Breakdown 🐢

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Summary: Chris gets frustrated with Nick and after filming things take a turn.

(Based on the baking blind deaf and mute part 2.)

Thank you april-xoxo for the request <333


Chris's POV

"N-NO NICK IT'S YOUR FAULT!" I yell hands banging angrily down onto the counter, "I'M BLIND CHRIS-I CAN'T SEE!" Nick shouted back waving his arm around, Poor Matt was just stood there desperately trying to calm us both down. "Chris-Chris come on just leave it." Matt pleads his hands holding my shoulders in place, "I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA-" I shout walking out of view and into my room, My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. "Chris come on" Matt sighs motioning me back into the kitchen, "Okay but if that kid says one more thing I'm going to f*cking hit him I swear to god." I shout walking back into the kitchen were Nick is now knelt on the floor facing the wall.

"Right so-" I try but I'm cut off by Nick "I don't know why YOU always have to be in f*cking charge." He replies standing up and off the floor once more. And I lose it, "I SWEAR TO F- I'M PLEASE-JUST GET HIM AWAY" I yell my heart beating faster than before, Nick walks over to the couch but not before turning off the camera muttering incoherent words. "Chris- It's fine just sit down" Matt pleads but I'm now completely gone, I feel like my heart is going to fall out my chest, My chest feels tight and I can barely form a full sentence. "F*CK!" I yell angrily as I start pulling on my hair feeling tears start to form in my eyes, "Chris- Please don't pull on your hair." He whispers eyes full with concern as I see Nick turn his head to see what was going on, "I CAN'T DO THIS- MY- MY CHEST" I shout, I'm shaking by now and my ears are ringing while I'm still desperately pulling on my hair, Wanting to feel anything other than anger.

I feel harsh sobs escape my lips as I desperately try to latch on to something, anything. "Your gonna make yourself sick please calm down" Matt says hands cupping my cheeks. "T-Too much" I say voice cracking inbetween words, "Chris. I'm sorry" Nick says voice quiet seeing the state I'm in. "Please don't cry-" He continues worry and guilt prominent on his face, I just want to let him know I'm not angry at him anymore I'm angry at myself for getting this worked up over something so small, But I can't seem to find the words to tell him.

Matt's POV

It's been five minutes now and Chris still hasn't calmed down, If I'm being honest I'm not quite sure what to do.. This has never happened before. "Chrissy, look at me please" I plead stroking his cheek gently with my hand, He turns his head making eye contact with me, He looks so vulnerable and I dont even know how to make it better for him, "You need to calm down okay love? Can you try do that for me?" I whisper eyebrows screwing together in worry when he doesn't reply. "Just breathe your okay" I soothe as I feel him lean into my hand gasping for air as he tries to copy my breathing eventually making progress. "That's it your doing so good Chris." I smile watching as his breathing evens out slowly but surely.

It's been around 10 minutes now and Chris has mostly calmed down, Just the occasional hiccups. I'm sat on the floor and his head is resting on my chest listening to my heartbeat. Nick is sat on the otherside of me head on my shoulder, He keeps apologising and I can tell he feels awful, Things just got abit bad and ended up tipping over the edge which led to him exploding, The anger just got abit too much but everything is fine now.

That's how we spent our night, cuddled up together on the kitchen floor.

Everything is okay.



HELLO! This one is abit of a short one seeming as I have another one coming out later, I hope everyone enjoyed this, I know I did :) as usual I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! ALSO I'm quite proud of myself for uploading so consistently and I hope yous are enjoying that too! I love you all so so much and thank you for voting and reading it means the absolute world to me that you even enjoy these! Take care everyone I care about you.


Bye ♥

Words: 803

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