Chapter 8: A Girls Day

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    The Bonfire was a success you could say. Everyone seemed to have had fun and enjoy each others company. Daniel enjoyed that Mindi's friends brought their husbands so that he would also have someone to talk to.

   It was a Saturday morning and Mindi didn't wanna be stuck at home all day. She thought, wouldn't it be fun to take Milly, Jaini, a few of their friends, Lindsey, Lydia, Joni and Tess and them all go to the mall for the day.

    "Milly! Jaini! come here please" yelled Mindi. They both walked into the kitchen where Mindi had yelled for them. "Do you girls wanna get a couple of your friends and go to the mall today?" Mindi asked them. "Yes, omg yes!" they replied. "Okay great go get ready and figure out who your bringing" Mindi said.

   While they got ready Mindi texted the group chat.

Mindi: Hey I'm taking Milly, Jaini and a few of their friends to the mall today, who wants to come?

Lindsey: I would love to but I already made plans to go out with Jake.

Lydia: Sure I'd love to come, what time?

Tess: Sure! what time??

Joni: I also already made plans I'm sorry, but thanks for the invite.

Mindi: That's okay Linds and Joni, uhm I was thinking 1:00?

Tess: Okay see you guys at 1:00

Lydia: See you at 1:00

Mindi: 👍

    Mindi got ready and made sure that Milly and Jaini were ready then went upstairs to their room. "So girls who are you bringing?" Mindi asked. "I'm bringing Carina because Anne is at her grandmas" replied Milly. "I'm bringing Marisol" replied Jaini. "Okay let's go get them then head to the mall" said Mindi.

    They got in the car, buckled their seatbelts and headed to Carina's house first and picked her up. "Hey guys, thanks for inviting me" said Carina. "You're welcome sweetie" Mindi replied. Next they went to Marisol's house and picked her up. "Hi guys" said Marisol. "Hi sweetie" said Mindi.

    They arrive at the mall. "Okay everyone has money right? if not I can give you money" said Mindi. "Yes" they all replied. Before going in Mindi texted Tess and Lydia to see if they arrived yet.

"I'm here I'm by the arcade" Tess texted back. "I'm "also here I'm by the food court texted Lydia. They all agreed to meet by the candy machines.

     "Hi Tess, Hi Lydia" said Milly. "Hello Milly" Lydia replied with a smile. "Hi Milly" Tess also replied with a smile. "Lydia, Tess this is my second oldest daughter, Jaini. Jaini this is Tess and Lydia" said Mindi.

"Nice to meet you both my mom always talks about you guys" she smiled. "Awe nice to meet you too" they both said.

     "Okay here's the deal I'm gonna let you girls walk around without me but you have to stay together at all times and I want you to meet me in the food court by 3:00" said Mindi.

"Okay thanks mom love you" said Milly and Jaini. "Okay you can go now, have fun" said Mindi. The girls left to go shop and eat.

     "So where do you guys wanna go first?" asked Mindi. "I could eat" said Lydia. "Honestly me too" said Mindi. "Me three" said Tess. They all started laughing and headed to the food court.

"What are you guys gonna get?" asked Lydia. "I'm gonna get Chinese" said Mindi. "I'm gonna get chic fil a" said Tess. "I'm getting pizza" said Lydia. They all got their food and started eating.

             ~The Teen Girls~

     "Where do you guys wanna go first?" Milly asked. "Ooo how about hot topic, I love that store" said Marisol. "I love that store too, let's go" said Milly. They walked to hot topic first and started looking around.

"We should all get friendship necklaces" suggested Carina. "That's a great idea let's look for some" said Milly. "I know Claire's has some that connect together " said Jaini.

They went to Claire's and bought friendship necklaces shaped like a puzzle piece of half a heart. The went to some more stores before going to eat.

As they were walking to the food court they passed Mindi, Lydia, and Tess. "Ooo what did you guys buy?" Lydia asked them.

"We got friendship necklaces at Claire's then we went to bath and body works and other stores" Milly replied. "Here smell this" Jaini said as she handed Lydia a perfume bottle to smell.

"Oh wow that smells really good" Lydia said as she passed it to Mindi to smell and she handed it to Tess to smell and Tess handed it back to Jaini. "Where are you girls going now?" Mindi asked them.

"We are gonna go eat and then I think we should be ready to go" Milly replied. "Okay just call me when you are done eating" said Mindi. "Okay mom" Milly replied.

The girls kept walking to the food court and the woman kept walking towards the stores. As the women got closer to the stores they walked into H&M and started looking around. While they were looking around and showing each other what shirts they thought were cute, a man kept checking out Lydia.

Tess bumped Mindi's arm to get her attention to show her that the guy was checking out Lydia. They both looked at each other trying not to make it noticeable but they couldn't help not laughing a little. "What's so funny?" Lydia asked them. "That guy over there, he's checking you out" whispered Mindi.

"What no he's not" Lydia replied. "Yes he is haha, watch" said Tess. "Omg he is" Lydia said. They all three started laughing quietly so he wouldn't notice.

"Omg he's walking over here" said Mindi. "Hello my name is Adam, hope you ladies are all having a great day, I just couldn't help but notice how extremely beautiful your friend here is" he said. "Oh thank you, I'm flattered but I'm married" said Lydia.

"Well I don't see him anywhere" he said. "That's because we are having a girls day" Lydia replied. "Well what about your beautiful friends here are they single?" he asked.

    They both helped up their left hands showing their wedding rings and showing that they were also married. "Sorry Adam, hope you find you a nice girl soon" said Lydia.

"Thank you, well you ladies have a nice rest of your day" he said before walking away. After he walked away they all three bursted out laughing. "Wow Lydia didn't realize you got all the guys hitting on you" said Tess. They all started laughing again.

It was now almost 3:00 so they headed back to the food court to get the girls and go home. They got the girls and everyone said by to Lydia and Tess then went to their cars, buckled up and drove home.

That's it for chapter 8!!!! Thanks for reading. This chapter kinda seemed a little boring. I'm hoping to write something more interesting in the next chapter. Anyways thanks for reading this far!!! 🙃

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