Upset 🐻

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Summary: Matt is upset before a video and then to make things worse, throughout the video they all shout at him.

Thank you emmalowes1 for the request <333 (I hope this is good enough and worth the wait!)



Matt's POV

I am currently sat outside of a gas station waiting for my brothers, they went inside to get some chocolate for todays video. "Hey... You..." A man wearing a grey hood shouted, I turned around the see him walking up to me, he had red bloodshot eyes and his pockets were filled with god knows what. "Y- Yes?" I stutter feeling even more anxious than before. He is definitely drunk, "Fu..cking uglyyy hai....r" He slurs pointing at me, It feels like everyone is staring at me I just want to curl up in a ball and CRY, I just mumble a quiet sorry in response hoping he walks away. "Haaaa your lucckk..y your not attrac.....tive" he slurs walking off down an alley somewhere, Where are Chris and nick they know I don't do well by myself, and now this?! I feel tear prick my eyes but before they can fall I push them away taking a deep breath, that was going to ruin my day.

A few minutes later Chris and Nick had come back Matt didn't mention what had happened he didn't want to worry them, and they were now all ready to do the video.

"EW you like pickles Matt?!" Chris fake gags, Nick chuckles lightly. "Yeah they are nice.." I frown looking out the window, "Oh my god. Matt don't do that people will think your actually upset and make the sad edits" Nick laughs rolling his eyes as we continue on with the video like nothing happened.

"Yeah! Oh my I LOVE PLAID." I shout grinning widely, "Shut the fuck up Matt your being to loud and annoying nobody likes it!" Chris yells rolling his eyes, I mumble a quiet okay as I start chewing on my nails feeling tears building up in my eyes. "I'm going inside for a break you can stay here with the idiot, Chris." Nick sighs getting up and leaving, I sniffle quietly. This is my fault I'm so stupid everything is always MY FAULT. TEARS start rushing down my face I feel stupid.

Chris's POV

Nick left to go take a break, I think he just got a bit overwhelmed by all of the noise and he snapped, I feel so bad for Matt though I didn't mean to hurt his feelings and I don't think Nick did either but I can tell we did. As if on queue I hear quiet sniffles coming from the seat next to me, I look over and I'm met with a shaky and upset Matt chewing basically all of his nails off to the nub, he looks so vulnerable. "Matt? Matty? You okay?" I whisper bringing all my attention towards him, no reply. "Hey stop chewing your nails bud.... Hey tell me what's wrong.." I soothe pulling his fingers from his mouth and intertwining them with mine. "M-M-Man" He stutters starting to cry louder, "Man? What man Matty?" I reply confused as I press my hand to his back in a comforting manner. "H-He was D-Drunk and s-said st-stuff" he sobs leaning onto my shoulder "I'm s-sorry for making y-you and Ni-Nicky mad" he hiccups letting out quiet but audible sobs. "No don't apologise is the man still here?" I question pulling him into my side, "N-No he sc-scared me" he mumbles as I lean more towards him wiping the tears that had fallen from his eyes.

"I've got you Matt.. I've got you." I whisper planting a kiss to his head.


The end.

Part 2 when Nick comes back?! Ideas PLS if yes.



I hope you enjoyed this one I know it's so short and I'm sorry the next one will be longer hopefully! Again if there are any mistakes feel free to correct me! also if your thinking of writing a book like this I'd say go for it there isn't enough just about the triplets! anyways stay safe and remember I love you.

Goodnight <3


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