Age Regression 🐪

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Summary: Matt regresses while sick and wants Nick and Chris

Thank you to @Zoeydannie for the request!


Chris's POV

I'm currently sitting on the couch watching tv along with Nick, Matt would normally be joining us but he is asleep right now so that's not possible. I'm cut off by a very small and tired looking matt stumbling into the room eyes filled with tears, I rush over quickly a concerned look plastering my face nick following close behind already rushing to go find his paci as he hadn't had it with him when he came in, "Hey, hey sweetie what's the matter." I say comfortingly wrapping my arms around him, he bursts into tears as he tries his best to get his words out but he can't, he must be very little. "hey cupcake it's okay take your time daddy's got you" I whisper trying to stay calm myself "b-b-bab-ba s-sicky i-in bw-wed" he slurs as he continues to wail loudly, "hey hey its okay pumpkin dada can clean that up sweetie while I take care of you" I reply wiping his tears off of his cheeks gently as he lets out quiet hiccups.

As if on queue Nick comes jolting down the stairs Matt's paci in hand "hey cutie I got your paci for you" he says gently pressing a kiss to his cheek, "p-pwaci pwaci" the little says reaching his arms in front of him I swear I could see hearts in his eyes, nick hands him the paci as I speak up, "can you go wash Matty's bedding while I try to get him settled please." I say giving him a hopeful look as I feel Matt latch onto me harder softly sucking on his paci. "Yes yes I will," he says smiling "And you get better soon cheeky" he coos at the little pressing one last soft kiss to his forehead as matt lets out an adorable giggle, Nick begins upstairs as me and Matt sit on the chair him on my lap "Hey love how old do you feel right now." he places up two fingers and basically shoves them in my face "aw your very small arent you bubs" I reply holding his hand tightly. matt wasn't usually this small normally only when he was sick but even then he was always 3-4 so we are dealing with a very small and sick little today.

it had been around an hour now Nick has went to the shop to get apple sauce and animal crackers and is now passed out laying on the other side of Matt while I am watching sensory videos with him trying to keep the little calm, he seemed to be doing at least a bit better until suddenly a very disstressed look plasters the littles face as I see tears build up inhis eyes, I cup his cheeks gently "hey lovely whats the matter" "i-ick-y w-wick-ky b-belly" he stutters pouting as I see his bottom lip shudder out slightly, "aw honey I'm so sorry I wish I could take the pain away for you" he mumbles something incoherently as I hear his stomach growl "prince would you like some apple sauce you haven't eaten yet and it will be easy on your belly" I suggest rubbing his stomach gently" "I twy fwo daddy" he mumbles his frown appearing more prominent than before. "okay good boy thank you pumpkin" I smile giving him a quick peck on the cheek as I get up basically running over to get the apple sauce wich nick had left on the counter. "D-d-daddy pwease come ba-ack" I hear him whisper "okay honey I'm coming daddy just had to get you some food for your belly" I reassure rushing back to him and placing the little back on my lap, he quickly latches on burying his face into my neck as he reaches his hands up to my face to play with my cheeks wich he tends to do when he is nervous he says they are soft and helps him relax when nervous. "Hey sweets open wide, " I say slowly moving the spoon full of apple sauce towards him motioning it like an aeroplane, "he turns his head slightly as I hear him let out a quiet whimper "D-dad-ddy pwease no m-my stom-my h-huwt" he whispers reaching out to stop my hand from going any further "can you try to eat one for me honey" I reply knowing full well what the little was going to say but to my surprise, he reaches his mouth forward and accepts the apple sauce as a look of disgust fills the littles face as I see tears well up in his eyes shaking his head harshly "swallow pumpkin its okay" I reassure trying my best to persuade him but he is having none of it as he spits it out back into my hand waling loudly "Nick please wake up I need a tissue," I say nudging him slightly with my foot as I try to calm the little down in my arms. he jolts up as he looks at me with a face full of worry "what happened Chris is he okay " "questions later please just go get me some tissues and matty a bottle" he nods and rushes into the kitchen as I whisper in the littles ear bouncing my leg up and down ever so slightly "Sh sh your okay pumpkin dada is getting you some nice and warm milk".

After a few minutes of whispering comforting things to the little and Nick comes rushing in tissue in one hand and a bottle in the other he hands the tissue to me as he places the bottle in Matty's hands, I'm hoping this calms him down. I wipe down my hand as I place it on the side table switching positions to a much comfier one. "You okay now sweets" I reply placing my hand on his back, he hums in response closing his eyes as I feel Nick sit beside us as we all cuddle up close together. Soon later the little had fallen asleep I switched out his bottle for a paci and soon later we were all fast asleep.


Hello, it's me again! if there are any mistakes feel free to correct me! I hope you all enjoyed this one it took me a while to do I don't know what age regression is fully like so I'm sorry if it's not perfectly displayed! :) This one was very fun to make and I'm very excited to be uploading once every two days :D REMEMBER VOTING AND COMMENTING HELPS A BUNCH also any mistakes please point them out! anyways I love you all and remember so many people care about you and love you your never alone and never be afraid to reach out and ask for help.

goodnight <3


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