Chapter 24: A Decision

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   "Well what did he say!!??" everyone kept repeating. Mindi started crying and fell to the floor then started laughing. "He said yes!" Mindi shouted. Everyone started hugging Mindi and cheering and maybe even tearing up themselves.

   "We're getting a baby!!" Mindi shouted. "Yay, woohoo" everyone shouted. "Im so happy I can't wait to bring her home and bring her here and show her around" said Mindi. "I can't wait to meet her" said Lindsey. "Mindi I'm so excited for you but I have to go I have to leave early for my doctors appointment" said Joni.

   "Thank you, see you later Joni" said Mindi. "Bye guys" said Joni. Everyone told her bye then she left for her doctors appointment. "Do you have any pictures of her?" Lydia asked. "Yes I do, she's so so cute" said Mindi, showing them all pictures of her.

    "Mindi, she's absolutely beautiful" said Lydia. "When do you get to go get her?"  Lindsey asked. "I'm not sure yet until I call the adoption agency" said Mindi.

     "Ahh I can't wait" said Lindsey. "Me either, I want to go get her as soon as possible" said Mindi. "She really is so beautiful" said Lydia. Tess's phone rang. "Excuse me I have to take this" Tess said before walking out to answer her phone.

    "Okay well I'm going to call the adoption agency" said Mindi. "Okay, we'll see you later, so happy for you Mind" said Lydia. Lindsey and Lydia both left. Mindi sat down at her desk to call the adoption agency.

   "Hello this Mindi Spencer, I'm calling about the adoption of the newborn African American baby girl" said Mindi. "Hello yes, have you made your decision?" asked Mallory. "Yes we have, we have decided to adopt her" said Mindi. "How wonderful" said Mallory.

   "How soon will we be able to come?" Mindi asked. "Well as tomorrow if you can make it" said Mallory. "Oh my goodness that's great" Mindi said. "Yes, but of course you will need to sign some papers and you won't need a first time home visit since you already have kids of your own but later on you will have home visits just to see how she is doing" said Mallory.

   "Yes that's totally understandable" said Mindi. "Would you like to schedule a time for tomorrow?" Mallory asked. "Yes" Mindi said. "Great, does 12:00 work for you guys?" Mallory asked. "That works, see you tomorrow at 12:00" said Mindi. "Goodbye, see you tomorrow Mrs.Spencer" said Mallory then hung up.

Later that night, Mindi and Daniel called all the kids into the living room. "All right, we have some good news, we have decided that... We are going to adopt the baby!!" Mindi shouted. All the kids started jumping up and down and shouting with excitement.

"We are picking her up tomorrow while you guys are in school" said Mindi. "For the name everyone will write down their favorite name on a piece of paper and fold it up and put it in this hat and we will draw out a name and decide if everyone likes it or not" said Daniel.

The kids started writing down names and putting them in the hat. "Okay is everyone done?" Mindi asked. "Yeah" said all the kids. "Okay the first one is, Naomi" said Mindi. "That's cute but not the one" said Daniel. "I agree, next one is Olivia" said Mindi. "Oh that's cute I like that one" Daniel said. "I like that one too but still not the on" said Mindi.

"Nina" said Mindi. "No" said Daniel. "Oh my goodness this one is it, Tessie" said Mindi. "I love that name" said Daniel. "Tessie it is, I really love it" said Mindi. "Yes! That was mine" Addison shouted. "Now for the middle name we want Milly to choose since she is the oldest" said Daniel.

"Awee, hmm what about Lynn?" said Milly. "I love it, what about you honey" Mindi said. "I love it too" said Daniel. "We have a name, Tessie Lynn Romano" said Mindi. All the kids started jumping up and down again and getting excited. Daniel and Mindi kissed. "Ewww" all the kids yelled. Mindi and Daniel started laughing.

It was the next morning which meant it was the day they were bringing home their new baby girl. "Okay now remember Milly you cannot tell anyone why I'm not at school today, if they ask wait I mean when they ask just tell them I'm getting things ready for the baby" said Mindi. "Okay mom" said Mindi.

Mindi and Daniel dropped the kids off at their schools then came back home to install the car seat and get the diaper bag that Mindi packed then headed to the adoption agency.

After a long drive they finally arrived at the adoption agency. "We are really doing this" Mindi said. "We are really doing this" Daniel said kissing Mindi. They got out of the car and grabbed all the stuff and walked in.

"Hi, I'm Mindi Spencer can I speak with Mallory?" Mindi said. "That's me" Mallory laughed. "Oh okay hi" Mindi laughed. "That's okay, you're here to adopt the baby girl right?" Mallory asked. "Yes" Mindi replied. "Great, I believe she is already to go just let me have someone bring her up to the front" said Mallory.

"Okay thanks" Mindi said. A few minutes later a lady came out carrying her and handed her to Mindi. "Oh my she's absolutely precious" said Mindi with tears in her eyes. "How could anyone not want her" said Daniel. "I know so sad, but I believe she will be in great hands and have a loving family" said Mallory.

"Absolutely, we will care for her and treat her like she's our own" said Mindi. Mallory smiled. "So what all do we have to do before we take her home?" Daniel asked. "Well all you have to do is sign these papers and you'll be on your way" said Mallory handing them a pen to sign the adoption papers.

Both Mindi and Daniel signed. "Tessie is such a beautiful name, congratulations you now have a beautiful baby girl" said Mallory. "Thank you so much" said Mindi then strapping Tessie into her car seat. "Yes thank you, have a good rest of your day ma'am goodbye" Daniel said.

They walked out and buckled Tessie into the car and drove home. By the time they got home the babysitter, Kate had already had the kids home from school and had dinner made. Mindi and Daniel walked in the door with baby Tessie. "Mom and Dad are back with the baby!!" the kids yelled.

"Okay everyone wash your hands and come in the living room" said Daniel. While the kids washed their hands Mindi took Tessie out of her car seat and showed her to Kate. "She's so beautiful Mindi" said Kate. "I already love her so much" said Mindi. "Now you have another kid to babysit" Daniel joked. The three laughed. The kids came back after washing their hands.

"Okay kids sit on the floor" said Mindi. Mindi sat down on the floor and all the kids sat around her to admire baby Tessie. "Now be gentle she's only tiny" said Mindi. "Can I hold her mom?" Addison asked. "No I want to hold her" said Gideon. "I asked first!" Addison yelled. "Calm down guys, everyone will get to hold her but Addie first since she asked first" said Mindi. Mindi handed Tessie to Addison but helped her hold up her neck.

"That's long enough Addie it's my turn" said Gideon. "Ugh I didn't even have her that long wait your turn" said Addison. "Okay Addie it's Giddy's turn" Mindi said then handing Tessie from Addison to Gideon. All the kids took turns holding Tessie it was finally little Vada's turn.

Vada was holding baby Tessie. "Eww this baby tinks" said Vada in her little tiny voice then handed the baby back to Mindi. "Baby Tessie has a dirty diaper, Milly or Jaini would you like to change it since you're old enough?" Mindi asked. "Not me gross" said Jaini. "I'll do it" said Mindi. "Okay do you know what to do?" Mindi asked her. "Yes just tell me if I'm doing it right" said Milly. "Okay" said Mindi.

As everyone cuddled with baby Tessie some more it was soon time for bed. Daniel got all the little kids tucked in and ready for bed. Mindi got baby Tessie ready for bed and put her in Vada's old baby crib. Then went to sleep herself.

That's it for Chapter 24!!!!!!! Thanks for reading, hope you liked this chapter I did. I'm so happy for Mindi, I feel like this is what she's needs. Anyways I still need ideas, suggestions and comments and questions!! Thanks for reading! 🙃

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