Chapter 38: A Lot of Problems and Secrets

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It had been a couple of weeks since Lauren found out about Tess and Mindi's affair and since Jonah broke up with Milly. Tess and Mindi decided to take a break from being with each other because Jonah refused to talk to Tess unless she stopped seeing Mindi. Not to mention Lindsey was still acting strange... Things got awkward and crazy.

It was a regular day, Mindi and Milly were on their way to school. They got to school and did their usual routine, Milly went to talk to her friends before the bell rang and Mindi went to her office. This time as Mindi was turning the corner to go into the office she bumped right into Tess. They both stopped and just at each other for a second until Joni was behind Tess and cleared her throat to get them to move.

"S-Sorry" said Tess. "It's okay" Mindi said. They then went their separate ways, thanks to Joni. "You really gotta move on Tess" Joni said to her as they walked down the hallway. Tess just gave Joni a look and kept walking.

Mindi got to her office and sat down her stuff and go to the teachers lounge to make a cup of coffee because she forgot hers on her kitchen counter for the millionth time. When she walked in Joni was in also making a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, forget your coffee again?" said Joni. "Good morning and yes" said Mindi. "Me too, it's becoming a habit for me" said Joni. "Me too unfortunately" said Mindi. They both laughed. "Oh did you ever figure out why Lindsey has been acting strange?" Joni asked. "Nope, not yet anyways" said Mindi. "Hmm" said Joni. They were quiet for a moment.

"So uhm, how are you doing with the whole Tess thing?" Joni asked her. "Well I'm trying not to think about, it's easier that way" said Mindi. "Well that's one way to feel" said Joni. "Yeah" said Mindi. "Well I gotta go, if you need anything you know where to find me I'm here for you Mind" said Joni. "Thank you" said Mindi. They smiled at each other and Joni left. Mindi finished making her coffee and went back to her office to do some work.

A little later Mindi goes to check her mailbox and Tess is also checking her mailbox. As soon as Mindi got to the mailboxes Tess left. "Seriously?" Mindi said. Tess just kept walking and ignoring Mindi. Mindi followed her down the hallway and grabbed her arm to stop her, "Stop avoiding me like I'm your worst enemy or something" Mindi said. Tess just looked at her.

"Stop looking at me and fucking say something, I'm tired of this shit Tess. I'm respecting the space that you need but I'm not going to have you treating me like I'm a bad person, yes I made bad decisions I know but-" Mindi said. "Mindi stop" Tess cut her off. "I'm sorry you feel like that, I have to ignore you to get over you it's the only way" said Tess. She then looked Mindi in the eyes and walked away.

Mindi didn't know what to think, had Tess really just said that to her. Was she actually trying to get over her? Mindi thought. She was too hurt and shocked to think, she slowly walked back to her office but in her way there Lindsey's office door opened and Lydia rushed out in full tears, Mindi could tell that those were tears of hurt and anger.

"Lydia?" Mindi said. Lydia stopped, looked at Mindi and then gave her a big hug, Mindi could tell that she needed that hug. Whatever her and Lindsey were talking about was very difficult. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Mindi asked her. "N-No, L-Lindsey-" Lydia tried to say but couldn't stop crying. "Lydia what is it?" Mindi asked her. "A-Ask Lindsey" Lydia said still crying as she then let go of Mindi and went to her classroom.

Mindi was scared to even approach Lindsey's office. As she got close she seen Lindsey and Lindsey was clearly upset too and Mindi could tell she was crying but not a hurtful cry, it was more of a stressed or a mistake made type of cry. Mindi slowly walked into Lindsey's office.

"Is... everything okay?" Mindi asked. "You're going to want to sit down, I have to tell you this too" said Lindsey still crying some. Mindi shut the door behind her and sat down. "I-I don't even know how to say this" said Lindsey. "Just say it, whatever it was made Lydia really upset and you too" said Mindi. "I hate to say this but it's going to hurt you too" said Lindsey.

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