Chapter 40: An Argument

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Continuing Lindsey, Lydia, Milly, and Arden out for a girls evening....

The girls got into Lindsey's car to go out for their girls evening. "So where are we going?" Milly asked. "Well I thought about mall, then out to dinner, then wherever you guys would like" said Lindsey. "Okay" said Milly. "Sound good with you guys?" Lindsey asked. "Yep" they both said. "Is that good with you" Lindsey said asking Lydia. "Yep" Lydia said. "Great let's go" said Lindsey.

They arrived at the mall and went inside. "Okay, here is $100 for each of you, have fun and when you're done meet us at the entrance" said Lindsey. "Thank you Noni, bye Lydia" said Milly. Milly and Arden then went off by themselves.

   "So what do you want to do?" Lindsey asked Lydia. "What about the arcade?" Lydia said. "Why so I can smoke you?" Lindsey said. "Haha, real funny but it will be the other way around" said Lydia. They walked to the arcade and payed to play games.

  "What's first?" Lindsey asked. "Basketball" said Lydia. Lydia put her coin into the machine and started shooting the basketballs. "Alright, beat that score" Lydia said to Lindsey. "No problem" said Lindsey. She put her coin into the machine and started shooting.

  Lydia won this game of basketball. "Better luck next time" Lydia said sarcastically. Lindsey rolled her eyes and laughed. "Okay now you pick" said Lydia. "My favorite, the race car driving  game" said Lindsey. They both put a coin in and got started. "Woah good thing you're not a race car driver, you're reckless" Lydia joked. "What are you talking about, so are you" Lindsey joked back.

   "Yes!" Lydia shouted. She got first place in the race car driving game. "Damn it!" Lindsey shouted. "Not starting out good Linds" Lydia joked. "You only won by one more place than me" said Lindsey. "What's next?" Lydia asked. "Your turn to pick" said Lindsey. "Shooting range" said Lydia. "Now I'll definitely win this one" said Lindsey. "We'll see" said Lydia. They put their coins in, picked up the guns and started the game.

  "You almost missed that one" said Lydia. "Watch your own screen" Lindsey joked. They finished up playing the game. "I win another game!" Lydia shouted. "You only won that game because I got distracted" said Lindsey. "Distracted how?" Lydia asked. "I've never seen you hold a gun before and it was extremely hot" said Lindsey. "Maybe we should play this game more often" Lydia winked.

   The last game they played was the punching meter. "Alright I'll go first" said Lindsey. She raised her fist and punched the bag as hard as she could. "Okay now that. was hot" said Lydia. Lindsey smirked at her. "Ready for this?" Lydia said. She raised her fist and punched slighty less than Lindsey. "Yes! Finally" Lindsey shouted. "Ugh whatever I still won more games than you" Lydia joked.

  "This was fun, we should do this more often" said Lydia. "I agree, especially since my husband is never home and has better things to do" said Lindsey. "I need to use the bathroom, come with me" said Lydia.

   They walked to the bathroom and Lindsey waited for Lydia to finish using the bathroom. Lydia was washing her hands when Lindsey walked up behind her and put her hands on Lydia's waist. Lydia turned around and flicked water on her.

  "Hey cut that out" Lindsey laughed. Lydia stopped and started kissing Lindsey. Lindsey then pushed Lydia up against the sink still kissing her. "Are you kidding me, get a room that's disgusting this is a public restroom" said a random person. They jumped and stopped what they were doing. "Oh uh we're so sorry" said Lydia. "No we're not!" Lindsey yelled. They then ran out of there and sat down at a table in the food court.

"You almost got us in trouble" Lydia said. "Oh lighten up Lydia" Lindsey joked. They both laughed and chatted until Milly and Arden were done. A few minutes later Lindsey's phone rang, it was Milly. "Hello" Lindsey answered. "We are heading to the entrance" said Milly. "Okay, we'll meet you there" said Lindsey.

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