Chapter 41: A Possible Soultion😩

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  It was the next morning after Lannie came back and had dinner with Lindsey, Mindi, Lydia, and Joni. And since Sylvie had come to ask Mindi for her help to get Lannie back.

  Mindi was in her office working, Lindsey was in her office working. As they were working the lights went off, the power had went out. "What in the world" Mindi shouted. "Ah come on" Lindsey shouted. Mindi got up and walked out into the main office. "Well what do we do now?" Mindi said. Lindsey then walked into the office. "This has happened before, so I guess we just wait for the power to come back on" said Lindsey.

  "Do we have a generator here?" Mindi asked. "You'd think" said Lindsey. "So that's a no?" Mindi asked. "Nope, no generator" said Lindsey. Lana(principal) then walked out. "Hello everyone" said Lana. "Hi" Mindi, Lindsey, Monica, and the secretary said.

  "Usually we move all the students to the gymnasium when this happens" said Lana. "How can they see to play?" Mindi asked. "We open the ceiling windows" said Lana. "Ohh smart" said Mindi. Lana then made the announcement that all students should report to the gymnasium at this time. Mindi and Lindsey went to the gym because they knew Lydia and Joni would be there.

   "I guess the powers out" said Joni. "I guess so" said Lindsey. "Ouch Lydia what happened to your right hook?" Joni asked. "Oh uhm nothing" said Lydia. "Ask Lindsey, she knows why" said Mindi. "Seriously?" said Lydia. "Lindsey, what happened to Lydia's right hook?" Joni asked. "She punched someone" said Lindsey.

  "Who did she punch?" Joni asked. Lydia didn't answer. "Lydia..." Joni said. "I punched Lou" said Lydia. "What!" Joni shouted. "Ask her why" said Mindi. "Lydia why did you punch Lou?" Joni asked. "Ask Lindsey" said Lydia. "OMG someone just tell me why Lydia punched Lou" said Joni.

  "Lydia punched Lou because she was mad that Lindsey slept with Lou because Lindsey was mad that Lydia and I slept together" said Mindi. "Lindsey what?!" Joni shouted. "Keep your voice down, the whole school doesn't need to know" said Lindsey.

  They kept talking and a few minutes later Tess walked over. "Hey" said Tess. "Hey Tess" said everyone except Mindi. "Mindi hi" said Tess. "Hey Tess" said Mindi. It was awkward at first because nobody knew what to say.

  "Well at least we don't have to do any work today" said Lydia. "That's true" said Joni. It was quiet again then Lindsey's phone rang. It was Lannie. "I'll be right back I'm going to take this" said Lindsey.

  "So... what should we talk about?" Joni asked. "We've all slept with Lydia right?" Mindi asked. "I haven't" said Tess. "Oh right" said Mindi. "What's this have to do with anything?" Lydia said. "Well I was going to say we could talk about Lydia's secret ankle tattoo" said Mindi.

  "Well it's not a secret now, thanks" said Lydia. They all laughed. Lindsey came back from her phone call and sat back down with them. "What did I miss?" Lindsey asked. "Nothing much, just talking about Lydia's not so secret ankle tattoo" said Joni. "Oh I see that all the time" Lindsey said winking at Lydia.

  "Gross" they all joked. "Lydia isn't the only one with a secret tattoo" said Joni. They all looked at Mindi. "Why are you all looking at me?" Mindi said. "We already know that Mindi has a tattoo that she won't show us" said Joni. Next they looked at Tess. "Not Tess, that I know of" said Joni. "Lindsey?" Lydia said. "Yup" said Joni.

  "Great, thanks Joni" said Lindsey. "Where at?" Tess asked. "Her inner thigh" said Joni. "Wait how do you know that?" Lydia asked. "Me and Lindsey slept together" said Joni. "Recently?!" Lydia shouted. "No no, a long time ago" said Lindsey. "It was a one time thing" said Joni. "I didn't even know that" said Lydia.

   "About the tattoo or Joni and Lindsey?" Mindi asked. "Both" said Lydia. "It was a long time ago, it doesn't even matter anymore" said Lindsey. "And it was only one time, it didn't mean anything" said Joni. They sat in silence for a little while. Tess and Mindi kept glancing at each other but trying not to make it noticeable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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