Chapter 3: A New Interaction😩

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So we know that Mindi has started as a new counselor at her old high school. Her mother-in-law helped her get the job. Milly has a lot of classes with her best friend Anne. Mindi talked to one of her old teachers that she now finds extremely attractive and they ended up sleeping together. Mindi also finds out that all the staff secretly sleeps together. Lindsey finds out that Mindi and Tess slept together and laughs at Mindi for freaking out about it. Let's see what happens next!

*smut warning*😩

Mindi still doesn't know all the staff members that work there but she's scared to talk to any because they might try to sleep with her too(that's a joke btw). Mindi decided she would help Lindsey plan a school dance for the students.

   "Hey Lindsey come look at these papers I made for the school dance" shouted Mindi. (Their offices are right next to each other). "Woah these look really good, I like them" Lindsey said. "Great thanks" Mindi said as she prints them to the printer. Mindi walked upstairs to the printer, hoping not to run into Tess.

Mindi walks into the teachers lounge and over to the printer and waits for all the papers to print. While she's standing there waiting someone walks in, "hello" a voice says as it walks towards Mindi.

   "You must be the new counselor, I'm one of the teachers my name is Joni Brady nice to meet you" said the voice. "You'd be right, I am the new counselor, Mindi Spencer-Romano nice to meet you as well, I used to go here"Mindi replied. "Welcome back" Joni smiled. "Thank you, it's strange to be back" Mindi replied and smiled back.

"What are all those papers for?" Joni asked. "These are the papers for the school dance me and Lindsey are planning for the students" Mindi replied as she handed Joni a paper to look at.

   "This is nice really of you guys" Joni said as she looked at the paper." "Thank You, your more than welcome to help us if you have any ideas" says Mindi. They both kept talking, "so tell me Mindi, are you married, have kids, pets?" Joni asked.

   "Yes, I have a husband his name is Daniel and we have 6 children, my oldest daughter actually just started here also, Milly Romano" said Mindi. "Oh yes, I have her 6th period I believe, she's very smart" Joni said. "Well thank you, she gets it from me of course" Mindi replied.

*They both laughed* "Well it was nice meeting you, I have to go its my planning period, hope to see you around and stop by my room sometime if you'd like" said Joni. "Nice meeting you as well and same to you" Mindi replied. *Joni leaves*.

As Mindi grabs the rest of the papers she goes to walk out of the room and bumps into another teacher. she has long dirty blonde hair and big green eyes. She knocks all the papers out of Mindi's hand. "Oh my, I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention at all" said the voice as she helped Mindi pick up the papers. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention myself" Mindi said.

"Hey your that new counselor Macey?..M-Maggie?... M-Margaret? I'm not sure haha" said the voice. They both laugh. "It's Mindi actually, Mindi Spencer-Romano but that's okay" said Mindi. "Oh well nice to meet you Mindi, I'm Lydia Jackson I'm one of the teachers" said Lydia. "Nice to meet you Lydia, I love your hair by the way" said Mindi. "Thank you I don't get it cut very often for that exact reason" replied Lydia. "Me either" said Mindi.

    "So how are you liking it here so far?" Lydia asked. "I love it here, but I have to admit things have started out a little strange, but other than that good"Mindi replied. "Strange, how so?" Lydia asked. "Well it's kinda hard to explain, I keep running into everyone and plus it's a little weird being here, considering I went to school here when I was in high school" Mindi said. "Well I hope things become not strange and weird for you" Lydia replied as she smiled, "Well thank you" Mindi replied.

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