Chapter 39: A Lot More Problems and Secrets

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It was the next day and everyone was back to normal, well except Tess and Mindi. Which was probably for the better.

   It was the next morning after Mindi caught Milly and Arden. Mindi didn't have anything against it, she was just highly shocked and didn't know what to do. Mindi woke up to start getting ready for work. She picked out her outfit and headed downstairs to the bathroom to get ready.

  After getting ready she started breakfast for the kids. As she was making breakfast the kids came in the dining room to sit down for breakfast. Mindi finished up breakfast and sat down at the table with the kids and Daniel to eat breakfast. A few minutes later Milly came out of her room in a hurry, with Arden following behind her. "Arden's mom is taking us to school, bye" Milly said as she was in a hurry. "Oh okay" said Mindi.

  "What was that about?" Daniel asked. "Uhm not sure" Mindi said not wanting to talk about it. They all finished up eating breakfast and headed out the door for work and school.

   Mindi arrived to school and walked to her office. "No Milly this morning?" Lindsey said. "Good morning to you too" Mindi joked. "Sorry good morning, where's Milly?" Lindsey asked. "Well funny story, let me sit my stuff down first and then I'll tell you" said Mindi. "Okay" said Lindsey.

   Mindi sad down her stuff and then her and Lindsey sat down at her desk. "Okay, so last night I got home late and all I wanted to do was go to bed so I went upstairs to change into my pajamas and then go tell the kids goodnight, well when I got to Milly's room I knocked first of course and then opened the door and she and Arden were you know..." said Mindi.

   "What?!" Lindsey shouted. "Shh... and yes I know, I was incredibly shocked" said Mindi. "Yeah I'm shocked, I mean I'm just really shocked" said Lindsey. "Yeah I know, and this morning during breakfast she and Arden barely said two words and Arden's mom took them to school" said Mindi.

   "So she's avoiding you?" Lindsey asked. "I think so, just because it was so awkward" said Mindi. "Hmm, I'm still shocked because she was with Tess's son for a long time" said Lindsey. "Yeah until me and Tess screwed that up" said Mindi. "Yeah but that's over now" said Lindsey. "Yeah, it is" said Mindi. "S-Sorry" said Lindsey. "It's okay, it's probably for the better" said Mindi. They smiled at each other then went silent for a little while.
  "Well I'll be in my office if you need anything" said Lindsey. "Okay, I'll be here" said Mindi. Lindsey then left and went to her office. Mindi then realized she forgot her coffee cup on the counter at home, again. So off to the teachers lounge she went.

   When she got there, Joni was already in there getting a cup of coffee because she always forgets her coffee too. "Good morning" said Joni. "Good morning, did you forget your coffee again too?" Mindi asked. "You know it" said Joni. Mindi was pouring her coffee and spilt it all over the table. "Ugh are you kidding me" Mindi said. "Here let me you help you" Joni said getting paper towels and helping Mindi wipe up the table.

   "Is everything okay?" Joni asked her. "Yes" said Mindi. "Mindi..." said Joni. "Ugh fine, no it's not" said Mindi. "Do you want to talk about it?" Joni asked. "Well it's just stuff with Milly, last night I caught her you know... with Arden" said Mindi. "Woah thats crazy Mindi, I didn't know that she was uhm-" Joni said. "Yeah me either" said Mindi. "Wait but wasn't she dating Jonah for a while?" Joni asked.

   "Yeah well me and Tess kinda ruined that for them" said Mindi. "Oh yeah I forgot, sorry" said Joni. "It's okay" said Mindi. "Well I hope she gets it figured out" said Joni. "Yeah I hope she does too" said Mindi.

   A few minutes later Tess walked in, her and Mindi immediately made eye contact. "Well uhm I'll see you later" Mindi said to Joni. "Yeah, see you later" said Joni.   Mindi went back down to her office to get started on some work.

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