Chapter 33: A Big Fight

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  It had been the next week since what happened with Mindi and Lindsey. The weird thing was, Lindsey hadn't been to work for two days straight. Everyone was placing bets on why they think Lindsey had been skipping work but were any of their ideas right?

"Do you think Noni will come to work today or skip again?" Milly asked Mindi as they walked into the office. "Maybe" said Mindi. They looked into Lindsey's office before going into Mindi's office with the others. "She's not here again" said Lydia. "Have any of you talked to her?" Tess asked. "No" Lydia and Joni both said.

  "Well if anyone has talked to her it would be Lydia or Mindi" said Joni. "I haven't" said Mindi. "Me either, I've tried calling but no answer" said Lydia. Milly said bye to Mindi and everyone else then left and went to socialize with her friends before school started.

A few minutes later Lindsey walked by looking rough and her hair was a mess. She went straight to her office and shut the door. Everyone looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. "Well at least she came back to work" Joni said sarcastically. "Real funny" Lydia said.

"So who's gonna go talk to her first?" Joni asked. "I vote Lydia since she's her favorite" said Tess. "I agree" said Mindi. "Oh come on why me?" Lydia asked. "I just said because you're her favorite" Tess said. "Oh, right" said Lydia.

Everyone looked at Lydia, waiting for her to go talk to Lindsey but she was taking her good ole time because she was nervous and she also didn't know what to say. "Well I uhm guess I'd better go talk to Lindsey huh" Lydia joked. "You've got it Lydie" said Joni.

"Lydie?" Mindi said. "Yeah Lydie?" Tess said. "Lydie... is the name that she used to call me when we were uhm together" said Lydia. "I didn't mean to say it, it just came out sorry" said Joni. "It's okay" Lydia said. Lydia then walked out of Mindi's office and went to Lindsey's door.

She lightly knocked on her door. "H-Hey Lindsey are you okay, is there anything we can do?" Lydia asked her. "Yeah" Lindsey said. "Okay what is it?" Lydia asked. "Go away and quit trying to talk to me" Lindsey said. Lydia walked away from the door and back into Mindi's office with the rest.

"This is going to be harder than we thought" said Lydia. "Who's up next?" Tess asked. "I vote Tess" said Joni. "Why me? She isn't going to talk to me anyways" said Tess. "Just try" said Lydia. "Fine" said Tess.

Tess walked to Lindsey's door and knocked. "Hey Lindsey, I know you don't want to talk but we'd all really like if you told us what was wrong so we can try to help" said Tess. "Go away Tess" said Lindsey. Tess walked back in the room with the others. "Well worth a shot" said Tess.

"Okay Joni you to next" said Mindi. "Ugh" said Joni. She walked over to Lindsey door and knocked. "Hey Lins, please come out and talk to us or let us come in and talk to you" said Joni. "You go away too Joni" said Lindsey. "Okay I give up" said Joni. She went back and sat down with the others. They all looked at Mindi.

"No way" said Mindi. "Come on, you're the only one who hasn't tried to talk to her" said Tess. "Please Mindi, I'm getting even more worried about her" said Lydia. "Ugh fine, we'll settle this real quick, come one guys" said Mindi. Everyone got up and followed Mindi to Lindsey's office.

Mindi pushed open Lindsey's door and walked in with the others behind her. "Alright Lindsey we have had enough, first you don't show up to work for I don't even know how many days then ignore our texts and calls and now you show up to work and you still won't talk to us" said Mindi. Lindsey didn't say anything.

   "Lindsey please talk to us" said Tess. "We are really worried about you" said Lydia. "I'm not talking to any of you, especially Mindi" Lindsey said. "What did Mindi do?" Tess asked. "What didn't Mindi do" said Lindsey. "Oh wait okay I see what you're doing here, just get over it Lindsey" said Mindi.

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