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Summary: Chris has ADHD and sometimes just needs a little bit of help.

Aka: (The two times Chris's ADHD got the best of him.)

Thank you @inid565cr6der68r6 for the request <333


Chris has been diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) For a few years now but the doctors refuse to give him any medication until he reaches 18 years old which is in a year from now so sometimes when it gets a bit too much he just needs a bit of help.

Matt's POV

We are currently filming this Fridays car video and Chris has been none stop talking and I know he can't help it so I just sit and listen to his rants, but I can tell Nick is starting to get annoyed.. "But then like who even likes drumsticks they are gross and rip your teeth out and they are to hard- you have got to be 10 years old to be able to eat one of those and not throw up and rip a tooth-" Chris rushes out not even stopping to take a breath, "Your doing far to much talking Chris it's my go now! I've been asking to speak for the past ten minutes but somehow your still going on about your hatred towards drumstick lollies!" Nick shouts visibily irritated, "But- but- like you have got to understand where I am coming from? Nobody over the age of ten likes them!" Chris tries, looking towards me for approval wich i gladly give, " I understand what you mean yeah!" I reassure smiling back at the younger, "Be quiet now Chris." Nick says rubbing his shoulder gently "B- But im not finished" He says as I see him rest his head on the headrest tapping his foot on the floor tears soon enough falling from his eyes, "You okay bud?" I whisper placing a comforting hand to his back, "I- I'm sorry for being annoying I dont mean too I promise" He whispers placing a hand over his face "I know you don't mean to Chrissy it's okay it's not your fault" Nick replies leaning over to hand him water which he takes and quickly drinks it, "Wanna go home now?" I reply seeing Chris's eyes get heavier "Mhmm.." He drags out as I see nick nod slightly in agreement, I lean over and press a warm kiss to my brothers heads calling it a night as this was enough for one.

A Few days later.

Chris's POV

I rush downstairs rapidly running into the living room to see my brothers on their phones, boring. "MATT NICK" I yell them both jolting up "God Chris you almost gave me a heart attack I thought something was wrong-" Nick sighs going back to his phone, "MATT WHEN IS OUR PLANE? " I yell once again as I jump up and down slightly " A tiny bit more quiet honey" he chuckles smiling at me "Sorry!" I try to whisper "It's in 5 hours Chris so not just yet" He replies getting up to put his now empty cup of water in the sink. "OKAY!" I grin basically taking laps around the whole kitchen, "WOAH! since when did we have a clock?!" I gasp pointing at it "Since we moved in" he answers chuckling at my actions, "Here, I made you some toast earlier go eat it " He says passing me a plate of toast which he took out of the toaster momentarily "THANK YOU" I grin placing a piece in my mouth rubbing the side of the plate which is something I have always done. I have only finished half of my toast when I get distracted by the show about animals on the tv soon rushing over to pay more close attention.

What feels like a few minutes pass and Matt walks over to me holding what seems to be the now stale plate of toast,

Uh oh.

"Chris it's been an hour it's gone bad now silly" He sighs as I watch him place it in the bin, "I'm sorry! I didn't think it had been that long.." I reply frowning as I pick at the hem of my shirt, "It's okay love" he replies sitting next to me and pulling me to his side, "Look Chrissy Nick has already fallen asleep so he won't be able to sleep through the flight!" he chuckles trying to lighten the mood which worked because I let out a quiet laugh leaning in closer to my older brother who continues and goes on to telling a story about some type of cat he saw? I had lost him a few minutes through though.

I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, "You listening?" He mumbles, I frown I didnt even realise I had stopped paying attention. "I'm sorry I couldn't concentrate on what you were saying" I frown feeling terrible, "Hey! Don't feel bad silly all I was saying was I saw a cat that had three different colours on it and I thought you would like it because it looked cool!" He soothes planting a kiss to my head, I nod in response jolting up quickly "OH MY GOD DO YOU THINK I COULD EAT FLOUR WITHOUT COUGHING?" I yell rushing over to our cupboards not even thinking twice, "I don't think you should try that-" Matt tries (Spoiler alert not succeeding).

Matt's POV

"I don't think you should try that-" I am cut off by him scooping a bunch into his mouth as he immediately is thrown into a fit of coughs "Oh jesus kid I told you not to!" I shout grabbing a cup of water and putting it up to his mouth only to remove it, "spit it out, Chris!" I shout patting his back as I hand him the water once again which he soon puts in his mouth spending the next minute trying to get the horrible taste out of his mouth aswell as the rest of the flour that had stayed. "I- didn't th-think that wou-would happen" He says getting cut off by a sharp cough between words, "Here open wide" I sigh after he had finished coughing, He complies opening his mouth wide, "There's no flour left luckily here drink this" I say passing him some more water as i continue rubbing the youngers back gently, "Thank you.." he mumbles after finishing the cup.

We are both cut off by Nick walking to the kitchen mouth widened in shock "Why the fuck is there flour everywhere-" "Uh about that..." Chris replies wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Time skip on the plane

We are on the plane now and Nick is surprisingly asleep while Chris is currently sprawled out on my lap with my sleeve in his mouth, If im being honest it feels disgusting but this is the most calm I've seen the poor boy in the past week and I couldn't take that away from him, Never.

Chris's POV

I wake up yawning loudly as I turn around to see Matt almost asleep "Matty?" I mumble pulling at his now wet sleeve "Hm! You okay?" he replies fully opening his eyes now, I nod quickly pressing my head into the crook of his neck as I gently play with the necklace I had given him a while ago that had the charms wrapped all around it. I feel an arm wrap comfortingly around me as a kiss is pressed softly against my head "Goodnight sweetheart" He whispers tiredly, I mumble a quiet goodnight back wrapping my arms around his waist soon later falling into a peaceful sleep.

An hour later we all woke up as the plane was landing tangled in each other's embrace, God knows how that happened but we were happy about it anyways.



I haven't proofread this fully so if you see any errors or grammar mistakes feel free to correct me! this one was very fun to do so thank you so much for the request! Also, I wanted to get this out as soon as possible because I'm so tired so if anything is wrong I'm sorry! Also, I don't know much about ADHD I tried to research about it but some of the things could have been not accurate at all so I'm sorry about that! I love you all so much and remember your loved and cared about by so many people!

Goodnight ♥


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