Arden. "This is hard to say" Arden said. "It's okay, take your time, I'm here to listen" said Mindi.

    "I-I think that I uhm, that I'm gay" said Arden. "Okay, why do you think that?" Mindi asked her. "Well the type of feelings that a girl should have for a boy, I also have for a girl too" said Arden. "Okay, I want you to know that I'm here for you if you decide that you for sure are attracted to the same sex" said Mindi.

    "Thank you so much, I feel like I definitely know for sure but I'm just nervous about the whole thing" said Arden. "I totally understand that, in fact let me tell you a little story about this girl I know" said Mindi. "Okay" said Arden.

   "When this girl was about 16 she realized that she started to like both as well, she was absolutely terrified of what people would think or what her parents would think and she struggled with it her whole teenage life and part of her adult life, after she started to experience more and try it felt weird and strange at first but then she realized that it felt right and it was okay to be yourself" said Mindi.

    "Is the girl you?" Arden asked. "Yes, it is" said Mindi. "Wow I can't believe it" said Arden. "Yes I know it's strange to hear" said Mindi. "Thank you for telling me your story" said Arden. "You're welcome and I hope it helps you" said Mindi.

  "What should I do though?" Arden asked. "I think that you should think about what we talked about in this little talk of ours and decide what to do and if you decide to tell your friends I think that you should tell your closet friends first" said Mindi. "So I should tell Milly?" Arden asked.

   "If you feel that you should then yes and I know that she will support you 100%" said Mindi. "Thank you so much I just really needed someone to trust to get this off of my chest" Arden said then hugging Mindi. "Awe you're so welcome and you can always trust me and I'll always be here for you" Mindi said hugging her back then Arden went back to Milly's room to talk to her and Mindi inside and went to bed.

    It was the next morning and Mindi woke up a little early so she could make the kids pancakes, eggs and bacon before school. Mindi was finishing setting the table when Daniel came down stairs and the little ones came upstairs. "Good morning" Daniel said kissing Mindi. "Good morning honey" Mindi said. "Eww" said the little ones. Daniel and Mindi laughed.

    Milly and Arden then came into the dinning room to eat breakfast. Mindi pulled Arden to the side to talk to her. "So, did you end up talking to Milly last night?" Mindi asked her. "Yes I did and you're right, she was very supportive" said Arden. "That's great" Mindi said giving Arden a hug. They both then sat down and started making their plates. Milly looked at Mindi and they both smiled at each other.

   That's it for Chapter 33!!! Sorry this took so long to publish but I was super busy and all. Hopefully you like this chapter, I'm still open to ideas. I'm not sure how many more chapters I'm going to do but not many more. Thank you for reading!!! 🙃


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