Distraction 🐠

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Summary: Matt gets hurt and his brothers need distractions.

Thank you Random_Sleepyhead for the request <333

Chris's POV

"MATT MATT!-" I scream watching helplessly as my brother shakes on the floor, I don't even know what happened one second he was laughing and playing Mario kart with me and Nick next second he is on the floor. "OH GOD NICK HELP HIM- DO SOMETHING PLEASE" I sob trying to hold him still as nick calls 911.

"Their on the way they said lay him on his side-" Nick hurries moving Matt carefully onto his side, Then he stops moving. "Nick.. Is he okay?" I whisper the room growing silent, no reply. "oh god.. Nick please" I cry knealing down towards my brother. He's not breathing, I feel my chest grow tight as a shakey sob escapes my lips.

Time skip 4 hours

It has been four hours now, Matt got to the hospital and they managed to stabilise him but nobody knows what caused this, all we know is he had a seizure. I will never be able to forget the look on Nicks face when he wasn't breathing, his face went pale and he looked as if he was going to throw up. "Chrissy come on let's go home, mom and dad are waiting for us." Nick whispers voice croaky as he reaches out his hand for me to take "can't we stay?" I whisper, I didn't want to leave Matt here by himself. "They don't know when he will be awake but we can come back tomorrow?" he tries. I comply grabbing his hand as we walk out of the hospital.

without matt..

At home

When we got home with mom and dad our friends nathan and madi were there waiting for us already engulfing us in much needed hugs.

Nick is in his room with Madi doing god knows what so it's jus me and Nathan in my room, The room is filled with a comfortable silence the only noises being the odd few quiet sniffles, I enjoyed his company.

"Hey Chris, Do you want to play some Mario kart?" he asks turning his whole body to face me, "Okay then," I nod a soft smile forming on my lips. The younger got up and scrambled to turn everything on passing me the controller, I decided on being toad as it was the character Matt always used.

"YESS I'M IN FIRST" I shout as we are on the last lap, "NO YOUR NOT!" He screams just before over taking me. "NOOO" I shout as he crosses the finish line me finishing right after, "LET'S GO!" He screams but not before tackling me in a hug. "Fair enough" I sigh smiling widely.

It has been around an hour now and Madi has left so it was just me Nate and Nick sat on the couch, Mom and Dad went back to the hospital, we weren't allowed to go but they promised to call if anything came up. As if on queue the phone starts ringing echoing through the house, Nick rushes over picking up as he puts it on speaker. "Nick is that you?" Mary lous voice asks in which Nick replies frantically "YES! Yes- It is, is he okay?" "The doctor still has no answers to what happened but he is getting professionals to look firther into it, but you can come round now the doctor reckons he will be awake any minute." She exclaims in which Nick replies with a quick thank you before hanging up. "Come on we need to go!" He shouts as Nate speaks up, "I'll get going, let me know how he is" "Yes! Ofcourse, Thank you Nate" I reple watching as he leaves.

Time skip at the hospital.

"You came just on time he just woke up!" Dad beams smiling widely as I look at my brother, Tubes attached to him, Dazed and eyes open. I burst into tears as Nick engulfs him into a warm hug. Mary lou hurries to my side supporting my weight as i rush over to Matt's side as I hold him close whispering how much I love him, "I'm s-so glad your aw-awake" I sob pressing a quick kiss to his head in which he replies,

"I l-love yous"



I hope you all enjoyed this one! I was scared I lost myself to writers block again! But phew anyways another one later today hopefully! Thank you for requesting this I loved writing it! I hope there isn't any mistakes although there probably is :) but if you see any feel free to correct me! After my big break I thought this book would've died but surprisingly it didn't so thank you so much for everything! Also please don't ghsot read I love to see all the comments it really helps motivate me to write, Thank you for all the positive comments I appreciate you all :D Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3


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