Chapter 28: A Goodnight😩

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*smut warning*😩

   "Lou..." Lydia said. "Well would you look who it is" Lou said smirking at both of them. "Why didn't you tell us your wife was starting here when we seen you the other day?" Mindi said. "I didn't have the chance, you two were too busy trying to avoid me" Lou said.

    "What are you even doing here?" Lydia asked her. "I'm here to see my wife..." said Lou. "Oh, right" said Lydia. "Anyways... we were just leaving" said Mindi. "Well don't let me hold you up" Lou said. Lydia and Mindi turned to leave. "I never thought I'd see two of my ex-lovers be such, good friends" Lou joked.

   Lydia and Mindi left and Lou went to Megara's classroom. "Hey what are you doing tonight?" Lydia asked Mindi. "Nothing that I know of" Mindi said. "Do you want to go out to dinner with me?, I haven't ate much today and I'm starved" Lydia asked. "I'd love to" Mindi smiled.

   They decided to take Mindi's car and eat at Applebees. They got seated and began looking at the menu. "You know I never pictured Lou to be your type" Mindi said. "Yeah my type is weird" Lydia laughed. "Now Lindsey I see as more of your type" Mindi said. "What do you know about my type?" Lydia joked.

   "Hey it's just what I see you're into" Mindi laughed. "I never pictured Lou to be your type either, she's the gayest person I've ever seen" Lydia said and they both started laughing. "That's so true" Mindi said. They kept looking at the menu then their waiter came and took their orders.

    "What?" Mindi said. "Nothing just looking at your eyes, I've never noticed how beautiful your eyes are" said Lydia. "You mean my boring brown eyes?" Mindi said. "Well I like them" Lydia said. "Well fun fact my favorite eye color is green" Mindi said smiling at Lydia.

    Lydia started to blush. "Omg are you blushing Lydie?" Mindi smiled. "You know, you really are gorgeous Mindi, I could just look at you all the time" said Lydia. Mindi started to blush. "Who's the one blushing now?" Lydia said.

   The waiter came with their food and they started to eat and talk some more.  As they were finishing up their waiter came back and asked them if they wanted any deserts. "I'll have a piece of the strawberry shortcake" said Mindi. "I'll also have that" said Lydia.

  The waiter left to go get their desserts. "Copy cat" Mindi joked. "Hey I like strawberry shortcake too" Lydia laughed. The waiter came back with their cakes, they finished, paid the bill and left.

They arrived at the school and Mindi realized she forgot her charger in her office. "I'm going to run into the school real quick and grab my charger" said Mindi. "I'll go in with you because I don't want you to come back out here in the dark by yourself" said Lydia.

"Are you sure?" Mindi asked. "Im sure, let me
just put my stuff in my car real quick" Lydia smiled. They walked into Mindi's office and Lydia looked around while Mindi grabbed her charger. "Ready?" Lydia asked. "Yep" said Mindi. "You know I had a great time tonight" said Lydia. "Me too" said Mindi. They looked into each others eyes.

Mindi then sat her charger down and kissed Lydia. Lydia kissed her back then the kiss started to get more heated. Lydia shut the door then took off Mindi's jacket and her own then tossed them on the floor.

Mindi pushed Lydia up against the door and started kissing her more. They moved over to the couch in Mindi's office, Mindi on the top. Lydia removed Mindi's shirt then Mindi removed hers. Mindi kissed all over her neck and down to the bottom of her stomach.

Mindi then removed Lydia's pants and tossed them on the floor by their shirts. Mindi kissed all over and up and down Lydia's heated body. Mindi then removed both of their bras. As Mindi kissed Lydia's lips again, she moved her hand down and slid it down the front of Lydia's underwear causing Lydia to let out a slight moan.

"I haven't even done anything yet and you're soaked" Mindi whispered seductively in Lydia's ear. Mindi kept kissing her and biting her lip while very slowly moving her fingers around in Lydia causing Lydia to squirm and become impatient.

Mindi then pulled her hand out and slid off Lydia's underwear and moved to where her mouth was now down there. Mindi gave Lydia a seductive look before sliding her tongue into her. As Mindi stated to go faster, Lydia started to moan.

Mindi was going faster causing Lydia's moans to get louder each time. Mindi then added two fingers inside of Lydia without warning, cause Lydia to moan even louder, arch her back grab a tight hold on the side of the couch.

"Oh Mindi oh" Lydia moaned. Mindi went faster and faster as she could feel Lydia getting closer. Lydia's moans got louder and her back arched higher as she reached her end. "Oh Mindi oh, I'm c-" Lydia moaned as she reached the end.

Mindi slowly pulled out her fingers, allowing Lydia to catch her breath. Mindi went back up and kissed Lydia while she was still trying to catch her breath. "I have something else, that is if you can handle it" said Mindi.

"I can handle anything" Lydia smirked. "Alright then" Mindi smirked. Mindi slid her own underwear off then did her signature and iconic position... she got on top of Lydia putting her area on top of Lydia's.

Lydia also had never seen anyone do this but she knew it was about to be mind blowing. Mindi started rocking her hips back and forth moving their areas hard against each others. "Oh my-" Lydia started to arch her back.

"Mmm" Mindi let out a slight moan. Mindi started going harder and faster causing moans from both of them. Lydia moaned louder and dug her nails into Mindi's hips as Mindi also moaned louder and dig her nails into Lydia's stomach.

Mindi loved seeing Lydia's facial expressions as she made her feel so good and made her moan so loud. Lydia also loved seeing Mindi's facial expressions. Their face made both of them want more.

"F-Faster go faster" Lydia moaned. Mindi smirked and started going even faster. They both moaned even louder and got closer to reaching the end. "Oh Mindi... oh don't stop oh" Lydia moaned as they reached closer to the end. "Oh go- oh" Mindi moaned.

They reached the end and Lydia came so hard that it squirted up her and Mindi's stomachs. Mindi slowed down then got off of Lydia. They both say up trying to catch their breaths. Once they caught their breath they started kissing again and Mindi got back on top of Lydia.

Lydia jerked her knee into Mindi's area by accident causing Mindi to moan in Lydia's mouth, Lydia could feel Mindi's hot aired moan echo down the back of her throat. They kept kissing and their hands wandering all over each others hot and heated bodies.

As they finally finished their session, they put their clothes back on and fixed themselves before leaving. They walked out to the parking lot to get into their cars to go home. Before Mindi got into her car, Lydia pushed her up against her car and kissed her. Mindi kissed her back. "Goodnight" Mindi smirked and said to her. "I'd say" Lydia winked.

That's is for chapter 28!!!! Hope you liked it, I still need ideas. Tell me what you guys think about this chapter. I still don't know how many chapters I'm gonna write for this story it could be like 40 or 80, who knows? Anyways thanks for reading!!! 🙃

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