Ice Plunge ❄️

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Summary: Based on the ice plunge video but Matt has a panic attack.

Thank you istayuppastmybedtime for the request <333
Matt's POV

We are currently filming a Wednesday video that Chris thought of basically we fill up a bath with water and ice and submerge ourselves and see how long we can stay in there for.

I have watched both of my brothers get in and out basically screaming at how cold the water is and I can feel my anxiety spike at the thought of it, My anxiety hasn't acted up in what feels like weeks now and I was really happy with how I have improved and Nick and Chris keep telling me how proud they are of me and I cannot let them down now..

"MATTY YOUR GO!" Chris yells giggling loudly as he beckons me over towards the tub, I take a deep breath as I submerge myself into the water immediately feeling my heart rate fasten as my body goes into panic mode, but I can't move..

Why can't I move..

I need to get out.

Please help




I feel my breathing quicken as I look at Chris panic boiling in my eyes.

"You alright..? You can get out now if you want you know.." Chris whispers concern evident on his face.

I whimper feeling my legs go numb as I still try to bring myself up and out of the water but I'm frozen in fear

I try to speak but end up choking on my words soon enough gasping for air.

And that's the last thing I remember after Nick hauling me up out of the bath and onto some warm towels Chris panicking behind him unable to remain calm, I have no idea what I looked like sat on the floor gasping for air unable to breathe but it was enough to make both of my brothers cry which was unusual for them mostly Nick as he barely even let's a tear drop.

Nick's POV

"Matt, Come on Matty just breathe." I breathe out wrapping the towels tight around his cold and shivering body, just a minute ago we were all laughing having fun and the next thing I know I'm dragging Matt's stiff body out of the ice worried that he'd gone into shock or something from the cold.

I hear Chris sobbing behind me pacing across the room as I feel a tear of my own fall onto the shivering boy below me, "Nick.." Matt whispers still heaving out sobs as he shakes uncontrollably, "Yes? Your okay Matty. Yeah? Your okay I've got you don't worry." I rush out holding him even impossibly closer, Never in my whole time of living with Matt have I ever seen him react like that during a panic attack, it was terrifying his face was blue and pale and he looked like he couldn't even get a breath out.

"Oh god Nick what have we done!" Chris sobs sat on the toilet lid behind us, "He's alright Chris please calm down your okay aren't you Matty?" I say rubbing Matt's back gently, "I I'm sorry." Matt sobs choking on his sobs.

This makes Chris cry even more soon sitting down next to us holding onto Matt aswell.

My heart was broke into a million pieces that night.. Seeing both of my brothers sobbing and so panicked was the worst thing that could've happened that day and I don't think I'm ever going to be able to let Matt try this ever again.

I hope you all enjoyed this one I'm proud to say I'm back from a well needed break :) I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Thank you so so much for the unbelievable amount of love this book has gotten even when I was away I remember one week I came back and I had over 200 notifications from all of the votes and everything an edit was the nicest thing that could've happened :) ALSO I NEED ADVICE My boyfriend has really bad adhd and lately he's been really quiet and I spent last night with him and I'm going back today but I was searching and I've read it's an adhd burnout or something which now that I look at it makes alot of sense everything is adding up and I was wondering if anyone has any tips or advice or anything I can do because I have never dealt with anything like this before! Anyways I love you all so so much and thank you for everything :) Take care everyone I care about you. ♥

Bye <3


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