Chapter 17: A Bond of Trust

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Today was the day that Daniel and the other kids were coming home. Tess and Jonah had went home earlier that day. Daniel and the kids would arrive at any time now so Mindi and Milly made sure the house was clean and nothing was suspicious.

  "Okay I think the house looks good, what do you think?" Mindi asked Milly. "It looks great mom, just take a deep breath" Milly replied. At that time Daniel and the kids walked in. "Momma!!!" all the kids shouted as they ran and hugged Mindi. "My babies, I missed you guys sooo much" Mindi said hugging and kissing them all.

"Milly!!" they all then shouted and hugged her. "Hey guys, I missed you so much" Milly said hugging them all back. Daniel then walked over to Mindi and hugged and kissed her. "I missed you so much honey" said Daniel. "I missed you too honey" Mindi said back.

They all spent the rest of the night in the living room together as a family. Watching movies, eating pizza, popcorn, and other snacks. Snuggled up in warm and cozy blankets. Each one falling asleep after the other.

  It was the next morning and everyone had been awake for a good hour. The kids were hungry and so were Mindi and Daniel but neither parent felt like cooking breakfast. "Why don't we go out for breakfast?" Mindi suggested. "Yeah!!" everyone else yelled excitedly. "Okay out for breakfast it is, everyone go get get dressed" said Mindi.

   All the kids went to get dressed and so did Mindi and Daniel. "I see you have kept the room clean" Daniel joked. "Yeah, I got bored" Mindi joked back. "Who's underwear are these? I've never seen these ones" said Daniel. "T-Those are mine, I just don't wear them very often" Mindi said panically taking them from him. "Oh, well I like them, you should wear them more often" Daniel smirked. "D-Definitely... well I bet the kids are done let's go check on them" Mindi said.

They went downstairs and luckily all the kids were ready to go except for Vada who tries to dress herself but Mindi ends up dressing her since she's only 3. "Alright who's ready to go to breakfast?" said Daniel. "Me! Me! Me!" shouted all the kids. They all went outside and got in the car and drove to iHop.

  They got to iHop and walked inside. They got seated at their table and started looking at their menu's. "Mmm the waffles with whipped cream and fruit sounds good" said Daniel. "Ooo that does sound good" Mindi replied. They kept looking at their menu's and waited for their waiter.

  The waiter came and took all of their orders. They sat on their phones while waiting for their food. "Hey honey isn't that Joni and Paul?" said Daniel. Mindi looked up from her phone. "Yes it is, I'm going to go say I'll be right back" said Mindi. Mindi walked over to Joni's table.

"Hey Mindi" said Joni. "Hey Joni, hey Paul and who's this? said Mindi. "This is our daughter Valerie, she's in from college this weekend" Joni replied. "Val, this is my friend Mindi, she started as the new counselor at the school this year" Joni said to Valerie.

"Hi nice to meet you Mindi" Valerie said to Mindi. "Nice to meet you too, you guys are welcome to come sit with us if you want" Mindi said. "Really, are you sure?" asked Joni. "Of course" Mindi replied. Joni, Paul and Valerie picked up their plates and moved to the table right beside of Mindi and Daniels.

"Daniel this is Valerie, Joni and Paul's daughter, I invited them to sit with us" said Mindi. "Hi Valerie nice to meet you, hey Paul and Joni how are you guys?" said Daniel. "Nice to meet you too" said Valerie. "Im good" Joni replied. "Im good as well" Paul replied. They sat down beside them.

The waiter then brought Mindi, Daniel and their kids food. "Just in time, thank you" Mindi said to the waiter. "You're welcome, I will be back to check on you guys later" said the waiter. The waiter walked away and they all began to eat and talk.

After being close to finishing their meals, Mindi decided to go use the bathroom before they all left. "I'm going to go use the bathroom before we leave" said Mindi. "So am I" said Joni. They both went to use the bathroom.

They finished using the bathroom and are now washing their hands. "That was really nice" said Joni. "I know, why haven't we done that before" said Mindi. They smiled at each other and kept washing their hands. "You know, I'm really glad you came here, I love the relationship we have formed Mind" said Joni. "Awe, me too Jon" Mindi replied.

They smiled at each other again but this time a little longer and making intense eye contact before going back out to the table. "Ready?" Paul said to Joni. "Yep" Joni replied. "Thank you for letting us joining you" said Joni. "Anytime" Mindi replied. "Nice meeting you guys" said Valerie. "Nice meeting you too Valerie" Mindi replied. They all paid their bills and left.

That's it for Chapter 17!!!!! This was a shorter chapter because I couldn't think of what else to write and plus it took me a while to write this one because I had no motivation and I was busy. But thanks for reading and give me ideas!!!! 🙃

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