Chapter 26: A Tour

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It had been a week since Mindi and Daniel had adopted Tessie. Mindi had brought Tessie to school with her all week just because she wanted to be around her as much as possible for a little while.

Mindi was sitting at her desk with Tessie in her bouncer beside her desk. "Mrs. Spencer-Romano you have a visitor" said the secretary. "Lannie omg what are you doing here?!" Mindi shouted. "I heard you adopted a baby and I obviously had to come see her" Lannie joked.

"Who told you?" Mindi asked her. "A little birdie" Lannie laughed. Lindsey walked in. "You must be the little birdie" Mindi said to Lindsey. Lindsey just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"So where is she?" Lannie asked. "Here she is" Mindi said picking up Tessie and showing her to Lannie. "She's absolutely gorgeous Mindi" said Lannie. "I just love her so much" said Mindi. "I can tell, question though, why isn't she at the babysitters with Vada?" Lannie asked.

"That's uhm a good question, I guess I'm just not ready to let her go get I still want her to be with me all the time for a little bit longer" said Mindi. "That's understandable" said Lannie. "I was like that with all my kids when I first had them" said Mindi.

    "This is crazy" said Lindsey. "What's crazy?" Mindi asked. "I never thought that you would grow up to work in your high school, with my 7 grandkids and married to my son" said Lindsey. "Awe, me either but I wouldn't trade it for the world" said Mindi. Everyone smiled then left to go to Mindi and Daniels for dinner

    It was the next day which was a Saturday and today the 8th graders were coming up to the high school for a tour. Lindsey and Mindi were leading the tour and Lydia, Joni and Tess helped . The tour started out in the auditorium.

     "Hello and welcome to the high school tour, I am Mrs. Romano" said Lindsey. "And I am Mrs. Spencer-Romano" said Mindi. "Eww they have the same last name, they're married!" a kid shouted. "No we are not married, Mrs. Spencer-Romano is married to my son" said Lindsey.

    Tess, Lydia and Joni quietly laughed while Lindsey and Mindi just looked at them like seriously. "Anyways, and this is Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Norris and we will all be your tour guides today" said Lindsey. "We will be sectioning off into groups" said Mindi.

    "If your name tag says group A you will be with Mrs. Jackson, group B you will be with Mrs. Brady, group C you'll be with Mrs. Spencer-Romano, group D with me and group E with Mrs. Norris" said Lindsey. "Good luck" Lydia joked with the others. Everyone split into their groups.


As the tour went on it was now lunchtime and the cooks were serving lunch for all the kids and their parents. Mindi, Lindsey and the others were sitting at a table away from the kids and parents. "So guys how did it go?" Lindsey asked. "Pretty good" said Joni. "Yeah same" said Tess. "Yeah pretty good for me too" said Mindi. "What about you Lydia?" Lindsey asked.

  Lydia wasn't answering she just kept looking around. "Lydia? Hello? Lydia?" Lindsey kept trying to get her attention. Joni shook her gently to get her attention. "Huh, what sorry" said Lydia. "Are you okay?" Tess asked her. "Y-Yeah, uhm actually Mindi can I talk to you for a minute, privately" said Lydia. "I guess so" said Mindi.

"Are you okay?" Mindi asked her. "Lou is here with her daughter" said Lydia. Mindi froze and started to panic. "A-Are you sure it's her?" Mindi said. "I'm pretty sure it's her" said Lydia. "What is she doing here? She can't be here, why is she here" Mindi started to panic. "I-I don't know, what do we do?" Lydia said. "I don't know, what if she sees us?" Mindi said.

    "Grab our lunch and hurry to my office" said Mindi. "Okay" said Lydia. They went back to the table and started packing up their stuff. "What are you guys doing?" Lindsey asked. "Finishing lunch in my office, you guys are welcome to join us but we can't sit out here" said Mindi. Everyone just looked at Mindi and Lydia confused. They all started packing up their lunch but Mindi and Lydia were already halfway to Mindi's office.

    "Lydia, Mindi hey I didn't know you two were here" Lou shouted at them. They both froze and thought oh no, now they had to talk to her. "Lou heyy..." said Lydia. "Hey Lydia, hey Mindi" said Lou. They kept talking and as the others were getting up Tess and Lindsey noticed Mindi and Lydia talking to Lou.

    Lindsey and Tess looked at each other like you've got to be kidding me. Joni just bursted out laughing. "Looks like two people are jealous" Joni laughed. They just looked at her. They all three walked over there. "Hi, Lou wasn't it? I'm Lindsey" Lindsey said putting her hand on Lydia's hip. "Y-Yeah, yes" Lou said looking at Lindsey's hand on Lydia's hip.

    "And I'm Tess, remember we were talking at Lydia's party" Tess said sliding her hand in Mindi's front pocket. Joni again bursted our laughing. "I'm going to excuse myself" Joni walked away laughing. "I'm also going to excuse myself, bye guys" Lou said then going back to where she was sitting with her daughters and wife.

     "Somebody's jealous" Mindi said. "I am not jealous" Lindsey said. "I meant Tess but so are you" said Mindi. "I also am not jealous" said Tess. "Then why is your hand still in my pocket and Lindsey's hand still on Lydia's hip" said Mindi. They both quickly moved their hands, rolled their eyes and went to Mindi's office with Joni.

    "Do you think that women is her wife?" Lydia asked Mindi. "Probably, wanna find out?" Mindi said. "Absolutely not, let's just go" said Lydia. They both joined the others in Mindi's office.

"About time" said Lindsey. "Someone tell me what's happening" said Joni. "Mindi and Lydia's girlfriend is her with her daughter for the tour" said Tess. "She is not my girlfriend" Mindi and Lydia said at the same time. "Wait a minute" said Joni. "What?" Tess said. "Lydia never did tell us how she knows Lou, we just all assumed that she's her ex" said Joni.

"Omg you're right" said Lindsey. Everyone turned and looked at Lydia. "Well would you look at the time, I'd better get going" Lydia said trying to walk out the door. "Not so fast" Mindi said blocking the doorway. "Just tell us, Mindi told us so you have to tell us" said Lindsey.

    "Ugh fine" Lydia said then sitting back down. "Lou and I are in fact... ex-girlfriends but" said Lydia. "Aha I knew it" said Joni. "But that isn't all, Lou was my very first girlfriend and I uhm I lost my virginity to her" Lydia said. Everyone was silent and just looked at each other. Lydia got up and walked out of the room and to her room.

    When she walked out of the office Lou seen her and followed her to her room. "Hey are you okay?" Lou asked her. "Not really" said Lydia. "What happened?" Lou asked her. "I told Lindsey and my friends about us" said Lydia. "Oh" Lou said. "Yeah" said Lydia.

    "Can I tell you something?" Lou said. "Yes" said Lydia. "The reason I'm here is because my wife starts as the new math teacher here next and our youngest daughter is starting at the middle school and our oldest will be starting here" Lou said. "Are you serious?" Lydia said. "Yes but promise you cannot tell Mindi" said Lou. "I promise but you know she's going to find out anyways" Lydia said. "Yeah.." said Lou.

That's it for Chapter 26!!!!! Sorry it took so long to finish I couldn't think of what to write and this chapter might seem a little boring. I need ideas badly! Anyways thanks for reading! 🙃

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