Wisdom Teeth 🐏

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Summary: Matt gets his wisdom teeth pulled, and his brothers are there to help.

Thank you, nocmmnt123 for the request <333


Matt's POV

Today I am getting my wisdom teeth removed. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty terrified as I have been dreading this for literal weeks by now. I know it's silly and I shouldn't be worried, but I can't help but feel anxious every time I think about it, which is every minute of every day. But as long as I have my brothers there, I should be okay. "matt! come on, get in the car!" I hear nick yell from the driver's seat. "coming! I'm just getting ready!" I yell. I throw on a white tee and black joggers as I hurry downstairs and into the car. This is going to be a looong day.

We are already halfway there, and I can feel myself getting even more nervous, and I can feel the whole thing starting to get to me even more. I start biting my nails, not even bothering to make sure they don't bleed. I feel Chris send me a concerned glance as he pulls my hand from my mouth, "hey don't bite your nails bud they are going to bleed" "sorry", I frown as I lean into his shoulder. "nervous?" he questions sending me a smile, "mhm" I mumble cuddling even impossibly closer to my younger brother as I close my eyes soon falling asleep.

"att! matt!" I hear nick shout shaking my shoulder, "mhm?" I mumble, sitting up off Chris's shoulder "you're going to be late for your appointment matt! come on quick!" he replies, grabbing my hand and pulling me to follow him, Chris following behind. We get into the waiting room, and I can feel the nerves eating me up inside, what if the gas doesn't put me to sleep? what if I wake up in the middle? What if the pain meds don't work? What if something goes wrong and I don't wake up...? what if- "Can Matheww Sturniolo please make his way to Dr Murphys room!" the lady at the front desk shouts, I freeze as I see nick and chris both get up.. but I cant? "come on matty it'll be alright" chris half whispers helping me up and into the room. "a little nervous?" the man chuckles motioning for me to sit on the seat wich I do, "yeah he as been dreading this for weeks" nick chuckles, I see chris send me a gentle smile as the man puts a mask on my mouth, "right, Matthew when i turn this machine on gas will come up into your mask, when it does just inhale and count to 10. you will do just fine" he comforts as he turns on the machine, I can feel my breathing quicken wich chris sees to notice as he reaches for my hand sending me a sympathetic smile, nick doing the same "we will be here when you wake up don't worry" chris whispers.

1.. inhale

2.. inhale

3.. I start to feel lightheaded

4.. surely this won't work

5.... I'll be okay

6.. inhale

7... I feel myself drifting off


Chris's POV

"Do you think he will recover well?" I ask the dentist hoping for a positive answer, "yes! Matthew did great! everything went smoothly." I grin nick doing the same "he should be awake in a few minutes, he is probably going to be a bit loopy at first because of the anesthesia, but it will wear off in a few hours!" the dentist reassures. "Ch-Chrissssssss" matt drags out immediately trying to stand up "hey Matthew lay down while we get your paperwork signed" the dentist pleads as e leaves the room with nick to what I believe is to sign paperwork, to my delight he sits back down and start prodding at his mouth "you took my lips!" he shouts completely out of it "no he didn't matty they are right there" I chuckle ruffling his hair "he took nick too!" he shouts tears forming in his eyes, "Chris go find nick!" he shouts sniffling. "he didn't take him don't worry bud he will be right back." I comfort. as if on queue nick comes back in with the dentist "Matthew can go home now! he might need a little help with walking though due to the anesthesia" the dentist smiles opening the door, "come on matt lets get you home" nick smiles as we both grab his arms helping him walk out the room. "Immmm faaallinggg" matt drags out letting himself fall right into me almost causing me to crash to the ground, "jeez matt! careful" I whisper shout, he just giggles in response. after what feels like forever we finally get to the car "come on matt just sit down and then that's all you have to do okay?" nick sighs as we both try to get him into the seat, he finally gives in laying down on his side across all of the seat, "matt.. I need to get in" I sigh "CHRISSY IS SITTING WITH ME" he yells giggling, nick shushes him as I see matt sit up, and when I get in already sprawling out on me.

It's not even been 2 minutes and matt is already starting again, " I need chapstick.. right now" he huffs as he feels his lips grimacing as he looks up from my lap, "oh my god. that feels so gross" he whines "okay we will get you some soon okay?" I reply hushing him "my lip. I need chapstick" he goes on "alright we'll get you chapstick* nick giggles he smiles contently "can you get me like the good coconut one or like strawberry?" he replies grin apparent on his face, *when we get home ill see if we have any." nick replies as I grin at the now visibly annoyed matt, "but I need chapstick now! how am I gonna get it?" he replies pouting like a toddler, nick is to busy laughing hysterically so I reply this time, "when we get home okay? just wait" I chuckle, he just huffs and closes his eyes once more. (get what I did there? 😏)

Soon later we get home and matt is still asleep which honestly isn't very surprising at all let's just hope the anesthesia has worn off by the time he wakes up. "so are you gnna carry him or can I wake him up?" nick huffs as we both stand staring at the passed out boy "ill try to carry him" I sigh as I successfully reach down and pick him up "get the door before I drop him" I wince making my way to the door trying my bets to make sure I don't wake him. to my dismay he does, "chrisssyy your carrying meeee" he slurs a smile apparent on his face, I smile nick unlocks the door quickly as I hurry in dropping him on the sofa. "nooooo" he whines sitting up and immediately latching onto me, this is going to be a long day.. "get me my chapsticccckkk nicolaaas" he giggles pulling me down onto the chair in a thud " my god matt! careful" I half shout as nick hurries through the drawers trying to find chapstick. "you know your very clingy on anesthesia matt" I chuckle as he spreads out even more on my lap, he just hums in response. "GOT IT!" nick shouts a grin on his face as he rushes over holding a small stick of strawberry chapstick, "Niccckkky to the rescueee" he giggles smearing it over his lips grossily.

This is going to be a looong day..


Authors Note

HELLO AGAIN! If you reading this I hope you enjoyed this one I know I haven't been updating a lot so I'm so sorry but I quite like this one so hopefully it can make up for it! also, I would just like to say all the nice comments made my day on the last chapter so for that I thank all of you. I really appreciate you all for coming and reading my chapters you really don't have to yet you do, I really appreciate you all for that! once again I love you all and I hope you have enjoyed your day. (Also this isn't proofread so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes I'm really tired and it's 1AM) Stay safe remember to take care of yourself and drink lots of water!



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