Chapter 22: A Birthday P.T 3

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They finished getting everything set up for the party. Guests would start showing up at anytime now but also almost time for school to be over which meant Lydia would be coming home and that would not be good. "Okay Joni, it's almost time for school to be out so head to the school and stall Lydia and I'll text you when to bring her here" said Lindsey.

"Oh come on why me?" Joni said. "Well it is your job" Lindsey said. "It's going to be so awkward now because someone just had to tell her you guys know about our old relationship" said Joni. Tess laughed. "That's true, fine I'll go, Mindi you're in charge" said Lindsey. "Oh yikes okay" said Mindi. Lindsey left to go stall Lydia.

"Well everything looks good so I guess we can just relax and wait for people to show up" said Mindi. "Sounds good to me" said Joni. A few minutes Amos showed up. "Hey guys, place looks great"said Amos. "I love your dress" Mindi said Amos. "Thanks, I love yours too" Amos replied. "Thank you" Mindi replied.

A little later some more guests started to arrive. Mindi was walking around looking at all the pictures on Lydia's walls. "Hey what are you doing" said Joni. "Oh hey, just looking at these pictures, look how young Lydia looked in this picture" said Mindi.

"Omg haha" Joni said. They kept looking at more pictures until Mindi froze. "Uhm d-do you know who this is?" Mindi asked her. "I think it's one of her old girlfriends but I'm not 100% sure" Joni said. "Do you think she will be here?" Mindi asked. "I'm not sure, probably but I've never heard Lydia talk about her so maybe not" Joni said.

"Do you know that girl?" Joni asked her. "What makes you think I know that girl because I don't" Mindi said nervously. "Well now I know you definitely do, how do you know her?" Joni asked. "She can't be here it just, it can't happen" Mindi said. "Hey Mindi it's okay I'm sure she won't even be here" Joni said. "I hope not" Mindi said.

They started to walk back out to where everyone was and Mindi seen her STANDING THERE TALKING TO TESS! Mindi hurried up and pulled Joni back against the wall. "You wanna do it here, that's pretty risky especially with our husbands here?" Joni smirked. "No, it's her she's here and she's talking to Tess!!" Mindi said freaking out. "Oh crap, really though Mindi who is she?" Joni asked.

"I don't want to talk about it, just get her away from Tess" Mindi said. Joni walked over to Tess and the girl and asked to talk to Tess privately. "What's going on Joni?" Tess asked her. "You have to stay away from that girl" Joni said. "Why?" Tess asked. "You just have to" Joni said. "Okay whatever, anyways where's Mindi?" Tess asked. "Outside" Joni replied. Tess went outside to find Mindi.

"There you are, I was talking to the girl from your picture on your dresser you know the one you said was nobody" Tess said to Mindi. "She is nobody" Mindi said. "Mindi just tell me who she is" Tess said. "I can't"Mindi said. "Why?" Tess asked her. "I just can't Tess" said Mindi. "Then I'll just find out who she is myself" Tess said and she went back inside to talk to the girl. "Tess no! Stop!" Mindi went after her.

"Hi, I don't think I got your name, I'm Tess" Tess said as she put her hand out to shake her hand. "Hi, I'm Lou" the girl replied. "Nice to meet you, maybe.. anyways I just was wondering how you know Mindi here" Tess said. Lou froze, it had been years since she and Mindi had seen each other.

"Mindi..." Lou said. "Lou..." Mindi said back. "I-I don't even know what to say" Lou said. "What is there to say" Mindi said. "Hate to break this up but Lindsey just called and said they are 5 minutes away so..." said Joni. "I really want to talk later Mindi" said Lou. "Well I don't so save it" Mindi said.

"Okay they are pulling in now" Joni said. Everyone got ready for Lydia and Lindsey to walk in the door. The door knob started to turn and in walked Lindsey then Lydia. "SURPRISE!" everyone shouted!!

"OH MY GOODNESS" Lydia shouted with excitement and a huge smile on her face. "Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted. "Oh my gosh I can't believe you guys did all of this for me" Lydia said as she started hugging everyone. "Lou oh my gosh I can't believe you're here" Lydia said giving her a big hug.

"Me either, I missed you so much" Lou said. "I missed you too, your hair looks amazing, you look amazing" Lydia said. "No you look amazing" said Lou. They hugged again. Mindi was trying to figure out how Lydia knew Lou.

"Have you met my other friends, this is Joni, Tess, Lindsey, and Mindi" said Lydia. "I uhm... I already know Mindi" Lou said. "Oh really, how do you know Mindi?" Lydia asked. "Yes, how do you know Mindi?" Tess asked. Mindi gave Tess a look like be quiet.

"I guess we have to tell them sometime" said Lou. "I guess so, Lou and I... Lou and I used to be engaged, we were living together, about to adopt a child then Lou's ex-wife showed up and made Lou choose between me or her and well Lou picked her over me, after that I packed up my things and moved far away from her so some things happened and some people got hurt so it didn't work out" Mindi said.

    Everyone just went silent and look at each other, Mindi went outside to get away from everyone well mostly Lou. Lydia went after her to make sure she was okay.

"Hey..." Lydia said. "Hi..." Mindi said. "I'm really sorry about all of that I didn't know" Lydia said as she sat down by Mindi. "It's okay, I mean it was for the best really" said Mindi. They went quiet for a minute or two. "Thank you for helping plan my surprise party, I love it" said Lydia. "You're welcome, I'm glad I got to help plan it" Mindi said.

    Lydia smiled at her then went back inside. Lou then came out and sat down beside of Mindi. "I never got to actually apologize so I really am sorry that I treated you like that, you deserved better, way better" said Lou. "Thank you, and if that didn't happen I wouldn't have the big family that I have now so actually I thank you for that now" said Mindi.

    "You have a family?" Lou asked. "Yeah, I'm married and a mother to 6" Mindi replied. "That's amazing" Lou said. "Yeah, they're my whole world" said Mindi. Lou smiled. "What about you?" Mindi asked. "Well I'm married now" Lou replied. "No kids?" Mindi asked her. "Actually I have one, a daughter" Lou said. "Oh, nice" said Mindi. "I'm sorry that's probably not what you wanted to hear" said Lou. Mindi just stayed silent.

    That's it for Chapter 22!!!! Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. I'm running out of ideas for chapters so please give me ideas! 🙃

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