Argument 🦛

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Summary: Matt and Chris get into an argument.

Third Person's POV

"SHUT THE F*CK UP" Matt yells at Chris as he continues to chew loudly, this wasn't abnormal in fact this happened every time the boy ate but this time it got to him a bit more than usual. Matt sends a hard slap to Chris's face "I F*CKING HATE YOU YOUR SUCH A WASTE OF SPACE AND YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" Matt yelled, everyone was brought aback by this "Matt.." Nick whispers mouth gaping as he hears Chris let out muffled sobs rushing to his room.

Nobody had heard from Chris since then for the past few days now, Nobody could get him to come out of his room, his family were starting to worry, They heard him cry but they didn't know how to help him. Matt would chew the corner of his pillow late at night listening to Chris trying to muffle his sobs. It physically hurt him having to hear that. The laboured breaths and small hiccups. It killed him and it was all his fault yet he couldn't bring himself to go in there worried about the outcome, Chris buried his head in his pillows and blankets, heaving into them as he tried to catch his breath. He'd witnessed this enough to know he was on the brink of a panic attack. His eyes and throat stung, all he wanted right now was Matt, to be comforted by Matt. But no, Matt probably hated him, he had got on his last nerve. No way in hell was he going to ask Matt for help.

Matt had experienced enough panic attacks to know what the signs were. Shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and shakiness. Matt gnawed on his pillow again, making the edges damp and gross. Just hearing Chris having a panic attack was enough to make him feel nervous, like he was going to have one of his own. When he heard Chris let out a pained whimper and a heaving sob, he knew he needed to do something. He couldn't just sit back and listen.

Matt quietly exited his room and walked to Chris'. He didn't knock on the door, that would probably startle Chris, or the boy just wouldn't answer at all. Matt entered the room and slowly made his way to the shaking mound of blankets and pillows situated in the middle of the mattress. He cautiously approached it, he slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, Chris didn't notice him. Matt gently reached a hand out to pull the top of the duvet down so he could see the top of Chris' head. Then he placed his hand in his hair and waited patiently for Chris to respond to his gestures.

Chris jumped when he felt an unknown hand in his hair. He rolled over and swiftly made eye contact with Matt. Fuck. This was too much, he hated himself for making matt that angry and upset and now he was trying to comfort him.

"Chris? Shh-shh, it's okay, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm so sorry Chrissy. " Matt mumbled and stroked his silky smooth locks. Chris sobbed and grabbed onto Matt's waist, he buried his head in his thigh and cried. God, he was so pathetic Everything Matt said prior to this was true, whether he knew it or not, it was true and it was driving Chris insane, he felt useless, it was ruining him mentally and it probably shouldn't hurt as much as it did.

"Matt, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." Chris cried into his hip and held on tighter. He needed to apologise to Matt for his actions. "Chris? You're scaring me, you did nothing wrong please calm down love." Matt brushed stray pieces of hair out of Chris' eyes. His heart was starting to beat faster, Chris was being incredibly vulnerable and it wasn't like Chris at all. He didn't think his words had affected his brother this much but now he just felt awful

"I swear Matt I didn't mean to, trust me I didn't want to cause you to get mad I didn't mean to be so annoying. " Chris held eye contact with him, trying to convince him that he didn't mean to. "Love? I don't understand, you did nothing I promise you I shouldn't have let something so small get me so agitated. " Matt calmly stated, he called Chris love because he always used to do that for him whenever he got so worked up it seemed to calm and help him at least a bit to hear such comforting words. "I'm s-sorry." Chris stuttered. "No, no love, it's okay, I'm not mad I promise, and I'm sorry for saying such horrible things. " Matt brought Chris into a gentle hug once he saw the tears well up in the younger ones eyes. "You don't actually think I'm a waste of space or annoying do you?" He whispered into the crook of Matt's neck. "Of course I don't love it was just in the heat of the moment I promise," he replies rubbing his arm softly.

"Okay, okay love. Get some rest, we can talk about this some more tomorrow." Matt gently rolled Chris off of himself and onto the bed, but was quickly stopped when Chris latched onto his wrist. "W-where are you going?" He asked. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll just tuck you in then I'm going to sleep here," Matt replied with a gentle smile, he tucked the duvet up to Chris' chin and made sure he was nice and snuggled up before getting back into bed on the other side. Chris quickly moved over to bring him into a warm embrace, Settling his head on Matt's chest. "I'll be here when you wake up. Good night Chris." Matt whispered into Chris' hairline and placed a fleeting kiss there.

He knew tomorrow he was going to apologise profusely and have to show him how much he cares to hopefully gain his trust and forgiveness back again, he would never hurt his brother again.

Authors Note

HELLO AGAIN! If you reading this I hope you enjoyed this one I know the ones I've been doing lately are pretty bad so the next one will be better promise <33 I never expected this book to blow up at all but we have already gotten so many reads and votes, I truly don't deserve all of the love and this is all just completely insane to me. I really appreciate you all for coming and reading my chapters even when sometimes they aren't even good, I really appreciate you all for that! once again I love you all and I hope you have enjoyed your week. Stay safe remember to take care of yourself and drink lots of water!

Goodnight <333


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