Chapter 37: A Secret Unfolded P.T 2

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"What's so funny?' Tess asked. Everyone stopped laughing and were quiet and in shock. "Why are you all staring at me like that?" Tess asked. "Tess, uhm Mindi has something she has to talk to you about" said Joni. Everyone shot her a look like, seriously. Tess got this nervous look on her face. Everyone left Mindi and Tess alone to talk. The last one out was Lindsey and she shut the door on her way out. Mindi sat down at her desk and Tess sat across from her.

"This isn't easy for me talk to you about" said Mindi. "Just tell me, I can handle it" said Tess. "Okay, uhm Lauren came to see me earlier today to talk about something" said Mindi. "Okay that's strange" said Tess. "Yeah I thought so too" said Mindi. "Well what did she talk to you about?" Tess asked. "Well usually I don't talk about what I talk about with people but since she is your daughter I'll make an acception, Tess Lauren knows" Mindi said. "Knows about what?" Tess asked. "Tess she KNOWS" said Mindi. "There is no way that she knows, she can't know" said Tess. "I know it's crazy but she knows Tess" said Mindi.

"Did she say how she knows?" Tess asked. "She said she suspects that you're having an affair because Ivan is always out of town and when he is actually home you two don't even act like you're married and you are always strangely happy like you're seeing someone new oh and the way that you dress is different from when the last time she flew in" said Mindi. "Wait so why would she come talk to you about us if she knows and why not Joni?" Tess asked. "That's what I was wondering, she said that she didn't talk to Joni because she felt Joni wouldn't tell her something like that" said Mindi. "She might be right there" said Tess. "Yeah, wait a minute..." Mindi said. "What?" Tess said.

"She never said that she knew it was me, she just said that she thought you were having an affair but she didn't say with who" said Mindi. "Omg" said Tess. "What are you going to do?" Mindi asked her. "I have to tell her, its only fair but I don't want to get you in trouble or mess up your marriage just because I messed up mine" said Tess. "I will be okay this was both of our faults we knew what we were getting into so now we have to be ready for the consequences" said Mindi. "Thank you" said Tess. "You're welcome" said Mindi.

A little later after Mindi finished talking to Tess about Lauren she went to check mailbox. "Hey" said Monica. "Hey, thanks for stalking Tess earlier" said Mindi. "Oh no problem, is everything okay?" Monica asked. "No but it will be" said Mindi. "Okay, well I'm here if you need anything" said Monica. "Thanks, I appreciate it really" said Mindi. "No problem" said Monica. Mindi walked back to her office and sat down at her desk. Lindsey walked in, "Hey, how did it go with Tess?" Lindsey asked. "Well it went as well as it could, she is gonna talk to Lauren about it" said Mindi.

"She's gonna tell Lauren that she's having an affair with you?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah, I'm kinda freaking out but we know the consequences" said Mindi. "Look at first I was pissed at you for cheating on my son but then I understood since I have no room to talk because I did the same with Lydia and I honestly wouldn't change what I have with her for the world, yes I still love my husband but I also love Lydia and I know you still love Daniel and actually the word love is just complicated" Lindsey said. "Thank you, that actually means a lot" said Mindi. "You're welcome, and nice glasses by the way" Lindsey said then smiling and going back to her office. Mindi shook her head and laughed.

A few minutes later both Joni and Lydia walked into. "Hey..." said Lydia. "Hello, are you guys done laughing" Mindi said sarcastically. "We actually wanted to apologize for laughing because it wasn't funny and I was laughing because Joni was laughing so I apologize" said Lydia. "Thank you" said Mindi. Lydia elbowed Joni. "I'm sorry for laughing too and wish you the best of luck" said Joni. "Thanks" Mindi said. "How did it go with Tess?" Lydia asked. "Well it went as well as it could've went, she is going to talk to Lauren about it" said Mindi.

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