Age Regression 2 🐾

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(I had no other emoji to use I apologise)

Summary: Chris has autism and regresses unexpectedly leading to a sensory overload.

Thank you @unknownuser0606060 for the request <333

ALSO, I have two others planned after this! But if i havent done your request yet im sorry I've just gotten so many it's hard to keep up :)


Third Person POV

When Chris awoke he felt wrong.

The natural light in his room was too bright for him, so much so that he had to squint against the brightness as he clambered back out of bed and crossed the room to his bedroom door. He was in too much pain to register his size, instead focusing on getting the door open and finding the others. He choked back a sob as he entered the living room, where Nick and Matt were talking. If the light hadn't hurt him so much, he'd have reached the conclusion that the raised voices indicated that they were in the middle of a debate of some sort. The voices somehow made it worse, tearing a sob from Chris. Nick and Matt heard,
jumping up at the sight of Chris with his hands gripping his hair and tears streaming down his face. "Chris, sweetheart?!" Nick rushed over, kneeling in front of Chris. "Chris, what is it? What's wrong?" "Efewything huwts!" The little cried, wincing at his own voice as it sent sharp pain through his head. "Make i- stop, Papa!" "Where does it hurt, Chrissy?" Matt asked. Chris shook his head. He couldn't explain it. His eyes were burning and his head was pounding and-

Chris gasped as a blissful darkness fell over him. Matt sat on the ground behind Chris, pulling the little carefully onto his lap.
"Sensory overload!" Nick realised aloud. "The lights and the shout-!" Nick cut off, lowering his voice. "The lights and the shouting must've been bothering him..." "Oh, poor baby" Matt whispered. "Nick, go and get those headphones you have in your room. And flick the lights off when you get to them." Nick nods rushing off quickly. Chris sniffled, leaning back into Matts chest as he shivered slightly. Sensory overload? He'd never had that before.. Was he okay? he just wanted everything to stop, its too much for his little head.
"You must've gotten really overwhelmed..." Nick frowned when he returned, placing the headphones down gently just incase they needed them. "We shouldnt of left him by himself for this long that probably didn't help..." Nick whispers as to not overwhelm the little any more. "Chris, honey... Let's go somewhere quiet and less crowded, okay?" Matt smiled. Chris nodded, making grabby hands at him. The older wasted no time scooping Chris into his arms and balancing him on his hip, using one hand to shield Chris's eyes before carrying him to his room. "Here we are..." Matt whispered as they entered Chris's room Nick following close behind. Chris winced at the light, slapping his hands over his eyes with a whimper. "Oh, sorry, love, I'm sorry..." Matt hurriedly rushed across the room, pulling Chris's curtains across. The room darkened instantly.

"Mom said before sensory overload is when there's too much going on that your senses can't handle it and everything feels horrible. I helped Matt a few times with panic attacks, and I sometimes need time to myself so I think I know just the thing to help." Nick replied. "I'll be right back. Here, put these on." Chris blinked as Nick handed his headphones to him. "Hey, Chrissy can i hug you?" Matt asked Chris wasn't sure if he could handle that. Could he? Chris just blinked. "Okay, I'll wait 'til you're certain." Matt beamed as nick smiled before turning and leaving the room. Chris sighed, clambering up onto his bed and closing his eyes to block everything out. The headphones were really comfortable, he realised as he lost himself in thought.When he opened his eyes, Nick was sitting at the end of his bed, fiddling with a Rubik's cube. When he noticed Chris trying to sit up, he smiled dropping the cube. "Hi!" Nick clasped his hands over his mouth. "Sorry... Hi." He repeated, quieter this time. "I hope you don't mind, but I got these." Nick indicated to the pile of fidget toys. "What awe those?" Chris asked curiously, sliding off the bed. Nick giggled.

"They're stim toys! I watch people play with them on YouTube. I thought they might help and stuff." "Oh, is this a tangle?" Chris asked smiling, as he begins holding up a twisty plastic toy. "Yup! And I got a fidget cube, some slow rising squishies, a ball with glitter in it." he smiles proud of himself. "A cube?!" Chris smiled, unable to stop himself from snatching it from Nicks's hand. He froze once he realised what he'd done. "Sowwy..." " Hey Chris, listen to me." Nick smiled, pulling down Chris's headphones." You don't have to apologise for being excited and happy" . You're allowed to be excited, and I know Matt spoke to you already about this, and we've both explained that it's okay to feel emotions."

"But I snatched."

"Matt's a grown man and he still doesn't know the meaning of the word 'share'." Nick giggled. "And I've snatched before." "You haf?" he slurs sniffling quietly, "Yup, I've snatched before!"He replies back. Chris smiles, putting his headphones back on. "How're you feeling, kiddo?" Matt asks "Better, fank you." Chris couldn't tear his gaze from the cube in his hands, folding it and Unfolding it, Nick and Matt watching him fondly. "Um... Papa?" "Yeah, kiddo?" "I beliefe I am weady for cuddwles now..." "Aww, sure thing, buddy." Matt beamed, placing his hand on Chris's back as They both hold the little close. Chris leaned against his brothers, smiling to himself when they pressed a soft kiss to his head.

Nick definitely doesn't have a selfie of himself and Matt with a sleeping Chris.



I hope you all enjoyed this one I personally love it! As read in the beginning I have two more planned and then obviously alot more so be on the lookout! :D I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Thank you so so much for the unbelievable amount of love this book has gotten I'm so happy with were it is at and I'm really trying my best to upload a few times a week but school is stressful, I love you all so so much and thank you for voting all the time it really helps boost the book up and the motivation it gives me is unreal so thank you. Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3

Words:1140 :D

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