Stuffed Animal 🐼

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Summary: Chris is attached to a stuffed animal and before going to bed Nick and Matt try to make him grow out of it.

(Chris has autism in this)

Thank you buglife360 for the request <333


Matt's POV

"He is getting to old for that damn Teddy bear Matt! He has had it since he was 12 he is 19!" nick yells Chris cowering next to me holding the bear close to his chest, "I know Nick- but we can't force him." I reply as I try take the bear from my brothers arms, "NO! NO- No Matty leave bearry alone!" The younger cries jumping up and down in frustration still clinging onto it like his life depended on it, (That was his bears name) "FOR F*CKS SAKE MATT JUST GET THE DAMN THING!" Nick tells in frustration ripping the bear from chris as he throws it ontop of the fridge, basically impossible to get back without a chair or stool.

"NO NO NO" Chris screams flapping his arms around as he suddenly starts biting his fingers hard enough to draw blood, "CHRIS! Get off your fingers it's okay it's only a bear!" I reply prying his slightly bloodied fingers from his mouth "GON GET IT!" He shouts as he gets a chair and starts climbing ontop of the fridge (It has a big area above it.)"CHRIS! GET DOWN RIGHT NOW" Nick shouts as I watch Chris slowly getting more closer to the back of the fridge towards the wall, were it wouldn't be physically possible to get him back.

"Hey Chris-stop okay I'm going to climb up here don't move" I say as I stand ontop of the chair peering over to see the younger sobbing loudly "I won't take it off you, just wanna talk okay bud?" I whisper arms reaching out as he luckily grabs onto them. "Good boy." I whisper my voice shaking slightly as I sit him down on the chair watching Nick walk around head in his hands clearly frustrated. "Hurt" Chris whimpers flapping his arms a fresh tear rolling down his cheek. "Wanna tell me why you won't let go of it?" I whisper placing a hand into his knee."Helps me.." He mumbles stuffing his head into the bears head. "How does it help bud?" I ask visibly confused at the youngers statement "Comf-" he tries but is cut off by another muffled sob as he avoids eye contact with me. "Okay it's okay calm down" I hush ruffling his hair "Nick its alright for now okay?" I whisper looking at my now frustrated brother. "Okay fine whatever, We are sorting this out tomorrow though" He sighs lifting his arms up in frustration, I smile at him as I watch him as he runs up to his bedroom to sleep.

"M sorry.. Can't help it" Chris huffs looking down at the floor sadly as he continues to hold his bear close to his chest. "It's okay buddy we will figure this out tomorrow okay? Don't stress it let's get to bed alright?" I smile rubbing his arm gently

There is clearly something we don't know.

The next morning.

"Morning Matt" Nick groans walking into the living room were I'm sat watching TV "Morning, Good sleep?" I question patting the seat next to me for him to sit, "Pretty good what about you?" he asks sitting down next to me. "Good thanks been busy searching for answers all morning. Chris still asleep?" I ask huffing loudly "Nope not yet. Did you find anything?" He adds peering over to my phone which has Google open.

"Yeah.. All signs point to autism, the flapping of his arms and jumping down is stimming, avoiding eyecontact, the attachment to the bear... And even how he acts you ger than us it all makes sense, we always just thought he acted younger because technically he is the youngest out of us but apparently not. (I know they are only 2 minutes apart leave me alone) "Now I feel terrible.." Nick sighs furrowing his eyebrows in a scrunch "it's alright you didn't know, when he gets up we will talk to him about it and try get him to get tested." I reply smiling as I wrap my arm around him bringing him in closer to me.

Time skip 2 hours

"Morning.." Chris groans planting himself on the seat next to me his bear in hand, "Morning Chris" I smile planting a kiss to his cheek "Morning" Nick replies leaning over to ruffle his hair in which he giggles "I did some research this morning-" I start but am cut off "Pl-Please don't take him- please" he stutters out tears forming in his eyes as he clings onto the teddy even tighter as if protecting him. "Were not dont worry love, I was just gonna say I did some research and me and Nick have decided we are going to try get you tested for autism because we think you may have it, everything we have found out connects you to it." I smile rubbing his arm softly.

Suddenly his face drops as tears rush down his face, "NO! No Matty no!" He shouts covering his ears with his palms kicking his legs out at me. "Chris! Hey, calm down love calm down its alright stop kicking me" I soothe holding his legs as nick walks around the chair and sits on the other side of him, "It's okay Chris there's nothing with it" he comforts holding his head to his chest carefully, "That's it calm down buddy" I soothe as he stops kicking his legs and slowly starts to calm down.

It's been about 10 minutes now and Chris has mostly calmed down just the occurring hiccups every few minutes, Nick is now sat next to him on the opposite side to me although the youngers back is still pressed to his chest. "It's not a bad thing Chris, it just means we will know more about you and be able to understand you better." I whisper stroking the tears off of his cheek gently with my thumb, "Not bad?" he questions lifting his head up from the floor furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "No love its not bad I promise" I answer smiling softly at him "I'll make an appointment for you okay?" Nick smiles resting his chin on Chris's head, "Yep!" he smiles popping the p at the end.

Everything was going to be okay in the end.



I'M FR ON MY GRIND OML. Anyways as usual I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I hope the person who requested this is alright with what I added, I hope there isn't any mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR :DD This one will be a gooden :) ALSO I have autism myself and this personally is how I act so it should be farelly accurate but then again everyones is different :) I love you all so so much and thank you for reading and voting all the time it makes me so happy to see people actually take time to read and like my chapters, that will always be insane to me. Take care everyone I love and care about every single one of you

Bye <3

Words:1229 :D

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