Chapter 31: A Little Something Unexpected P.T 1😩

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*smut warning*😩

It had been later in day since Lydia fucked Mindi in the teachers lounge. Mindi had been thinking about it all day and couldn't stop thinking about it. She decided it was time to return the favor.

    Mindi walked upstairs to Lydia's room and shut the door behind her. When walked in, Lydia was hanging up stuff on her bulletin board. "Oh hey Mindi what's up-" Lydia started to say but was cutoff by Mindi pushing her up against the wall and deeply kissing her.

Lydia wrapped her arms around Mindi's neck and her legs around her waist. Mindi then put Lydia on the table beside them and got on top of her. Both were running their hands all over each others bodies, panting for air.

Mindi then took of Lydia's shirt then her own and threw them on the floor. Mindi kissed all over Lydia's body causing Lydia to slightly moan. Next Mindi slid off Lydia's pants. She started to go down there when Lydia's phone rang.

"Ugh seriously" Lydia said getting up to go answer her phone. It was Lindsey but she didn't tell Mindi that. Lydia was talking away on the phone while Mindi was getting impatient. "Better hurry, wouldn't want whoever is on the phone to hear you moan" Mindi whispered as a joke.

Lydia jokingly shook her head at her. "You have 5 seconds" Mindi whispered. Lydia was still talking away on the phone and Mindi still had no idea it was Lindsey and Lindsey had no idea that Mindi was there.

5 seconds was up. Mindi walked over to Lydia while she was on still on the phone and started kissing all over her body, slowly making her way to the bottom. "Hey can I uhm call you back I'm kinda busy" Lydia said to Lindsey on the phone but Lindsey still didn't hang up she just kept saying she was almost done talking.

Mindi slowly walked Lydia back and up against the wall. She then slid her hand down the front of Lydia's underwear and slid 2 fingers inside of Lydia. Mindi started moving them in and out, each time faster. Lydia started to squirm and try her hardest to keep her moans quiet because Lindsey was the last person who needed to hear them right now.

Mindi added her thumb to start rubbing Lydia's clit as she moved her fingers in and out faster each time. Lydia let out a quiet moan. "I really have to go" Lydia said to Lindsey on the phone as she almost let out a moan. They finally stopped talking and Lydia put her phone down and let out a giant moan.

   Mindi let Lydia reach her high before removing her fingers and moving back to the table. "I told you you'd better hurry" Mindi winked then walked Lydia back to the table removed Lydia's underwear then went down on her. Lydia moaned loud but not too loud so others didn't hear her.

    Mindi slid her tongue inside of Lydia and moved her mouth all around. The hot air coming from Mindi's mouth made Lydia squirm even more. Lydia held onto the side of the table and moaned loud. As Mindi kept going she looked up and made eye contact with Lydia which only made her wanna go faster.

    Lydia tangled her hand in Mindi's hair, arched her back high off the table and tilted her head back in pleasure. Lydia let out more moans. "oh my, oh Mindi" Lydia moaned. Mindi then added 2 fingers to help Lydia pass through her orgasm which sent a shock clear through her body.

    "I'm close, oh I'm so close" Lydia moaned as she reached her end. Mindi slowly removed her fingers and licked her lips seductively. She waited for Lydia to catch her breath before going up to kiss her. "How was that?" Mindi whispered in her ear. "Breathtaking" Lydia said still trying to catch her breath.

    They smirked at each other then got dressed. "Alright I have some work I need to go catch up on but you know where to find me if you need something more" Mindi said winking at Lydia then left and went to her office.

    Mindi was walking back into the office when Lana yelled for her to come into her office. "Hello Mrs. Spencer-Romano, have a seat" said Lana. When Mindi walked in, this red headed lady that she had never seen before was sitting in Lana's office with her.

   "This is Ms. Heidi Kessell, she is Carina Elum's new personal counselor which was requested by Carina's father" said Lana. "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Mindi" said Mindi. "Nice to meet you too" said Heidi.

   "Heidi will be here 3 times a week to speak with Carina and other students, she will be using the library" said Lana. "That's nice" said Mindi. "Mrs. Romano should be here she's just running a little late" Lana said. "Oh you're both Mrs. Romano, are you two married or ?" Heidi asked Mindi.

    "Oh no no no, I'm married to her son, she's my mother in law" said Mindi. "Ohh, gotcha" Heidi. Lindsey finally walked in and sat down. "Sorry I'm late I got caught up in something" said Lindsey. "That's okay, this Ms. Heidi Kessell she's Carina Elum's and others new personal counselor" said Lana. "Hi I'm Lindsey Romano nice to meet you" said Lindsey.

    "Nice to meet you too" said Heidi. "If Heidi needs help with anything I want you two to help her out" said Lana. "Okay" said Mindi and Lindsey. "Heidi do you have any questions?" Lana asked her. "Nope" said Heidi. "Okay great you all are free to go, Heidi I will see you next week" said Lana.

    Everyone left and went their separate ways. Mindi noticed that Lindsey kept giving her dirty looks and not the good kind of dirty looks. She didn't think anything of it and kept going on with her day.


    Later that evening Mindi and her family were at home eating dinner. "How was everyone's day?" Daniel asked. "I played tag with Rory and the other kids during recess" said Archer. "I played four square during recess" said Addison. "I played cars in the race track rug in my classroom" said Gideon. "Sounds like everyone had good days, what about you honey?" Daniel asked.

    "Honey?" Daniel said again. Mindi still wasn't answering. "Momma" Addison said bumping Mindi's arm, trying to get her attention. "What sorry I was zoned out, what did you say?" Mindi asked. "I asked how your day was" said Daniel. "Oh it was uhm good" said Mindi.

   "Are you sure?" Daniel asked her. "Yeah it was good" said Mindi. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" said Mindi. She answered the door and it was a detective. "Hello ma'am, my name is detective Wright" said the detective. "Hello detective, is there something I can help you with?" Mindi asked her.

    "Actually yes, I was wondering if you knew a man by the name of Ed Doyle?" asked detective Wright. "I don't think so" said Mindi. "Well he used to live here years ago and he has recently gone missing and his family is trying to find him" said the detective.

   Mindi's heart sank. "Here is a picture of him, if you happen to see him could you give me a call here's my number" said the detective. Mindi's heart sank even more after seeing the picture because that is definitely the guy she shot then threw out his body. "Y-Yeah of course" Mindi said nervously.

    "This is a beautiful home btw, how long have you lived here?" asked the detective. "Uhm a while, ever since my oldest daughter was born" said Mindi. "Awesome, how many children do you have?" she asked Mindi. "I have 7, 2 boys the rest are girls" Mindi replied.

    "That's quite a big family, I've always loved big families" said the detective. "Yes I love my family" said Mindi. Detective Wright smiled at her. "Alright well thank you for your time and call me if you see him" said detective Wright. "Yep, thanks" Mindi said.

   By the time Mindi was done talking to the detective all the kids had finished eating dinner and went to their rooms or went to play. Mindi went to Milly's room and shut the door behind her.

  "You will never believe who that was" Mindi said to her. "Who?" Milly asked. "That was a detective asking if we have seen the guy who was stalking us" said Mindi. "Well what did you tell her?" Milly asked. "I obviously said no, you know I hate lying" said Mindi. "I know, she probably won't come back anyways" said Milly. "I hope not, I have to go call Tess" said Mindi.

That's it for Chapter 31!!! Thank you for reading!!! I'm trying my best to write as much as I can. Hope you liked these chapters and you should look forward to the next one...🙃

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