Chapter 34: A Time Away

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  It was the next week and Mindi was at home finishing getting ready for work. "Good morning Mil" Mindi said as Milly came in the kitchen. "Morning mom" said Milly. Soon after Jaini came downstairs. "Morning Ma" said Jaini. "Good morning Jaini" Mindi said.

  The rest of the kids later woke up too. Mindi made sure all the kids had breakfast every morning before school. The kids were sitting at the table eating breakfast and Mindi was cutting up a pancake for little Tessie. Daniel then finally came downstairs to get some breakfast as well.

Daniel kissed Mindi good morning. "Eww" said all the little kids. Mindi and Daniel laughed and kissed again knowing it made the little ones laugh. "Eww can you guys like do that somewhere else" said Milly. "Oh lighten up Mil" Daniel said.

  Everyone finished eating dinner then headed out the door for school, work and daycare for Vada and Tessie. "Thanks for agreeing with what we talked about the other night, I can't wait" Mindi said quietly to Daniel before they kissed goodbye. "I can't wait either honey" said Daniel.

  Mindi and Milly arrived at school. They did their usual morning routines. Milly said goodbye then went to talk to her friends before having to go to class and Mindi went to her office to talk and hang with Tess, Joni, Lydia and Lindsey before they had to go class.

   "Good morning everyone" said Mindi. "Good morning" everyone replied. Mindi sat down her stuff and realized she forgot her coffee at home, again. "Crap" Mindi said. "What's wrong?" Joni asked. "I forgot my coffee at home" said Mindi. "Again?" Lindsey said. "Yes again" said Mindi.

   "Are you two still arguing?" Tess asked. "No" they both said at the same time. "I think they are..." Joni said sarcastically. They both gave her a look and Joni just laughed. "Anyways I'm going to go get some coffee, anyone need any or need a refill?" Mindi asked.

   "I'll take a cup if you don't mind" said Lydia. "Okay, anyone else?" Mindi asked. "Nope" everyone else said. "Okay, I'll be right back" said Mindi. Before going to the teachers lounge to get coffee, Mindi stopped in the main office. "Good morning Monica" said Mindi. "Good morning Mindi" said Monica.

"Catching up on late paperwork?" Monica asked. "Yes and no well I'm doing my paperwork for the next two weeks now because me and my family are getting ready to take two weeks off to go to the beach" said Mindi. "Lucky, I wish I was going to the beach if you need help with doubling up your work just let me know" said Monica. "Thanks, and didn't you just get back from vacation?" Mindi asked. "Yeah but it wasn't long enough haha" said Monica.

   "I need a vacation and a break so badly" said Mindi. "That's so relatable" said Monica. "Yeah I'm excited but the kids don't know yet, we're gonna tell them at dinner tonight" said Mindi. "I can see them jumping up and down with excitement now" Monica said. They both laughed and went on with their day.

    Later that day Mindi was working in her office when her phone rang. "Hello?" Mindi said. "Hey it's Kate" said Kate(the kids babysitter). "Hey Kate is everything okay?" Mindi asked. "Actually no, the kids are fine but I just got a call from my mom that my dad had a heart attack and I have to go be with my family" said Kate.

   "Okay, I'm gonna call Daniel and see if he can get off of work and come get the girls" said Mindi. "Okay thanks" said Kate. "You're welcome, I'll call you back and let you know bye" said Mindi. She then called Daniel. "Hello?" Daniel said. "Hey honey it's me, Kate just called me and said her dad had a heart attack and needs to go be with her family, can you go pick up the girls?" Mindi asked.

   "I can't get off of work honey, I have to work everyday this week in order to get the two weeks off for the beach" said Daniel. "Could you pick them up and bring them here?" Mindi asked. "Yes that works" said Daniel. "Okay I'll call Kate and tell her you're on your way" said Mindi. "Okay, bye honey" said Daniel. "Bye honey" said Mindi.

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