Anxiety 🐀

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Summary: Matt's anxiety levels sky rocket during tour, he just needs comfort by his brothers.

Thank you thethingwiththehand for the request <333


Matt's POV

We are currently doing the group pictures and it feels as if people are just ignoring me everyone just hugs Nick and Chris and leaves me out, it feels unfair and I know I shouldn't let it get me down but I just can't help but feel like none of them even like me. I woke up with anxiety pooling in my stomach and a bad feeling about today, Malcolm asked me if I was okay I think he sensed something was off.

"Matt get in!" Nick laughs motioning me towards him and a young girl, I walk in striking a quick pose but just as the girls about to leave she looks back and sends me a dirty look, I respond with a slight smile as I feel my cheat go tight a lump forming in my throat, I run out, out of the building.. And onto the bus, Malcolm was the only one there as Trilly was performing next, I could hear voices from outside of fans surrounding the bus eager to get videos.

I clutch my chest harsh sobs threatening to leave my throat as i feel tears crowning my eyes, I flip down onto what I suppose is a seat, I can't feel or hear anything anymore and it is getting harder and harder to figure out who is in front of me, I couldn't feel my hands they were numb same as my legs, all I could feel being the racketing of my heart against my chest. I'm thrown back into my senses to a pair of hand holding me, harsh sobs were escaping my lips and I was gasping for air, "It's okay Matty they'll be here in a second their probably trying to find you." a voice whispers holding me close to its chest, Malcolm.. I could recognise that cologne from anywhere! I sob into the olders chest, my head is pounding I just need my brothers.

"Matt!" I hear two voices shout trampling on the bus as they reach me.

Chris's POV

"Matt!" Me and Nick yell as we get onto the bus, Finally finding Matt, he looks a mess tear tracks staining his cheeks he us gasping for air and Malcolm has his arms wrapped around him a panicked expression filling his face, "Oh Matty.. Come here sweetheart." I sigh pulling him into a tight hug as Nick scurries to find a water bottle, "Ch-Chrissy.." He sobs hands clutching tiredly at my back, "It's okay I've got you Matty, I've got you.." I soothe hushing him quietly, "Matty here can you have a sip of this please?" Nick tries pressing the bottle to his lips as he takes a quick sip eyes filled with anxiousness "There you go that's it Matty just try copy my breathing," I whisper pressing his hand to my chest, "Your doing so good Matty," I whisper pressing a kiss to his head.

After around fifteen minutes hjs breathing starts to even out and he has stopped crying, just the occasional hiccups and sniffles, I see Nick lean down to take off his shoes Malcolm doing the same with the jacket. I feel him crawl onto my lap his arms tight around my neck, "Feeling better Matty?" I ask feeling his warm breath against the back of my neck, "I ruined it didn't I....?" he whimpers hiccuping lightly, "No you didn't don't worry babe." Nick smiles placing a hand to his back, I hear him yawn softly as I mime to Nick that we are going to bed in which he agrees.

I carefully pick him up as I place him onto the bed pressing a kiss to his head as I whisper goodnight, I'm about to leave but I'm stopped by a grosn and a hand on mine, "Stay.." he slurs yawning softly, I chuckle as I crawl into the bed beside him pulling him close to my chest, "Goodnight Matty I love you.." I smile pressing one last kiss to his head as I watch his his eyes flutter closed "Love you too.." he mumbles clinging tightly onto me.

After about 2 minutes he was fast asleep mind probably running through a million dreams, Everything would be okay.



HELLOOO Good news my tonsillitis is gone and I got my haircut :) bad news I now sound like a dying mouse whenever I speak.. Like literally I've had no voice the whole weekend and I have school Monday so I'm hoping it magically cures or something for tomorrow cos I will be so embarrassed if I have to go to school sounding like this all week. Anyways hope you all enjoyed this one I was very excited to do it :) if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes I'm so sorry I'm barely awake while writing this so it's probably garbage. I also just remembered last chapter was chapter 50 :O oml. That's wild 50 full stories (Apart from requests obviously) So thank you so so much for that <333 hope you all have had a wonderful weekend so far! I know I have :) I was dying for some rest and I finally fixed my sleep schedule 🥳 I love you all so so much.

Bye <3


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