Chapter 14: A Jealousy

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     Monica knew she would fit in just fine.

"Would you like a tour of the school?" Mindi asked her. "Yes please" Monica replied. As they finished up the tour the last place they went was Tess's room. "Hey, I'm just showing Monica around" said Mindi. "Oh okay, hey Monica" Tess said. "Hey, uhh Tess right?" Monica asked. "Yeah" Tess replied.

"My daughter Milly is dating her son Jonah" Mindi said. "I bet that's nice considering that you two are such good friends" said Monica. "I guess that's what you could say" Tess said under her breath. "What?" Monica said confused. Mindi just gave Tess a look, if looks could kill then Tess would be dead right now.

"What" Tess smirked. "Sorry it sounded like you said I guess that's what you could say, as if you guys were more than friends" Monica said smart like, like she knew something was up. Mindi just sarcastically smiled at Monica while Tess quietly laughed.

Monica's phone then rang. "I'm gonna take this" Monica said with relief of getting out of there and going out in the hallway. "You seriously had to say that" Mindi said to Tess. "Hey it just slipped" Tess laughed. Mindi just shook her head and laughed a little.

"Hey I'm back sorry about that, it was just my girlfriend asking how my first day went" Monica said. Leaving a shocked look on Tess face. "That's really uhm.. nice of her" Tess said trying to smile but still in shock. "Yeah that's really sweet" said Mindi. "I know right, we'll I'm gonna go now since schools almost over, bye see you guys Monday" Monica said before leaving.

     "I never would've pictured her to be..." Tess said. "Me either, she told me she was divorced so I just assumed it didn't work out but not for that reason" said Mindi. "She told you about her personal life?" Tess asked her. "Yeah, she also has twins who are 9" Mindi replied. "Let me guess she also said that they should have a play date with your kids" said Tess. "Actually yes" Mindi said.

"Awee how sweet is that" Tess said sarcastically. "Is someone jealous that I made a new friend" Mindi said in a baby voice. "Why would I be jealous" Tess said. "You tell me" Mindi said. "I'm not jealous, if anyone should be jealous it's her" said Tess.

"Why should she be jealous?" Mindi asked. "Because... I don't know she just should be" Tess said. Mindi just laughed. "Well I'm gonna go, see you after school" Mindi said as she still laughed walking out. She went to her office to pack up her stuff for the weekend. Lydia was in Lindsey's office talking to her.

"Hey guys, have you had a chance to talk to Monica?" Mindi asked them. "Not since earlier" said Lindsey. "I haven't" said Lydia. "Well she's actually pretty nice, and Tess is so jealous of her because Monica was talking to me about her personal life" said Mindi.

"I can see why" Lydia laughed. "Why?" Mindi asked. "Have you seen her ass" Lydia said as her eyes widened. Lindsey just gave her a look. "I'm just kidding, jeez who's jealous now" Lydia said towards Lindsey. "There is no reason for anyone to be jealous of her, we just have to get on her good side so we don't get fired, she's kinda our second boss now" said Mindi.

"That's true" said Lydia. "Yes, okay I'm leaving now, have a good weekend both of you" Mindi said to them before grabbing her bag, meeting Milly by the back door and going home. They arrived home and started cleaning up the house before Tess and Jonah got there.

  "How's the house look?" Mindi asked Milly. "It looks great mom" Milly replied. "Okay Jonah and Tess will be here any minute, let's go over rules before they get here. I'll allow Jonah in your room but the door has to stay open" said Mindi. "Mom we aren't even gonna do anything like that" Milly said.

"Good that's why the door is staying open" Mindi said with a fake smile. Milly just rolled her eyes. Tess and Jonah arrive. "Hey guys come on in, Milly show Jonah where he can put his bag" said Mindi. "Okay" Milly replied.

"I already told Milly this, Jonah I will allow you to be in Milly's room but the door has to stay open if that's fine with your mom as well" Mindi told them. "Okay thanks" said Jonah. "Yes that's fine" said Tess. "I thought about ordering pizza for dinner, sound good?" said Mindi. "Sounds good" Tess replied. "Okay great, I'll go ahead and order it" Mindi said.

Milly and Jonah went to Milly's room to hangout. "Well while we wait for the pizza to get here I could give you a tour of the house" Mindi said to Tess. "Okay" Tess said with a smile. "You know the kitchen, the bathroom, the dinning room, living room, this is Milly"s room, downstairs is where all the younger kids rooms are" said Mindi. The downstairs had 4 rooms and a big play area with toys and a huge tv and couch and all kinds of cool things for the kids.

"Omg this amazing" said Tess. "Thanks, we built all of this ourselves" Mindi replied. "That's amazing" Tess said. They went back upstairs. "Now up upstairs, this is Jaini's room I think the two oldest should have their own space" said Mindi. "I agree" said Tess. "And last, this is my room" Mindi said. "I like the decorations, are you sure you're not an interior designer?" Tess joked.

"I'm sure haha I just love decorating" Mindi said. They laughed and kept looking around Mindi's room. "Who's this?" Tess asked holding up a picture of a women. "Oh that's just an old friend" Mindi replied taking the picture from her. "Just a friend huh?" Tess said raising her eyebrows. "Yea" Mindi said.

"Mhmm, tell me who she really is" Tess said. "She's just a friend, well was a friend" Mindi said. "Was? tell me Mindi come on" Tess said teasing her. "Stop it Tess" Mindi laughed. "Just tell me, let me see the picture" Tess said trying to get the picture. "No" Mindi said trying not to let Tess get the picture.

Mindi was trying to run away from Tess trying to get the picture from her when Tess tripped and fell bringing Mindi down on top of her. They both stopped laughing and froze just staring into each others eyes. Mindi looked down at Tess's lips and started kissing her. Their hands tangled in each others hair. Things started to get heated.

Their hands then started wandering all over each other's body. Mindi slid her hands up Tess's shirt and Tess's went up the back of Mindi's shirt then down to her ass. "Mom the pizza guy is here!" Milly yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

They jumped and hurriedly got up and fixed their hair. "The money is on the counter!" Mindi yelled back. They went downstairs, Milly and Jonah had already started eating. Mindi and Tess sat down and started eating too. Everyone was silent. "Are you guys okay?" Milly asked them.

   "Yeah why?" Mindi asked. "No reason, everyone is just quiet" Milly said. They all kept eating. A while after dinner Milly and Jonah went back to Milly's room, Tess was putting the leftover pizza into baggies, and Mindi was cleaning up downstairs.

    "Hey mom we wondering if we can go to the movies" Jonah said to Tess. "Yeah, but you have to ask Mindi, she's downstairs" said Tess. Jonah and Milly went downstairs. "Hey Mom can me and Jonah go to the movies?" Milly asked Mindi. "Yes, but be home no later than 10:30 and drive safe Jonah" Mindi said.

    "Yes ma'am, also down here is awesome" said Jonah. "Thank you, me and Daniel built it ourselves"Mindi replied. "Thanks mom, bye love you" Milly said before her and Jonah left. "Bye love you too Mil" said Mindi.

That's it for chapter 14!!!! Thanks for reading!! If you're still reading this far, thanks. Idk how many more chapters I'm writing so stay tuned! 🙃

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