Chapter 2: A One Time Thing, Or More😩

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*smut warning* 😩

A few weeks had past since the first day of school. Things were going great. Jaini wasn't getting bullied anymore. Milly was still doing good with her first year of high school. The little ones were still having fun playing at school. Mindi hadn't thought about Tess or the way Tess smirked at her the first day of school, not even once.

  Well.... except for the time when Mindi was coming out of the office and almost knocked papers out of Tess's hand and Tess just laughed, winked and said it's ok don't worry about it, smiled and kept walking.

   Orrr the time when Tess was coming out of the teachers lounge and bumped into Mindi and Tess's hands landed on Mindi's chest area. Other than that Mindi has tried to forget about her and avoid her but each time they see each other it makes it even harder to forget, for both of them to forget.

It was the end of the day on a Friday so Mindi decided to stay after school and paint/redecorate her office, so Milly and Anne decided to stay and help her, but they couldn't stay for long since they had horse racing practice soon. They first moved all the furniture out of the room so that the paint didn't get on any of it. They then put trash bags down on the floor so the paint didn't get on the floor.

    Then they were getting ready to paint when Mindi realized she had forgotten to get the paint out of her car. She went to go get it but then realized they spent all the time moving the furniture and putting down trash bags that it was time for Milly and Anne to leave.

     She walked with them out to the parking lot to meet Anne's mom outside, she was taking them to horse racing practice while Mindi painted her office. After they left Mindi got the paint out of her car and walked back inside.

    As she's walking back inside with the paint, coming down the hall was(out of all people) Tess. Mindi tried to avoid her as much as possible but Tess definitely saw her and asked what she was doing with all that paint. "I-I'm painting my office" Mindi stuttered.

"All by yourself"asked Tess. "Yeah, Milly and Anne were helping me but they had to leave for horse racing" Mindi replied. "Oh well would you like some help" asked Tess. "Help...oh are you s-sure" said Mindi with a panicked smile. "Of course, I don't mind" Tess said then carried a can of paint to Mindi's office and helped her get ready to paint.

They get to Mindi's office and sat down the paint. Mindi hands Tess a paint roller and they start to paint. While they're painting Tess asks Mindi what made her wanna paint the walls a greenish blue.

   "Well my favorite colors are blue and green, typically I like light blues but I saw this mixture of blue and green and I really liked it so that's what I went with" Mindi replied. "I really love this color"Tess said. T-thanks Mindi smiled.

    After an hour goes by of painting they decided to take a break. They sat down to take a break. "I think I have some granola bars in my drawer and water in my fridge" Mindi said as she grabbed them both a granola bar and a water.

   Mindi handed Tess a granola bar and a bottle of water, their hands accidentally touch as she grabs it, they both freeze and panic. "T-Thank you" says Tess as she half smiles at Mindi.

    They open their granola bars and take a bite and drink of their water. While they are eating their granola bars they talk about just random things. And Mindi thinks to herself hmm okay maybe this isn't so bad, we are just talking. As they're talking they can't stop making eye contact, looking at each other's lips and stuttering their words.

    As Mindi gets up to walk away and break their eye contact and stopping them from doing something they know they shouldn't, Tess gets up at the same time as her and pushes her up against the wet, freshly painted wall and starts kissing her soft and gentle lips passionately but roughly as she pressed her warm body against Mindi's. Then Mindi pushed Tess off of her. "I-I can't, I'm married and so are you" Mindi said. "You're right, I'm sorry" said Tess.

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