Chapter 15: A Secret P.T 1😩

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*smut warning*😩

After Milly and Jonah left, Mindi was upstairs sitting on her bed folding laundry and watching tv in her room. Tess came upstairs and shut the door behind her. "And just what do you think you're doing?" Mindi asked Tess with a smirk. "I'm just here to help you with your laundry" Tess smirked back. "Yeah okay, cause I'm supposed to believe that" Mindi said.

  Tess grabbed the remote, turned off the tv and put the clothes basket on the floor. "This is not helping with the laundry" Mindi smirked. "But it's helping with something" Tess smirked back as she climbed on top of Mindi kissing her. "We have the house to ourselves so you can scream as loud as you want" said Tess. "I'm not the one who is going to be screaming" said Mindi.

     "Oh yeah" Tess smirked. "Yeah" Mindi smirked back. They started kissing again. Tess pushed Mindi down on the bed got on top of her while they were still kissing. Mindi pushed Tess off of her so she could be on top. Mindi removed Tess's shirt then her own. Their hands wandered all over each others heated bodies.

Mindi's hands moved down and unbuttoned Tess's pants and took them off, Tess did the same to Mindi. Mindi then unhooked Tess's bra and tossed it to the floor. She kissed all over them and all over her neck. Mindi brushed her hand across Tess's area that caused her to gasp at the touch.

"Ooo, sensitive to touch are we?" Mindi smirked. Tess just bit her bottom lip. Mindi started kissing her again, she then moved her hand down and slid it down the front of Tess's underwear feeling just how wet she was. Tess let out a slight moan. "Woah and I haven't even done anything yet" Mindi said.

Mindi took off Tess's underwear. She slowly slid two fingers inside of her going in and out. Each time she sped up. Tess started to moan louder the faster Mindi went. Mindi then added another finger causing Tess to arch her back, grab a tight grip on the bed sheets and moan even louder.

"Oh Mindi... don't stop" Tess moaned. While still moving her fingers in and out of Tess, she then moved down and added her tongue also. Tess's moans kept getting louder. "Ohh Mindi... I'm close, I'm so... close" Tess moaned. Mindi sped up so Tess could pass through. 

Mindi let Tess catch her breath before she removed her fingers. She then went up and kissed Tess. "How was that?" Mindi asked her. "T-That was a-amazing" Tess replied still catching her breath. "I'm glad, I do have another trick up my sleeve that is insanely amazing but the question is... can you handle it" Mindi said seductively to Tess.

" I can handle anything and you're not even wearing a shirt how can you have sleeves" Tess smirked back. "Alright, round two it is, you should probably prepare yourself" Mindi smirked. "Oh I'm prepared" Tess said. "We'll see" Mindi winked.

Mindi removed her own underwear then sat her area right on top of Tess's. Tess looked at her knowing what was about to happen. Tess grabbed Mindi's waist as Mindi rocked her hips back and forth. She started to speed it up causing both of them to moan and arch their backs.

Tess dug her nails into Mindi's side and Mindi dug her nails into Tess's arms as Mindi went faster causing them both to moan louder. "Oh my...oh Tess" Mindi moaned. "Oh...Mindi" Tess moaned. Mindi was going so fast that having a tight grip on the bed sheets or on Mindi's waist wasn't helping so Tess grabbed ahold of the headboard behind her.

Both of their backs arched even higher as they reached the end and came everywhere. Mindi slowed down, got off and laid down beside Tess on the bed as they both tried to catch their breaths.

"And how was that" Mindi asked her. "I guess I was not prepared" Tess replied. "I told you, you wouldn't be prepared" Mindi joked. "I've never came like that or that much before" Tess said. Mindi just laughed. They put their clothes back on and went to sleep.

A few hours later they heard a noise coming from downstairs, they figured it had to be Milly and Jonah coming back but they looked at the time and it was 2am so those two were already home hours ago.

A few seconds later Mindi gets a text from Milly saying that they think someone is in the house. Mindi knew exactly who was in the house, that man. Mindi texted her back and told them to stay in her room and lock the door. Mindi has had enough of this creepy guy. She got out of bed, went into her closet, opened her safe and pulled out a gun.

"Mindi what the f are you doing?!" Tess yelled. "Shh, come on and stay behind me" Mindi whispered putting the gun at the back of her pants and pulling her shirt down over it. Mindi opened the door and they started down the stairs quietly. They got to the bottom of the stairs and bumped into Milly and Jonah.

"Shit Milly! I thought I said stay in your room" Mindi whispered/yelled. "We heard you guys coming down the stairs and nice language" Milly said. "Sorry, now all three of you stay right here and I mean it" Mindi said. "Be careful Mindi" Tess whispered. "I will" Mindi whispered back. Mindi slowly walked towards the kitchen.

She quickly turned on the dining room and kitchen lights. She notices that the man also has a gun, again. He points it towards her and leads her back into the dining room. "Mom!" Milly yelled scared. "I'm okay Mil" Mindi said back trying not to sound scared.

Tess's heart was racing as she moved both of the kids behind her. "Stay behind me" she whispered to them. "What do you want from us, you've been stalking us and this is the second time you've broken into my home" Mindi asked/said to him.

"3 months, I have been watching you and your family live in my house for 3 months and I think it's time you give it back" said the man. "Sir, there must be some sort of confusion here, you might have lived here in the past but this is our home now" Mindi said.

"I still live here and it's time for you to leave" he said holding the trigger tighter making Mindi flinch. "Sir" tears started running down her face, "there is a misunderstanding here, we live here now and we'd really appreciate it if you left us alone" Mindi said.

"I'm gonna tell you one more time to leave then I'm going to pull this trigger, do you understand bitch" the man said hitting her in the face then grabbing ahold of her face making her look at him. Mindi flinched again. "Mindi!" Tess yelled with tears also running down her face.

"I said do you understand!" the man yelled. "No! do you understand me?!" Mindi yelled and pulled out the gun from behind her, pointed it at him and shot him and he fell to the ground. "MINDI OMG" Tess ran over to Mindi, grabbed the gun from her and tossing it on the floor. Mindi was in shock at what just happened.

"Mom omg" Milly yelled then ran to Mindi and hugged her. Mindi hugged her back while still staring at the man thinking about what just happened. Jonah walked over to the guy and leaned down to check his pulse. "He's dead" Jonah said.

That's is for chapter 15!!!! Big apologies for this chapter, it was so awkward writing it like so so so awkward but some people like reading stuff like that so. Anyways sorry for that and uhm thanks for reading this far. 🙃

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