Bad Day 🐟

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Summary: Nick is upset and his brothers try cheer him up.

Thank you Random_Sleepyhead for the request <333

TW! VERY SMALL MENTION OF SUICIDE! (I'll let you know when it starts and ends)


Matt's POV

Nick hasn't been downstairs all day and if I'm being honest it's starting to worry me. "Hey Chris?" I ask tapping on his shoulder "Yeah?" he asks staring at me blankly "Do you think we should go check on Nick? He has been upstairs all day and it's nearly 3pm." I mutter visibly concerned for my older brother, "Yeah.. It has been ages, we will go up together come on" Chris smiles dragging me along with him upstairs and to Nicks room.

"Nicky?.." I mumble walking towards his bed were he remains silent staring at the wall beside him, no reply. "Hey Nick." Chris says slightly more louder this time. I sit on the bed next to him placing a hand to his back as I see him roll over staring at us both, "You okay?" I whisper smiling lightly "Mhm" he mumbles pulling the blankets up to his chin, "Nick.. We know when something is the matter, come on bud you can tell us." Chris trys soon failing. "Nicky please." I groan growing even more concerned, "M okay just upset" Nick whispers trying his best to smile at us, "why are you upset?" Chris asks now running a hand through his hair, "just a bad day, I saw a few comments on our newest video." he mumbles as I see tears start to form in his eyes making him look vulnerable "can I see the comments?" Chris asks motioning towards his phone. "Mhm" he whispers handing him the phone wich is surprisingly still open on the video wich consisted of different horrible comments mostly towards nick. We start to scroll.



@f41ryM477 : Nick is so ugly like fr lose some weight.

@hrts4sturniolos : Nick would only be attractive if he was skinnier.

@clarasmatt : Nick isn't even funny.

@user838281843883 : Get this Nicolas guy of my screen.

@sturniolofan07 : Nick ruins these videos.

@nicolasahater : so much better without nick.

@mattygirlie : Nick should khs.



I gasp bringing Nick into a big hug Chris joining in soon after as I feel him burst into loud and broken sobs, my heart basically shattered how could someone wrote such horrible things about someone they don't even know? It has always been insane to me. "Nicky calm down buddy" Chris whispers rubbing his back softly as I feel nick lean all of his weight onto us. I'm to scared to speak because I'm afraid nothing will come out or I'll just burst into tears, but I need to be strong.. For nick. "I c-can't do it anymore Chris" he sobs wetting both of our shirts, I lean my head onto his whispering a quiet 'sh' in hopes of bringing some sort of comfort. "it'll be okay nick- they are just strangers don't let it hurt you this much love" I whisper swallowing the lump that had formed in the back of my throat. "but it does hurt matty it hurts so much" he sobs holding tight onto my shirt.

An hour later...

Chris's POV

Nick calmed down around ten minutes ago and now we are all cuddling up next to each other in bed, matt fell asleep abit after nick calmed down I could tell he was trying his best not to fall apart when he was crying. "Nicky?" I whisper pressing a kiss to his forehead," " mhm?" he mumbles as I feel him lean his head further into me "you feeling a bit better now?" I whisper as I glance over at matt who has got both fo his arms wrapped around nicks torso, with his legs spread over mine basically sandwiching us together. "yes thank you for everything.. I didn't scare matt too much did i? " he questions glancing over at matt who is fast asleep, "he was pretty scared but he was okay when you calmed down" I reassure smiling lightly at him.


Later in the day I posted an Instagram story on our joint account explaining that we would be taking a small break. We were all happy and at the end of the day, that's all that matters to me.



I hope you all enjoyed this one it's a bit of a short one while I get back into writing! I'm looking forward to it :) I hope there isn't any grammar mistakes but if there is I'm sorry and feel free to correct me! Thank you so so much for the unbelievable amount of love and votes this book has gotten I'm so sorry for the lack fo updates but hopefully that will change soon! I have honestly lost track of the milestones my book has gotten I just know its alot. So I thank you all so so so much ♥ I love you all so so much and thank you for voting all the time it really helps boost the book up and I'm looking forward to writing more for you guys! so thank you. Take care everyone I care about you.

Bye <3


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