Confront 🐂

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Summary: They talk to Chris about what happened.

Thank you smallconfusedbeing for the request <333

LAST PART! (Part 3)


Matt's POV

After what happened last night we were up all day and night with Chris, We were planning on talking to him about what happened this morning but he is still regressed.

"'ada- wook dinosauw!" The younger giggles lifting up his Teddy to show me, "So cool bambi!" I smile watching as he walks about the room on his knees, "di- 'ou know dinosauws di''appear and and... I wove Nicky jacket- what is- are you-" He babbles cutting himself off, "Wan paci-" he finally says giggling as he climbs up into Nicks lap his hands playing in his hair, "Here you go sweetpea" I chuckle passing him the paci as he puts it in his mouth still continuing to speak, "I wove dinosauws" he smiles but you can barely hear him because of the object in his mouth.

After about an hour of none stop talking he fell asleep in Nicks lap, Poor baby was so tired he was up all night crying.

Time skip the next morning

When we woke up Chris was no longer regressed so we waited until the afternoon to have a chat.

"We wanted to talk about what happened two nights ago... When you said you weren't regressing again and tried to bin your toys.." Nick begins, "I-went non verbal because my anxiety was very high and I was feeling camera shy.. And I hate talking to people other than yous.. So I guess I just regressed.." he whispers almost shyly, I nod my head as he carries on. "And when I got back home and saw the interview- I was embarrassed.. I thought I looked weird when I regressed- like.. The way I acted it was childish.." he confesses looking down at the floor, "Well you were a child Chris.. Of course you were going to act differently, you shouldn't feel embarrassed because of that." I smile as I reach over holding his shaking hand tightly, "I guess your right.. I'm sorry.." he sighs a sad expression filling his face.

"Hey.. Don't be sad it's okay." Nick says pressing a kiss to his forehead, "I feel stupid.." he admits tears falling from his eyes, "Awe come here Chris." I soothe Nick joining in to.

Everything is going to be fine..



HELLO LAST PART WOO :DD Sorry this si short I didn't really have many ideas! I hope there aren't any grammar or spelling mistakes but don't be suprised if there are! Thank you so much for voting and taking the time out of your day to read my chapters :) it means the world to me truly! I hope everyone has a great day and I love and appreciate you all so so much :D

Bye <3

Words: 478

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