Clingy And Hyper 🐥

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Summary: Matt and Chris regress together for the first time EVER. Matt is 2 and clingy and Chris is 4 and very hyper and energetic how will he manage to juggle that?!

Thank you charlottesydx for the request <333


Nick's POV

I am busy working on editing the new video when not one but two littles rush into my room, Matt immediately clinging to me and before Chris can strike I quickly save my progress just in time for Chris bashing his hands on my keyboard. "Hey buddy what happened?" I whisper at Matt confused as to why both my brothers were regressed as they NEVER regressed at the same time, don't get me wrong I love it but it's just not like them which is VERY concerning, I try to calm Chris with my other hand not being successful, "bu-bubba-" Matt tried soon giving up and latching back onto my leg, "It's okay Matty" I hush pulling him up into my lap as I reach for Chris's hand with the other "hey buddy can you calm down please?!" I try, he just giggles pushing his head into my side "Okay, Chrissy what we're you and matty doing?" I try again but I'm disappointed when the little runs of into the living room giggling, oh god.

I pick Matthew up hearing him whine slightly at the sudden movement "Sorry Matty your brother has ran off" I hush continuing my 'run' the the living room we're I'm met with Chris stood on top of the counter dancing and giggling loudly clearly very hyper, I place Matt onto the nearest couch mumbling quiet sorrys hearing him whine uncomfortably then rushing over and grabbing the younger quickly just in time as he stumbles back luckily landing in my arms. "God Chris! You fell are you okay buddy? " I sigh holding the younger close "mhmmmm" he giggles poking and pulling at my cheeks seeming very entertained by the way they squish. "B-Baba" I hear Matt splutter sniffling quietly "Coming Matty!" I hurry over to the sofa were I place Chris looking over to see Matt doing grabby hands giving me puppy dog eyes, I could of melted right there and then I swear. "Matty!" Chris giggles as I see him start tickling his brothers stomach causing him to let out a soft giggle, I smile at my two brothers having fun as I quickly rush to go grab Matt's dummy and Chris's platypus Teddy as they are their comfort items, before they notice I'm gone.

"NICKY! Ma-Matty is crying!" I hear Chris yell panic lacing his voice as I rush into the room to find Matt wailing loudly sprawled out on the couch Chris helplessly trying to do 'something' "Oh honey what happened" I soothe pulling him into my lap and placing the stuff onto the table for when they have both calmed down. "D-didn't mean t-to make b-bubba S-sad" Chris hiccups covering his face with his palms, "It's okay Chrissy I know you didn't mean to I just need to know what happened okay buddy? So I can make Matty happy." I smile pulling him into my side "W-Wan to p-play!... B-But bubba didn wan t-to" he huffs grabbing his platypus off the table holding it close to his chest. "Mkay thank you for telling me bud I'm so proud of you." I smile pressing a soft kiss to the youngers head watching him blush a deep red "D-Dum-" Matt babbles getting upset with himself after failing to say the word but I understand what he wants, "Okay baby here you go" I hush popping the dummy into his mouth as I watch him visibly get more calm. "Can go play?" Chris asks a hopeful smile on his face, "Your brother is sleeping Chrissy.." I sigh rubbing his shoulder gently. "B-But-" he tries soon giving up with a frown, I immediately feel awful. "Okay bud go get your playdoh then" I smile as he claps and flaps his hands scurrying into his room to find the previously mixed tub of playdoh.


"G-Got Doh!" Chris giggles running into the room a handful of different coloured tubs, "Well done Chrissy! What are you going to make?" I praise smiling at him "M-Matty Gif to say sowwy" he grins sheepishly as he grabs the playdoh trying to form a shape of what I think is playdoh.

"Done Nicky!" he grins shoving the reddy orange shaped heart in my face, "That's so nice of you sweetheart, you show Matty then yeah?" I smile, you can see he tried really hard and for a mentally 4 year old it was AMAZING. "Matty! Lookie" he giggles tapping him on the shoulder lightly, "Mmm" he groans opening his eyes as I see happiness fill his face, "WOVE IT!" he giggles grabbing the heart and inspecting it, "I-I sowwy for twying to making you pway Matty..' He sighs smiling lightly sitting himself next to us both as I pull him into me giving him a comforting side hug "Is Otay!" he grins leaning over to press a wet kiss to his brothers cheek and then continuing to lay down in his lap closing his eyes softly, I can already tell he is about to fall asleep at any given moment, "Sleepy Matty?" Chris asks looking at me with slight confusion and furrowed eyebrows, "Yes bud I think Matty is tired" I reply as I run my hands through the youngers hair.

Soon later I see Chris copying my own actions trying his best to do the same to Matt's head.

It may be hard to handle them both sometimes but in the end when they are all on the couch like this, it is ALL worth it.



AN UPDATE?! WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT! Hope you all enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed reading it! I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Thank you to everyone who STILL reading all of my chapters. I see and love you all so do unbelievably much I can't explain how grateful I am and I could say it a thousand more times! I love you all so so much and thank you for voting all the time it really helps boost the book up and the motivation it gives me is unreal so thank you. Take care everyone I care so much about you do stay safe and happy for me :)♥

Bye <3

Words:1106 :o

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