Autism 🌌

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Summary: Matt has autism and has a meltdown.

Thank you Jade_hehe2 for the request <333


Matt was diagnosed with autism at quite the young age of 13 he would get really scared of loud noises and he would constantly do this thing where he flapped his arms around which we later found out was called stimming. He also acts younger than his age wich is normally around the age of 7-12 even though he is actually 17, He got bullied a lot in school due to this so he had to get removed and went to home schooling up until now.

Matt's POV

We are currently at a new shop that opened up and I'm so excited since its based around teddys which I LOVE they are so soft and they make me so happy "Hey Matty wich one do you want" Chris asks hands holding up the two I had picked one being a bunny the other a bear, "Hmmm.. I cant pick!" I say flexing my wrists discomfort papering my face, "Okayyyy we can get them both" he replies leaning over to rub my hand in a comforting manner, I giggle softly jumping up and down as I flap my hands around, I'm cut off by a small group of girls who I think are atleast 15 laughing while pointing at me, "What's the matter with him- is he like a-" they pause as my brother speaks up "Come on buddy lets pay" I frown staying were I am and not moving an inch as i feel myself growing upset, "B-But why are they laughing at me" I stutter out as I start playing with my fingers, "Honey please" He tries once more paying quickly as I burst into tears after seeing one of the girls recording me as I'm being pulled away, all I can hear are the girls laughs "D-Don like d-don like too l-loud" I wail covering my ears with my hands, "Hey- hey Matty look want to hold your new teddys?" he questions trying to calm me in any way possible, I grab the teddys stuffing my face in them as I let out louder wails of discomfort "Love you need to move them abit so you have room to breathe" Chris replies pulling the teddys slightly away from my mouth, I feel myself get 10x more nervous as I start pulling on my hair tightly, "Hey Matty what can I do to help you right now because we cant be pulling our hair okay buddy?" Chris says calmly pulling my hands from my hair "H-H-H" I stutter getting angry with myself for not being able to finish the word "it's okay pumpkin take your time" He hushes placing a hand on my back "Hold m-me" I rush out gasping loudly "Okay precious your okay" He soothes pulling me closer to him as I cling on tightly, I feel him gently pick up my headphones "I'm just going to get us home okay pumpkin? Because we need to get you comfy in bed! You stay here sweetie" he whispers getting up quietly and placing me down onto the seat as he puts my seat belt on soon after getting into to his own seat pulling out onto the road "B-But we need to get food a- and Nickys chocolate" I rush out as I start flailing around, "Matty your okay i know this is all stressful with the schedule changing but we need to get home okay? Just take deep breaths" He rushes out trying to get us home as quick as possible "Nooo" I groan as I start hitting my head against the back seat hard pushing against the seatbelt as I start feeling way to restricted as U start feeling bile run up my throat, this is all to much.

Chris's POV

I feel a sudden wave of panic as I see my younger brother banging his head hard against the seat, he never does that so this is extremely unlike him, I pull over quickly rushing to get out of the car as I rush to his side, I unlock the door and unbuckle his seatbelt, panick is visible in his eyes "Matty buddy calm down please everything is okay" I hush pulling his hair away from his face gently "N-Noooo Chri-Chrissy" He whimpers reaching out as he places his hand on my face sobs racking his body "I'll call Nicky okay, I'm not leaving I'm staying right here with you" I whisper pulling him into my chest as I quickly dial nicks number, "Nick you need to make Matt a comfy space on the couch for when he gets home" I rush out stroking the upset boys hair softly "Why what happened is everything okay?" He says sounding concerned "No Matt has had a meltdown because some girls were laughing at him for being excited and he has even started hitting his head against the car seat, please Nick im scared-" I reply as I start to feel a lump growing in the back of my throat, "Oh m-" He says before quickly hanging up. "Nicky is making you a comfy bed on the couch for when we get back sweetie you know how you always love?" I soothe pushing my face into his hair "T-Tired" he huffs out hiccuping slightly as he cuddles into me more, "I know sweetie- You have been moving about so much your bones must be killing" I whisper rubbing his shoulder gently, he just sniffles in response "Do you want me to take you home to see Nicky now pumpkin?" I ask he just nods in response as I unlatch myself handing him his teddys back "P-Please dont buckle me in t-to much close" he whispers not making much sense but just enough to understand slightly, I see him holding his teddys close to his chest for comfort, I menteally awe, I sigh "Okay honey dont worry I won't" I whisper pressing a kiss to his forehead as I get into the front seat setting off home.

It has been 5 minutes and Matt is already asleep in the backseat, he looks so calm like this.. It completely breaks me when I hear him cry like that.

Time skip home

Nick's POV

It has been around ten minutes since Chris called me and I have made Matt a bed on the couch with all of his favourite things:

- A blanket with bears on
- Rainbow drops
- Warm fairy milk
- Fluffy pillow
- Another fluffy blanket

And finally his favourite monkey teddy. I hear a door swing open and in walks Chris holding a sleeping Matt "Oh dear- is he okay?" I question voice filled with concern as I pull back the blankets watching him place the boy down on the couch, "I don't think he has had a very good day with his autism if I'm being honest-" he replies frowning as he covers the younger boy with blankets, I stroke my hand through his hair, he is fast asleep.. the poor boy must be so tired.. "Hey Chris I'm going to go finish editing, just call me if you need me okay?" I say pressing a kiss to both of my brother's foreheads "Okay thank you for making the couch for him I appreciate it a bunch" he smiles, "It's no problem" I reply making my way up the stairs and into my room.

Chris's POV

As Nick walks up the stairs I sit next to Matt keeping an eye on him, I feel so bad he looked in so much distress before he fell asleep, "Chrissy..' I hear the younger groan as he rubs his eyes" Yes? You okay Matty?" I question leaning forward to hear him better Nicky?" he mumbles sitting up slowly "Nicky is editing but look what he did for you!"I say pointing at everything, he gasps loudly "Rainbow drops and faiwy milk!" he giggles flapping his arms around "Yes! Here you can have them" I smile passing the bowl and cup closer to him, "Yummy!" he giggles as he starts to eat. "Do you like your stuff then precious?" Nick grins rushing down the stairs "Mhmmm" he drags out a mouth full, I smile widely as I see him pick up the milk as he takes a sip "faiwy!" He says in an adorable voice giggling excitedly reaching over to grab his new teddys, "Nicky look!" He shouts pushing the teddys up to his face "Aw those are so cool buddy!" He replies rubbing his shoulder gently "You feeling better now pumpkin?" I whisper smiling down at him, he nods excitedly as he reaches to grab both of our hands.

Precious boy.



HAPPY LATE-ISH HALLOWEEN! What are we all dressing up as if you celebrate it?! I normally do but this year my brother didn't want to go so I couldn't! :) I haven't fully finished proof reading this so if you see any errors or grammar mistakes feel free to correct me! ALSO If I got anything wrong about how people are when they have autism I'm so sorry please call me out! I've tried to research as much as I can to try and get it as realistic as possible but I don't know if I've fully nailed it as well as some other people do! Also this one came out pretty well wich I'm quite happy aboug! So I hope you enjoyed it :) I love the idea so much so I just HAD to do it! Anyways I love you all so much and remember your loved and cared about

Goodnight ♥


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