Chapter 6: A Bonfire P.T 1

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Usually I tell you what has happened so far but this time it's a test. A test to see if you have actually been reading my story. I want you to comment and tell me what all has happened so far!

Mindi had enjoyed how close she was to her new teacher friends. She thought wouldn't it be fun to host a bonfire at her house. So she sends a text message to their group chat telling them about the bonfire this Friday at her house.

The Fab 5 GC🤪❤️
M: Hey guys, I have an idea. I've decided to host a bonfire at my house this Friday at 7pm. You can bring a guest with you if you'd like. I'll be serving hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill plus chips and anything else you guys wanna bring. Hope you can come!

Lind: I'll be there
J: I'll be there
Lyd: Can't wait!
T: I might be a little late, I have a doctors appointment that day
M: Okay great see you all then, but you'll still come afterwards right Tess?
T: Yup!
M: Okay great!

It's Friday, the day of the bonfire. "Hey I'm gonna check my mailbox, want me to check yours too?" Mindi asked Lindsey. "Sure, thanks" Lindsey replied. She walks out to check the mailboxes. "Oh hey Lydia your coming tonight right?" Mindi asked her. "Of course I am, can't wait!" Lydia replied. "Great see you tonight" Mindi said as she smiled and walked back to her office.

As it was lunch time Mindi decided to see if Milly was still letting Carina sit with her at her table. Mindi walked over to their table to see how everything was going. "Hey Carina when your finished eating come to my office" Mindi whispered to her. Carina just nodded.

Carina finished eating. "I'll be right back guys"Carina said before going to Mindi's office. "Hey sweetie have a seat" Mindi said as Carina walked in. "I just wanted to see how things were going now" Mindi said.

    "They're going really good actually, and thank you for getting Milly to let me sit at her table" Carina said. "Awe you're welcome, I'm glad things are going better for you" Mindi said as she smiled.

"Is your journal helping you?" Mindi asked her. "Actually yes, do you wanna see how I decorated it?" Carina asked. "I'd love to" Mindi replied. Carina showed her, the journal is colored pink with lots of glitter and her name in bubble letters on the front and stickers of things she likes.

   "I love it, it looks really nice" Mindi said. "Thank You" Carina replied. "I'm glad it's helping you" Mindi smiled. Carina smiled back. "Is there anything you wanna talk about?" Mindi asked her. "Surprisingly no" Carina replied. "Okay, you can go back to lunch or just sit in here if you'd like" Mindi said.

"I'm gonna back out to lunch but thank you" Carina replied as she went back out to lunch, on her way out she passed Mrs.Norris(Tess) who was going to Mindi's office. "Hi Mrs.Norris" Carina said. "Hi Carina" Tess replied.

"Hey" said Tess as she walked into Mindi's office and sat down. "Hey what's up" Mindi said. "Just seeing what you were doing" Tess replied. "Well I am seeing what else I need to get for tonight, you're coming right?" Mindi said. "Of course I am, and I rescheduled my doctors appointment so I can be there in time replied" Tess.

"What if the doctors appointment was important?" Mindi said. "It wasn't just a check up because I had bronchitis not to long ago" Tess replied. "Ah, my kids get that all the time during the winter" said Mindi. "It's the worst" Tess said. "I agree" Mindi replied. Lindsey walks in, "hey what are you guys talking about."

"We were just talking about tonight and how Tess canceled her doctors appointment" Mindi replied. "What if it was important" Lindsey said. "That's exactly what I said" Mindi said. "I didn't cancel it I rescheduled it and it wasn't that important, it was just a check up from where I had bronchitis" Tess replied. "Anyways I'll see you both tonight" Lindsey said as she left.

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